The world's largest trade fair CONTROL 2018 for measurement and control technology was traditionally held on 22 - 27 April 2018 in Stuttgart, a city closely linked to the German automotive industry. The fair of steady rising extent and quality level was attended by more than 900 exhibitors from 32 countries. and Největší světový veletrh měřicí techniky a řízení jakosti CONTROL se koná tradičně ve Stuttgartu - městě úzce spjatém s německým automobilovým průmyslem. Letos se uskutečnil ve dnech 23.-27. 4. 2018 jeho 32. ročník. Zúčastnilo se ho přes 900 vystavovatelů z 32 zemí. Rozsah i úroveň veletrhu mají trvale vzestupnou tendenci.
The aim of this study is to explore the sources of attitude constraints regarding the role of government in the economy, and to find out whether the sources of these constraints are the same as in Western democracies. Use is made of Converse’s approach to conceptualize attitude constraint where an individual’s belief system is seen to be a configuration of attitudes and values characterized by a functional interdependence, or constraint. This constraint may be interpreted in terms of the probability of being able to predict one attitude having knowledge of another. In this study, there is a review of the sources of attitude constraint and related measurement issues. Using ISSP 2006 (Role of Government module) an analysis of attitudinal constraints is presented using two attitudinal scales. This research confirms that the sources of attitude constraint in the Czech Republic are similar to those observed in Western Europe and the USA. Specifically, class, education, and other social-demographic variables are shown to have very limited effects. Moreover, Converse’s contention that attitude constraints are strongly determined by political involvement, political knowledge, or party identification is also shown to be valid for Czech society., Lukáš Linek., 1 obrázek, 4 tabulky, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
In this issue, we feature an interview with Phillipe Lebaube, head of the CORDIS Unit of EU’s Publication, for a detailed view on its activities. CORDIS, information space devoted to European research and development and technology transfer, has been in operation for nearly two decades now. and Anna Vosečková.