Little is known about the effect of chronic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on the catecholamine levels in fowls. In this study, we investigated the effects of chronic lisinopri1 dihydrate (Ld) application on the plasma levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline and on the blood pressure. Lisinopril was given in different concentrations (25, 75 and 250 mg/l drinking water) to the white Leghorn chickens for 9 weeks, while the control group drank tap water only. Twenty-eight hours after the last lisinopril application, arterial blood pressure (BP), plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline levels, plasma renin (PRA) and plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activities were determined. In all concentrations, lisinopril significantly increased PRA and decreased ACE activities. Arterial BP was decreased only in the group receiving high lisinopril concentration (Controls 119±10.27, Ld3 98±5.4 mm Hg). However, the lower lisinopril concentrations did not alter arterial BP compared to the control group. Plasma noradrenaline levels were decreased in a concentration-dependent manner (47-58 %), but plasma adrenaline levels remained unchanged. The heart weight/body weight ratio was not changed in any of the lisinopril-treated groups. The persistent decrease in the blood pressure after lisinopril treatment was not directly related to a decrease of plasma ACE activity or plasma noradrenaline levels. Its mechanism still remains to be elucidated., H. S. Ozdemir, H. E. Aksulu, F. Karataş, B. Ustündag, I. Bingöl., and Obsahuje bibliografii
It has been suggested that thiazolidinediones (TZDs) ameliorate insulin resistance in muscle tissue by suppressing muscle lipid storage and the activity of novel protein kinase C (nPKC) isoforms. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed long-term metabolic effects of pioglitazone and the activation of nPKC-ε and -θ isoforms in an animal model of the metabolic syndrome, the spontaneously hypertensive rat (a congenic SHR strain with wild type Cd36 gene) fed a diet with 60 % sucrose from the age of 4 to 8 months. Compared to untreated controls, pioglitazone treatment was associated with significantly increased basal (809±36 vs 527±47 nmol glucose/g/2h, P<0.005) and insulinstimulated glycogenesis (1321±62 vs 749±60 nmol glucose/g/2h, P<0.0001) in isolated gastrocnemius muscles despite increased concentrations of muscle triglycerides (3.83±0.33 vs 2.25±0.12 μmol/g, P<0.005). Pioglitazone-treated rats exhibited significantly increased membrane/total (cytosolic plus membrane) ratio of both PKC-ε and PKC-θ isoforms compared to untreated controls. These results suggest that amelioration of insulin resistance after long-term pioglitazone treatment is associated with increased activation of PKC-ε and -θ isoforms in spite of increased lipid concentration in skeletal muscles., I. Marková ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
In the article the results of repeated satellite positional measurements of station VYHL of the Sněžník Network over period 1994-2006 are presented. Altogether 17 Brno University of Technology measuring campaigns were carried out and evaluated. The observation data (acquired mostly with Leica GPS receivers) were processed with the scientific Bernese GPS Software and the commercial Leica SKI-Pro software packets. Unified procedure for campaign data processing including the alignement of the resulting positions to respective EUREF Permanent Network weekly solutions had been adopted. Only the stability in horizontal direction was analysed. Positional stability of the VYHL station was considered in respect to the surrounding IGS, EPN, and local stations which were used for a local reference frame definitions, at three different levels. First level information was obtained from relations to surrounding stations of the Sněžník Network in distances up to 10 km, second level represent the relations to nearest EPN stations in distances about 100 km, and finally third level represent the relations to surrounding IGS Network stations in distances about 300 - 400 km. Another approach to VYHL stability assessment was the an alysis of slope distances time series from VYHL to neighbouring GPS stations. Outlined are also possibilities of exploitation of the recently completed CZEPOS Network., Otakar Švábenský and Josef Weigel., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
In this paper, results from the long-term monitoring of two deep-seated slope deformations are presented. These deformations are considered typical of the types of landslide that occur in the high mountains of the Western Carpathians. The localities are situated in similar geological settings and this has enabled direct comparison of their development over the past 30 years. The monitoring has been undertaken using the extensometric gauges, TM71. At the Parohy Site, results from the scarp area show a significant vertical displacement trend of 0.07 mm per year. At the Štrochy Site, results from the crown area show a horizontal crack opening trend of 0.015 mm per year. Monitoring is ongoing at both sites., Miloš Briestenský, Blahoslav Košťák, Josef Stemberk and Jozef Vozár., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The static analyses and assessment of the technical condition of historical buildings in the Prague Castle Area are based on observational methods to gather the basic information about the behaviour of structures. The monitoring involves a combination of different methods of surveying, crack, inclination and temperature measurements together with the monitoring of dynamic effects of traffic and nearby tunnelling activities. These methods were enhanced by line-wise measurements using a high-precision sliding micrometer and inclinometer to assess the role of subsoil and to discover potential very slow slope movements in inclined parts of the area. The problems connected with long-term stability of historical buildings are further studied with the use of static analyses and numerical models of selected buildings in the area., Jaromír Procházka, Jan Záleský, Tomáš Jiřikovský and Jan Salák., and Obsahuje bibliografii
a1_Cíle. Zjistit: 1. Jak učitelé hodnotí v průběhu sedmi let (od 8 do 15 let) vybrané schopnosti svých žáků s dyslexií a bez dyslexie, 2. Jaký vliv na hodnocení výkonu těchto žáků má délka praxe učitelů a jejich pohlaví, 3. Zda existují rozdíly v tom, jak učitelé hodnotí vliv vybraných faktorů (schopnosti žáků, jejich úsilí, přesvědčení o vlastním úspěchu, obtížnost úkolů, náhoda) na školní výkon žáků s dyslexií a bez dyslexie. Soubor. Výzkumný soubor zahrnoval děti zapojené do longitudinální studie ELSPAC (zahájené v 1991/2). Data byla vybrána z dotazníku pro učitele, který byl použit pro hodnocení respondentů v jejich věku 8, 11, 13 a 15 let, a to vždy v následujících oblastech: čtenářské schopnosti, literární schopnosti, vyjadřovací schopnosti, matematické schopnosti, obecné znalosti, výtvarné schopnosti, hudební schopnosti, pohybové schopnosti, manuální zručnost. Ze souboru 2 859 dětí zahrnutých do studie ELSPAC byly vybrány ty děti, které měly podle informací učitelů v PPP potvrzenou dg. dyslexie v 11 a současně v 15 letech (N = 81). Kontrolní skupinou byly děti, které dle hodnocení učitelů neměly žádnou poruchu učení ani žádný jiný problém, který by mohl výrazně ovlivňovat jejich učení (N = 405). Statistické analýzy. Pomocí Kruskal-Wallisova testu byla ověřována významnost rozdílů mezi průměrnými hodnotami hodnocení jednotlivých schopností žáků s dg. dyslexie a žáků bez dg. dyslexie. ANOVA s opakovanými měřeními, resp. MANOVA sloužily k ověření vlivu dg. dyslexie/nepřítomnost dyslexie na jednotlivé sledované schopnosti žáků, interakčního účinku obou proměnných a vlivu časového faktoru. Vliv délky praxe učitele a jeho pohlaví na hodnocení jednotlivých schopností žáků byl pro jednotlivé věky vyšetření ověřován dvoufaktorovými ANOVA 2x2., a2_Pomocí Cramerova V byly ověřovány i rozdíly v rozložení četností odpovědí týkajících se posouzení vybraných možných příčin školního výkonu žáků s dg. dyslexie a bez dg. dyslexie pro jednotlivé věky hodnocení. Výsledky. Učitelé hodnotí školní výkon žáků s dyslexií ve všech sledovaných oblastech i v průběhu let statisticky významně hůře, než je tomu u dětí bez této diagnózy. K výraznějšímu zhoršení hodnocení většiny hodnocených schopností dochází u všech žáků v období kolem 13 let. U čtenářských a pohybových dovedností bylo zjištěno odlišné hodnocení v obou skupinách dětí v průběhu času. Zatímco u dyslektiků se hodnocení v čase zhoršovalo nebo zůstalo na stejné úrovni, u dětí bez dyslexie nastalo v hodnocení obou druhů schopností v některých letech zlepšení. Učitelé dále odlišně hodnotí možnost ovlivnění školního výkonu u sledovaných skupin. Předpokládají, že děti bez dyslexie mohou Výzkumné studie / 241 ovlivnit svůj výkon mnohem více než děti s dyslexií, především zvýšenou snahou a úsilím. Limity. Studie ELSPAC je založena na datech o dětech a jejich rodičích s trvalým bydlištěm v Jihomoravském kraji, konkrétně ve dvou vybraných městech (Brno, Znojmo), a nepokrývá tedy rovnoměrně všechny regiony, ani školy v kraji. Učitelova hodnocení jsou subjektivní a nebyla konfrontována s žádnými objektivními měřítky. První sběr dat byl započat před více než dvaceti lety, tedy v době, kdy nebyla problematika poruch učení ještě tolik veřejně popularizována, ani legislativně zakotvena tak, jak je tomu dnes., b1_Goals. To assess: 1. How teachers evaluate in the course of seven years (from 8 to 15) the selected abilities of their pupils with dyslexia and without dyslexia; 2. What is the influence of duration of teachers’ practice and their sex on evaluation of achievement of these pupils; 3. If there are any differences in teachers’ evaluation of influence of selected factors on school achievement in pupils with dyslexia and without dyslexia. Sample. The sample comprised children involved in the ELSPAC study. The data were chosen from the questionnaire for teachers, which was used for evaluation of respondents in their age 8, 11, 13 and 15 years. From the sample of 2 859 children comprised into the ELSPAC study the children were chosen who were - according to the information of teachers - diagnosed as dyslectic in 11 as well as in 15 years (N=81). Children with no learning disability or any else problem enabling to influence considerably their learning (N=405) formed the control group. Statistical analysis. The significance of differences between mean values of evaluation of particular abilities of pupils with dyslexia diagnosis and without dyslexia diagnosis was verified by Kruskal-Wallis test. ANOVA with repeated measurement, respectively MANOVA were used for verification of influence of dyslexia diagnosis on particular monitored abilities of pupils, the interactive effect of both variables, and the influence of time factor. The impact of duration of teachers’ practice and their sex on evaluation of particular abilities of pupils for particular examination ages was tested by twoways ANOVA. The differences in distribution of frequencies of answers concerning assessment of selected possible causes of school achievement of pupils with and without dyslexia diagnosis for particular examination ages were tested by Cramer´s V. Results., b2_The teachers evaluate the school achievement of pupils with dyslexia in all monitored domains and in all ages statistically significantly worse than in pupils without this diagnosis. The considerable worsening of evaluation of majority of evaluated abilities appears in all pupils in the period around 13 years. Different evaluation was found in compared groups during the time in reading and motor skills. While in dyslectics the evaluation was worsening in time or stayed at the same level, in children without dyslexia the evaluation of both skills was bettering in some years. Teachers also evaluate differently the possibility of influencing the school achievement in monitored groups. They suppose that children without dyslexia can influence their achievement much more than children with dyslexia, first of all by increased effort and endeavor. Limits of the study. The ELSPAC study is based on data from South-Moravian region, and thus is not covering either all the regions, or all schools in the region. The teachers evaluations are subjective and were not confronted with any objective measures. The first data collection was started more than twenty years ago., Šárka Portešová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Los Comanches and other cultural manifestations of the genízaro (mixed Spanish-Indian) culture of New Mexico is widely recognized and belittled as a mere hybrid of the „authentic" Spanish, Puebloan and Plains Indian cultures. The politicization of identity in contemporary America promotes traditionalist revitalization movements and the genízaros seem to be caught between a rock and a hard plače, not accepted by either of the politically well established ethnicities of New Mexico. They are denied authenticity and consequently are also denied access to funds which have become available for groups that have made successful ethnic claims and achieved state recognition. In spite of this difficult situation, the genízaro culture continues to live, representing a very unique cultural complex. The case of the genízaros of New Mexico may help us better understand the politics of (self-)identification and the process of ethnogenesis as a response to material and political opportunities created by a state reluctant to endorse a common national culture.
An intriguing element of the Pueblo and Hispanic villages of New Mexico is the Matachines Dance. It is performed on different, mostly religious occasions and requires a great personal and financial commitment on the part of the participants. Where the dance tradition disappeared in the past, it is being revived in the present, and where it continues to be danced in an uninterrupted tradition, it is becoming ever more costly and exuberant. The dance draws on European Middle-Age dance dramas, but it is heavy with indigenous layers of meaning. On face value, its key protagonists - Montezuma, Malinche, Abuelos, Montezuma’s entourage and the Bull - reenact the victory of Christianity in the New World. That is the meaning the dance has for the Hispanic villages, in addition to a number of place- and time-specific meanings. While seemingly identical, the dance often carries a different set of meanings in the Pueblos, symbolizing the banishment of foreign elements and the restoration of indigenous rule. In both the Pueblo and Hispanic villages, aside from the religious and mythical significance, the dance serves to delineate and reinforce ethnic boundaries while promoting a sense of community and solidarity. The Matachines Dance thus serves as a fascinating and paradoxical example of a shared cultural praxis which reinforces perceived cultural difference.