Derek Walcott’s colonial schoolhouse bears an interesting relationship to space and place: it is both a Caribbean site, and a site that disavows its locality by valorizing the metropolis and acting as a vital institution in the psychic colonization of the Caribbean peoples. Th e situation of the schoolhouse within the Caribbean landscape, and the presence of the Caribbean body, means that the pedagogical relationship works in two ways, and that the hegemonic/colonial discourses of the schoolhouse are inherently challenged within its walls. While the school was used as a means of colonial subjugation, as a method of privileging the metropolitan centre, and as a way of recreating that centre within the colonies, Walcott’s emphasis on place complicates and ultimately rewrites colonial discourses and practices. While the school attempts to legitimize colonial space, it in fact fosters what Walter Mignolo has termed “border thinking.”, Koloniální škola Dereka Walcotta s sebou nese zajimavý vztah mezi prostorem a místem: je to jak místo v Karibiku, tak i místo, které své locality vzdává tím, že zvyšuje hodnotu metropole a jedná jako nepostradatelná instituce v psychické kolonizaci karibského lidu. Poloha školy v karibské krajině a přítomnost karibského těla znamenají, že pedagogický vztah působí dvěma způsoby a že hegemonické/ koloniální diskursy školy jsou uvnitř jejích zdí z vlastní podstaty zpochybňovány. Přestože škola byla používána jako prostředek koloniálního podmanění, jako metoda pro privilegování metropolitního centra a jako způsob znovuvytváření tohoto centra uvnitř kolonií, Walcottův důraz na místo komplikuje a v konečném důsledku přepisuje koloniální diskursy a praktiky. Zatímco škola usiluje o legitimizaci koloniálního prostoru, ve skutečnosti pěstuje to, co Walter Mignolo nazval “hraničním myšlením”., and Ben Jefferson.
The aim of this study is to explore the sources of attitude constraints regarding the role of government in the economy, and to find out whether the sources of these constraints are the same as in Western democracies. Use is made of Converse’s approach to conceptualize attitude constraint where an individual’s belief system is seen to be a configuration of attitudes and values characterized by a functional interdependence, or constraint. This constraint may be interpreted in terms of the probability of being able to predict one attitude having knowledge of another. In this study, there is a review of the sources of attitude constraint and related measurement issues. Using ISSP 2006 (Role of Government module) an analysis of attitudinal constraints is presented using two attitudinal scales. This research confirms that the sources of attitude constraint in the Czech Republic are similar to those observed in Western Europe and the USA. Specifically, class, education, and other social-demographic variables are shown to have very limited effects. Moreover, Converse’s contention that attitude constraints are strongly determined by political involvement, political knowledge, or party identification is also shown to be valid for Czech society., Lukáš Linek., 1 obrázek, 4 tabulky, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
Mobbing (šikanovanie na pracovisku) označuje dlhodobé hostilné správanie na pracovisku, ktoré vedie k negatívnym dôsledkom pre mobbovaných zamestnancov, pracovný kolektív i organizáciu. Výskum v tejto oblasti bol doposiaľ orientovaný primárne na zisťovanie prevalencie a foriem mobbingu, avšak iba málo pozornosti bolo venovanej otázke, ako sa napadnutí zamestnanci voči mobbingu bránia. Cieľom tejto štúdie je zaplniť túto medzeru a prezentovať prehľad výskumných zistení týkajúcich sa reakcií zamestnancov zasiahnutých mobbingom, a to ako vo forme úsilia mobbing zvládnuť (copingové stratégie) a/lebo mu vzdorovať (stratégie rezistencie). Zároveň autorky v nadväznosti na paradigmatický prístup k mobbingu (Samnani, 2013) ukazujú, že coping a rezistencia sú skúmané v rámci troch odlišných paradigiem: funkcionalistickej, interpretatívnej a postmodernej. Diskutujú teoretické a praktické implikácie koexistencie týchto paradigiem a formulujú odporúčania pre budúci výskum., Workplace bullying refers to long-term hostile behavior at work, with highly negative impact on targeted employees, work collectives, and organizations. To date, workplace bullying research has predominantly examined prevalence and forms of bullying. In contrast, considerably less attention has been paid to the ways in which targeted employees defy bullying at work. The aim of this paper is to address this gap by presenting an overview of research findings regarding strategies used by targeted employees to cope with and/or resist bullying at work. Following the paradigmatic approach in workplace bullying research (Samnani, 2013), the authors also show that coping and resistance have been explored within three different paradigms: functionalist, interpretative, and postmodern. They discuss theoretical and practical implications of the coexistence of these diverse paradigms and offer recommendations for future research., Mária Vitková, Kateřina Zábrodská., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
In this issue, we feature an interview with Phillipe Lebaube, head of the CORDIS Unit of EU’s Publication, for a detailed view on its activities. CORDIS, information space devoted to European research and development and technology transfer, has been in operation for nearly two decades now. and Anna Vosečková.