Recent trends in health care provision, targeted by social science researchers employing concepts such as deprofessionalization, routinisation, proletarisation or commercialisation, also provide insight into the current situation in the Czech healthcare system. This article contributes to debates in, and about, Czech medicine. This paper presents results from a survey of physicians conducted in late 2012. Within this survey, medical doctors expressed their opinions about the general situation in Czech medicine. Czech doctors were also asked about their opinions about the introduction of potential changes in reproductive medicine practice relating to childbirth outside hospitals, accessibility to assisted reproduction for single women, performing caesarean sections upon request. Doctors’ attitudes towards medical manipulation of DNA and embryos were also examined. The survey results presented in this study suggest that there are deep gaps in the attitudes of Czech doctors depending on their working environment. The empirical results do not support an image of homogeneity in doctors’ medical opinions. Czech physicians’ attitudes are shown to correlate with some socio-demographic characteristics such as sex category, age or religion. The attitudes of some doctors toward assisted reproduction techniques or changes in obstetric practices are supportive of demands for change made by some patients. Physician support for change of the practices under question is more evident in medical specialisations such as gynaecology and obstetrics than in other areas of Czech medicine. Answers to open-ended questions that examined perception of the most serious problems in modern medicine were dominated by specific issues arising from experience with patients and broader concerns regarding the Czech healthcare system., Lenka Slepičková a Iva Šmídová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This article focuses on a comparison of attitudes towards migration in twenty European countries. It analyses data from the European Social Survey 2002. The first part of the article contains a summary of the available sources of data on migration and a brief outline of developments and the current state of migration in Europe. The second part looks at the question of whether attitudes towards immigrants are related to the numbers and structure of immigrants in a country and their economic situation. Three thematic areas are examined: 1) the host population's willingness to accept immigrants; 2) perceptions of the impact of immigration on the host country; 3) attitudes towards different forms of integration of immigrants. The findings indicate that Europeans are more willing to accept migrants that are of the same race (ethnic group) and from Europe than they are migrants of a different race (ethnic group) and from states outside Europe. The strongest unwillingness to accept people from other states and the strongest emphasis on the negative impact of immigration was observed in Greece and Hungary, while the strongest willingness to accept immigrants was found in Sweden and Switzerland and was connected with a more positive perception of the impact of immigration.
Tento článek používá empirická data při evaluaci postojů českých mluvčích k lexikálním výpůjčkám, převzatých z celonárodního průzkumu, který byl proveden v listopadu roku 2005 v Centru pro výzkum veřejného mínění – Sociologický ústav AV ČR.1 Tento výzkum (dále jen „Postoje“), který spojuje synchronní a diachronní úhel pohledu, představuje první větší studii svého typu v návaznosti na Tejnora z října 1970.2 Autor srovnává své závěry nejen se zjištěními Tejnorovými, ale i s celou řadou novějších dat, zahrnující výsledky z vlastního dotazníku distribuovaného v malém měřítku v červnu-červenci 2005, a dalších dvou úzce zaměřených prací Jiřího Krause [1995] a Silke Gesterové [2000].3 V textu jsou odlišeny dva hlavní parametry: názory na jazykové prostředky a hodnocení toho, jak jich mluvčí užívá. Bohužel, není v mezích této studie upřesnit realitu úzu těchto prostředků mluvčím, ale Český národní korpus potvrzuje, že níže uvedená převzatá slova jako celek tvoří důležitou část dnešní slovní zásoby., This article uses empirical data to evaluate Czech perceptions of lexical borrowing, based on a nationwide poll conducted in November 2005 by the Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The survey combines synchronic and diachronic perspectives, and is the first major study of its kind since Tejnor, October 1970. It broadly concludes that most Czechs accept functionally necessary loanwords, but feel that their language contains a surfeit of peripheral foreign terms, which are used too frequently and somewhat inappropriately. Resistance to lexical innovation from other languages is especially strong amongst the elderly (particularly men) and the less well educated., and Tom Dickins.
Cíle studie. Výzkum se zaměřuje na zjištění souvislostí mezi rozvodovými postoji, vybranými vlastnostmi rodičovského konfliktu, vnímanou kvalitou vztahu k otci a rodičovskou kooperací. Cílem bylo také zjistit, jak se liší rozvodové postoje mladých dospělých z rozvedených a úplných rodin. Soubor a postup výzkumu. Výzkumu se účastnilo 497 vysokoškoláků (z toho 315 žen) ve věku od 20 do 30 let. 68,6 % tvořili respondenti z úplných rodin, 28,6 % z rozvedených rodin a 2,8 % respondentů uvedlo jinou možnost. Všem byly administrovány dotazníky IPPA, CPIC, CBQ a dotazník zjišťující rozvodový postoj. Hypotézy. Předpokládalo se, že rodičovský konflikt a vztah k otci jsou významnějšími prediktory rozvodového postoje než zážitek rozvodu rodičů a že při kontrole těchto proměnných nebudou mít lidé z rozvedených rodin pozitivnější postoj k rozvodu. Statistické analýzy. Předpoklady byly ověřovány pomocí lineární a hierarchické regrese a t-testů. Výsledky. Byl podpořen předpoklad, že vztah k otci predikuje rozvodový postoj a to společně se zážitkem rozvodu. Kooperace mezi rodiči se ukázala jako významný prvek, který predikuje kvalitu vztahu k otci posuzovanou mladými dospělými a mediuje souvislost mezi rodičovským konfliktem a rozvodovým postojem. Lidé z rozvedených rodin projevili pozitivnější postoje k rozvodu než lidé z rodin úplných. Omezení studie. Největší limity studie představuje lavinový výběr výzkumného souboru a použití metod, jež nebyly standardizovány pro české mladé dospělé., Objectives. The research focuses on the relationship between attitudes toward divorce, perceived parental conflict, father-child relationship quality and parental cooperation. The aim of the study was also to find out whether there is a difference between young adults, divorce attitudes from intact and divorce families. Sample and setting. Research sample included 497 undergraduates (including 315 women) at the age between 20 and 30. 68,6% of sample was from intact families, 28,6% from divorced families and 2,8% reported different option. All respondents were tested using the IPPA, CPIC, CBQ and attitude toward divorce questionnaire. Hypotheses. Parental conflict and quality of father-child relationship were expected to predict divorce attitudes more likely than the experience of parental divorce itself. It was also expected that young adults from divorced families don’t have more positive divorce attitude compared to young adults from intact families. Statistical analysis. The hypotheses were tested using linear and hierarchical regressions and t-tests. Results. The quality of father-child relationship and experience of parental divorce were found to predict young adults, divorce attitudes. The parental cooperation was found to predict quality of father-child relationship perceived by young adults and to mediate a relationship between parental conflict and divorce attitudes. Young adults from divorced families had more positive attitudes toward divorce than young adults from intact families. Study limitation. Snowball selection of respondents and the use of nonstandardized methods for Czech young adults represent the limits of the study., Eliška Horská, Lenka Lacinová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This paper examines the variation in personal values and attitudes towards family and marriage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Czech and Slovak societies have been characterized by an intensive transformation process since 1989. The political and economic transformation was followed by intensive demographic changes (some even talk about a second demographic transition) that was similar in both societies. Here it is assumed that values are independent variables that have an impact on behaviour, and it is argued that demographic changes have been brought about by changes in values and attitudes concerning the family, marriage and children. Therefore, this article examines if the trends in value observed between 1991 and 2008 were accompanied by similar demographic changes. Data from three waves of the European Value Study (EVS) are used together with official vital demographic statistics., Ladislav Rabušic, Beatrice Chromková Manea., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The objective of this prospective double-blind study was to determine whether postoperative residual paralysis (PORP) after pancuronium or vecuronium results in hypoxemia and hypercapnia in the immediate admission period to the recovery ward. Eighty-three consecutive surgical patients received balanced or intravenous anesthesia with pancuronium for operations lasting longer than one hour or vecuronium for those lasting less than 60 min, both combined with neostigmine at the end of anesthesia. Standard clinical criteria assessed neuromuscular function intraoperatively. Postoperatively, we determined neuromuscular function (acceleromyography with supramaximal train-of-four (TOF) stimulation of the ulnar nerve, and a 5-s head lift) and pulmonary function (pulse oximetry: SpO2, and blood gas analysis: SaO2, PaCO2). We defined PORP as a TOF-ratio 70 %, hypoxemia as a postoperative SpO2³ 5 % below the pre-anesthestic level together with a postoperative SaO293 %, and hypercapnia as a PaCO2³ 46 mm Hg. Among the 49 pancuronium and 27 vecuronium patients studied, the PORP rates were 20 % in the pancuronium group and 7 % in the vecuronium group (p>0.05). Hypoxemia and hypercapnia occurred more often in pancuronium patients with PORP than in those without PORP namely 60 % vs. 10% (p<0.05) and 30 % vs. 8 % (p>0.05), respectively. We conclude that PORP after pancuronium is a significant risk factor for hypoxemia., U. Bissinger, F. Schimek, G. Lenz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Z příspěvků spolupracovníků Zvířeny uspoř. redaktor A. Král ; [Přisp. Ed. Babák, Boh. Bauše, Č. Novotný, Jindř. Voráček], S původ. obr., and Converted from MODS to DC version 1.8 (EE patch 2018/05/24)
This paper presents a detailed analysis of the development of the postal network in the territory of Moravia during the period of its most significant expansion, based on hitherto largely unused archival material, chiefly from the Postal Museum in Prague and the Moravian Archive in Brno. Using these key sources, chronological lists were reconstructed of postmasters in each post office, allowing us to determine the exact period in which each official served. This data on periods of service made it possible to compile a list of the postal routes set up by individual offices in the period under consideration and trace changes that occurred due to military conflict or for logistical reasons. Attention was also given to the hitherto neglected network of letter collection points in Moravia, which grew rapidly towards the end of the 18th century. The study represents a paradigm shift in research into the Moravian postal network. Besides already known postal routes, we also reconstructed routes whose existence had only been deduced from the records of one or two stations, and others that had escaped the attention of researchers altogether. With regard to letter collection points, the study considers the issue of which "mother" stations they were attached to. More generally, the study deepens our knowledge of the structure of the communications network in Moravia in the second half of the 18th century and provides a more precise picture of how it was connected with centres beyond the country’s borders. These results will provide potential future researchers into the Moravian postal service with a solid factual platform in which to anchor and contextualize their findings on specific post offices, stations or entire routes. The study can thus be seen as a contribution to economic and social history, as well as to that of communications., Vojtěch Klíma., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy