In 2008, a call to map out the Cartusian Snail’s (Monacha cartusiana) recent distribution in the Czech Republic was published (Živa 2008, 2: 73). Due to the useful help of experts and the general public, the intensive spread of this non-indigenous species was observed and described. In this short report, we discuss inter alia the changes in distribution of several non-native land snails species. and Alena Peltanová, Lucie Juřičková.
Director of Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and world leading climatologist Prof. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber was invited for a lecture in the framework of the conference Where is the energy sector heading to in the context of the climate change that took place at the headquarters of the Czech Academy of Science on September 29, 2015. and Bedřich Moldan.
Fungi (Ascomycota, Basidiomycota) form crystals of various inorganic and organic compounds on their mycelium and fruitbodies. Crystals are formed either when fungal metabolites released into the surrounding environment react with compounds already present and then crystallise, or when the metabolites produced in sufficient quantities crystallise directly at optimal conditions. Both examples were observed in nature and also under labora - tory conditions and show a wide spectra of metabolites produced by fungi. and Ondřej Koukol.
Cuckoos parasitize many rare and inconspicuous host species but avoid other common and conspicuous ones. In this article, results of a study that solved this long-standing ecological conundrum are described. I use this work to illustrate va - rious weaknesses of typical ecological studies (sample size, data representativeness, reification) and give suggestions for a better research practice in the future. and Tomáš Grim.
V tomto článku shrnujeme současné poznání o vztahu permafrostových půd ke klimatickému systému Země. Toto poznání se stále rozšiřuje o další výsledky z mezinárodních programů, na nichž se podílí také čeští vědečtí pracovníci. Zde uvádíme ty, které jsou ve vztahu k předpokládané budoucí změně klimatu zcela zásadní., The article summarizes the current knowledge about the direct relationship between permafrost soils and the Earth´s climatic system. This knowledge is progressively improving thanks to international projects, also with the participation of Czech scientists. Here we present results from these projects, which are crucial with respect to the predicted future climate change., and Petr Čapek, Hana Šantrůčková.
sepsal Ladislav Čelakovský, Obsahuje přívazek: Prodromus květeny české. Díl třetí, obsahující dvouděložné prostoplátečné / sepsal Ladislav Čelakovský, and Converted from MODS 3.5 to DC version 1.8 (EE patch 2015/06/25)
Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of exogenous progesterone on photochemical efficiency of PSII and turnover of D1 protein under heat stress during the grain-filling stage. Heat stress resulted in increases of hydrogen peroxide production, malondialdehyde content, and relative electrolytic leakage in wheat leaves, but these responses were alleviated by foliar application of progesterone. Meanwhile, activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase were significantly improved in progesterone-pretreated leaves. Along with the alleviation of oxidative stress, higher abundances of STN8 and phosphorylated D1 protein and lower total D1 protein content in the PSII reactive center were observed in progesterone-pretreated leaves relative to controls. Consequently, progesterone raised the potential photochemical efficiency, actual photochemical efficiency, and electron transfer rate. These results indicate that foliar application of progesterone can effectively alleviate heat-induced PSII damage by enhancing antioxidant capability and regulating phosphorylation of D1 protein in wheat leaves., R. L. Xue, S. Q. Wang, H. L. Xu, P. J. Zhang, H. Li, H. J. Zhao., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
podává Norbert Hajnovský., Přívazek zahrnuje pouze I. část celého svazku: Seznam rostlin jevnosnubných v nejbližším okolí mladoboleslavském samorostlých i obecněji pěstovaných, and Přívazek k : Biologické listy: 4-5 (1915-1916)
Klasifikace eukaryot měla v historii mnoho podob, které vždy odrážely soudobý stav poznání. Článek představuje hlavní etapy a milníky jejího vývoje, včetně aktuálního konceptu eukaryotických superskupin. S ohledem na význam článku jsou diskutovány možnosti jeho začlenění do výuky biologie na středních školách., Historically, there were several classification schemes of eukaryotes, always reflecting the contemporary state of knowledge. The article presents the major stages and milestones in its development, including the current concept of eukaryotic supergroups. Considering its significance, the possible implementation of this approach in secondary school biology courses is discussed., and Tomáš Macháček, Kateřina Mikešová, Libuše Turjanicová, Vladimír Hampl.