The aim of the project is to study, develop and apply processes, methods and tools enabling the creation of an infrastructure and conditions for implementation of the Czech Mathematical Digital Library which will comprise a relevant part of the mathematical literature published in the Czech Republic and for its integration into the World Mathematical Digital Library (WMDL). The project includes the beginning of the digitization process, provision of the end users with an access to the digital staff, investigation of advanced technologies for search in mathematical documents and integration of born-digital documents.
Tento příspěvek je hrstkou poznámek a otázek, vztahujícících se k nekonečnu v matematice. Není v něm řeč o nekonečnech, jak je potkává fyzik (nekonečnost vesmíru, singularity, obecné teorie relativity, divergence v kvantové teorii polí atd.), ale o nekonečnech zaváděných v matematice. Množné číslo je na místě, matematika totiž zná nekonečen mnoho; na vkus fyzika asi až příliš mnoho. Příspěvek není matematickým textem, neusiluje o exaktní matematické formulace, je toliko pohledem uživatele matematiky., Josef Jelen., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The sustainable ecology belongs to the most important issues today. In this field a use of recycled materials is of great interest to people. Consequently, incorporation of industrial waste, concrete and brick scraps and other rubbish into products for civil engineering use is very important. Certain results from experiments carried out in laboratory on standard samples are emerged in this paper. Since the material is not yet enough approved, three main targets are addressed. The first involves the behaviour of fiber reinforced concrete based on aggregates from various recycled material. Then the influence of distance among two or more fibers is observed. For completeness the results from shear tests are presented in the end of this paper., Jiřina Trčková and Petr Procházka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The newest generation of nuclear reactors (GEN IV) with a planned outlet temperature up to 500°C or even higher, require materials with higher radiation and thermal resistant than those used in current reactors. Some also require high corrosion resistance in different cooling media such as supercritical water, molten salt, etc. Research and development of materials for construction have run alongside the development of the reactors, however the final decision about the material for some components is still missing. This paper gives an overview of the most perspective materials for the GEN IV reactors., Jana Veterníková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Ve druhé polovině 20. století nastává obrovský rozvoj aplikované optiky. K tomuto rozvoji významně přispělo objevení laseru. První laser byl sestrojen v roce 1960 a během následujících desetiletí byly postupně k dispozici lasery s vlnovými délkami v celém rozsahu od infračervené po ultrafialovou oblast. Dostupnost vysoce výkonných zdrojů koherentního záření umožnila objevy mnoha efektů, které byly při použití klasických zdrojů světla zcela nepozorovatelné. Jednou z oblastí, která zaznamenala po objevu laseru bouřlivý rozvoj, je nelineární optika. V tomto příspěvku se věnujeme problematice generování druhé harmonické frekvence z pohledu materiálového výzkumu, který se zabývá přípravou nových materiálů s cíleně laděnými vlastnostmi., Non-linear optics has become rapidly rising field in physics and materials science. The fast development of this branch of optics has started in 1960 with design of first laser. Actual interest in materials for second harmonic generation is mainly motivated by rapidly growing area of their technical applications. In this article we have reviewed basics physical principles concerning non-linear optics, categories and particular examples of materials for second harmonic generation, and finally methods used for characterization of non-linear optical properties., Irena Matulková, Ivan Němec, Petr Němec., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Vývoj fotónových kryštálov ukázal, že niektoré umelé kompozity môžu mať v určitom intervale frekvencií zápornú efektívnu permitivitu aj magnetickú permeabilitu. V článku diskutujem niektoré elektromagnetické vlastnosti takýchto materiálov: záporný index lomu, zosilnenie evanescentných vĺn, a ich využitie pri konštrukcii šošovky s nulovou zobrazovacou chybou (perfect lens)., Peter Markoš., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The aim of our study was to evaluate possible effect of ABCB1, and OPRM1 polymorphisms on the efficacy and safety of remifentanil in women undergoing elective cesarean section under general anesthesia. Women received remifentanil (1 μg/kg i.v.) 30 s prior to the induction to standardized general anesthesia. The ABCB1 (rs2032582, rs1045642) and OPRM1 (rs1799971) polymorphisms were analyzed from maternal peripheral blood. The basal hemodynamic and demographic parameters in the study population (n=54) were similar in all the subgroups. The median ± SD increase of systolic blood pressure at 5 min from the baseline was practically completely abolished in homozygous carriers of ABCB1 variants in comparison with wildtype subjects -2.67±25.0 vs. 16.57±15.7 mm Hg, p<0.05 for rs2032582, and 2.00±23.9 vs. 22.13±16.8 mm Hg, p<0.05, for rs1045642, respectively. While no neonate belonging to ABCB1 wild-type homozygous or OPRM1 variant carrying mothers needed any resuscitative measure, 10.5 % of the neonates belonging to OPRM1 wild-type homozygous mothers received resuscitative support similarly as 11.1 %, and 12.5 % of neonates of mothers carrying variants of rs2032582, and rs1045642, respectively. Decreased stabilizing effects of remifentanil on maternal hemodynamics has been observed in ABCB1 wild type mothers, while the adaptation of the neonates was clinically worse in OPRM1 wild type, and ABCB1 variant allele carriers., H. Bakhouche, P. Noskova, S. Svetlik, O. Bartosova, J. Ulrichova, J. Kubatova, P. Marusicova, A. Parizek, J. Blaha, O. Slanar., and Obsahuje bibliografii