A soil moisture content map is important for providing information about the distribution of moisture in a given area. Moisture content directly influences agricultural yield thus it is crucial to have accurate and reliable information about moisture distribution and content in the field. Since soil is a porous medium modified generalized Archie’s equation provides the basic formula to calculate moisture content data based on measured ECa. In this study we aimed to find a more accurate and cost effective method for measuring moisture content than manual field sampling. Locations of 25 sampling points were chosen from our research field as a reference. We assumed that soil moisture content could be calculated by measuring apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) using the Veris-3100 on-the-go soil mapping tool. Statistical analysis was carried out on the 10.791 ECa raw data in order to filter the outliers. The applied statistical method was ±1.5 interquartile (IRQ) distance approach. The visualization of soil moisture distribution within the experimental field was carried out by means of ArcGIS/ArcMAP using the inverse distance weighting interpolation method. In the investigated 25 sampling points, coefficient of determination between calculated volumetric moisture content data and measured ECa was R2 = 0.87. According to our results, volumetric moisture content can be mapped by applying ECa measurements in these particular soil types.
Contortionist (1931) was one of the earliest oils created by the painter František Tichý during his five years in Paris. The painter returned to this subject matter in further works that reached their peak in paintings made in 1945. For Tichý, the Parisian period was a time of reassessment of his own style as a painter and the development of a highly individual technique based on Seurat-esque postimpressionism. Past interpreters of Tichý's works have already commented on certain elements of tension and ambivalence in his brushwork, enhanced by a particular treatment of light and building of space. Similar aspects are conveyed in the choice of subjects, including the contortionist. This article draws attention to historical examples of treatments of the contortionist figure and to links with the Devětsil movement, which shared with Tichý a strong fascination with circus. The article likewise shows that Tichý's contortionist figure is indebted to a bizarre drawing of two copulating homosexuals, its subversive quality further emphasised by scatological themes. Since Tichý produced other versions of the contortionist theme that allude to the act of excretion, this figure may be understood as a representative of the grotesque body as defined by Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin. Tichý's work thus corresponds in certain points with the art of Jindřich Štyrský and the Surrealists, who were likewise attracted to scatological themes and also with the work of satirical draughtsmen and caricaturists, with a longer tradition of scatological subjects reaching back to the 16th century. Examples of period reviews demonstrate that Tichý's paintings were rich in associative meanings, akin to the perception of Surrealist works and the Surrealist discovery of concrete irrationality. Tichý's works oscillated between social critique in terms of subject matter, a personally engaged self-stylisation and a certain subversiveness that disrupted the conventional meanings of the individual themes. and Jedno z prvních pláten, která vytvořil František Tichý během svého pětiletého pobytu v Paříži, byl olej Hadí muž (1931). Tomuto motivu se malíř věnoval i v dalších pracích, vrcholících obrazy z roku 1945. Pařížské období znamenalo pro Tichého přehodnocení jeho malířského rukopisu a nalezení osobité techniky, vycházející ze seuratovského postimpresionismu. Již předešlí interpreti Tichého tvorby odhalili v jeho štětcové technice prvky napětí a ambivalence, podpořené specifickým zacházením se světlem a budováním prostoru. Tyto momenty se přenášejí i do obsahu ztvárňovaných námětů včetně hadího muže. Článek poukazuje na historické příklady zachycení této figury a na spojitosti s hnutím Devětsil, v němž hrála stejně jako u Tichého významnou roli inspirace cirkusem. Současně dokládá, že pro genezi Tichého hadího muže byla podstatná bizarní kresba dvou souložících homosexuálů, jejíž podvratnost byla ještě zvýrazněna skatologickou tematikou. Jelikož některé další Tichého postavy hadího muže odkazují k aktu exkrece, můžeme tuto figuru chápat jako reprezentanta groteskního těla, jak ho definoval Michail Michajlovič Bachtin. Tichý se tak v určitých bodech stýkal s tvorbou Jindřicha Štyrského a surrealistů, kteří byli skatologickými motivy rovněž přitahováni. Podobně tomu bylo také u satirických kreslířů a karikaturistů, kde však měla skatologická tematika delší tradici, sahající do 16. století. Příklady dobové recepce dokládají, že Tichého obrazy navozovaly asociativní významy, nikoli nepodobné vnímání surrealistické tvorby a surrealistickému objevování konkrétní iracionality. Tichého plátna oscilovala mezi sociálně-kritickým obsahem, osobně angažovanou autostylizací a určitou podvratností, narušující konvenční význam jednotlivých motivů.
Clays (2005) and the Handbook of Clay Science (2006) are new textbooks. Clays, written by Alain Meunier, is for those studying earth sciences. The Handbook of Clay Science, edited by Faїza Bergaya, Benny Theng and Gerhard Lagaly, is concerned particularly with the industrial application of clay mineral science. Both books ar e timely and could fill important gaps in the library of mineral science. Their quality as textbooks is discussed. Critical an alysis of editorial accuracy, indexes and user-friendliness indic ate that both books fall short of the high standards that should be the hallmark of academic publication. Their shortcomings seem to be related to widespread problems that may beset commercial publica tion of scientific books., Christopher V. Jeans., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
We compared the responses of wild type (WT) and three mutants including npq1 (lutein-replete and violaxanthin deepoxidase-deficient), lut2 (lutein-deficient), and lut2-npq1 (double mutant) to high irradiance (HI, 2 000 μmol m-2 s-1) at both low (LT, 5 °C) and room (25 °C) temperature. Xanthophyll-dependent energy dissipation was highest in the WT, followed by the lut2, npq1, and npq1-lut2. At 25 °C the relative stress tolerance expressed by Fv/Fm was consistent with the energy dissipation capacity for the first 2 h of treatment. After 3-4 h, the Fv/Fm levels in lut2 and npq1 converged. Under combined LT and HI the relative tolerance sequence was in contrast to the energy dissipation capacity being WT > npq1> lut2 > lut2-npq1. There were little or no significant change in the contents of xanthophylls and carotenes or the chlorophyll (Chl) a/b ratio in any of the materials. Thus lutein (L) substitution possibly alters the conformation/organisation of L binding proteins to enhance damage susceptibility under HI at LT. The enhanced vulnerability is not compensated for the energy dissipation capacity in the lut2 background at LT. and Chang-Lian Peng, A. M. Gilmore.
Leaves developed at high irradiance (I) often have higher photosynthetic capacity than those developed at low I, while leaves developed at elevated CO2 concentration [CO2] often have reduced photosynthetic capacity compared with leaves developed at lower [CO2]. Because both high I and elevated [CO2] stimulate photosynthesis of developing leaves, their contrasting effects on photosynthetic capacity at maturity suggest that the extra photosynthate may be utilized differently depending on whether I or [CO2] stimulates photosynthesis. These experiments were designed to test whether relationships between photosynthetic income and the net accumulation of soluble protein in developing leaves, or relationships between soluble protein and photosynthetic capacity at full expansion differed depending on whether I or [CO2] was varied during leaf development. Soybean plants were grown initially with a photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of 950 µmol m-2 s-1 and 350 µmol [CO2] mol-1, then exposed to [CO2] ranging from 135 to 1400 µmol mol-1 for the last 3 d of expansion of third trifoliolate leaves. These results were compared with experiments in which I was varied at a constant [CO2] of 350 µmol mol-1 over the same developmental period. Increases in area and dry mass over the 3 d were determined along with daily photosynthesis and respiration. Photosynthetic CO2 exchange characteristics and soluble protein content of leaves were determined at the end of the treatment periods. The increase in leaflet mass was about 28 % of the dry mass income from photosynthesis minus respiration, regardless of whether [CO2] or I was varied, except that very low I or [CO2] increased this percentage. Leaflet soluble protein per unit of area at full expansion had the same positive linear relationship to photosynthetic income whether [CO2] or I was varied. For variation in I, photosynthetic capacity varied directly with soluble protein per unit area. This was not the case for variation in [CO2]. Increasing [CO2] reduced photosynthetic capacity per unit of soluble protein by up to a factor of 2.5, and photosynthetic capacity exhibited an optimum with respect to growth [CO2]. Thus CO2 did not alter the relationship between photosynthetic income and the utilization of photosynthate in the net accumulation of soluble protein, but did alter the relationship between soluble protein content and photosynthetic characteristics in this species.
We compared variation in sun-canopy leaf anatomy, morphology and photosynthetic rates of coexisting woody species (trees and lianas) in an 8-year-old secondary forest (SF) and mature forest (MF) in the wet season in Xishuangbanna, SW China. Variability of leaf traits of 66 species within growth-form groups in each forest was quantified using coefficients of variation (CV). For the mean values, the woody species in the SF had significantly higher leaf thickness and stomatal density, but lower nonmesophyll/mesophyll ratios than those in the MF. The average leaf area and leaf mass area (LMA) in the studied woody species did not change greatly during the successional process, but differed significantly between the growth forms, with trees having higher values than lianas. The light-saturated photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area (Aa) of the woody species in the SF ranged from 11.2 to 34.5 μmol m-2 s-1, similarly to pioneer tree species from literature data in southeast Asia. The Aa and photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE) were significantly higher than those in the MF; whereas Aa in the MF ranged between 9 to 21 μmol m-2 s-1, with similar values between lianas and trees. For all woody species in both SF and MF, there were no significant differences in the average values of the CV of all measured variables for both lianas and trees. However, considerable variation in leaf anatomy, morphology, and photosynthetic rates within both growth forms and forests existed, as well as substantial variation in leaf size and stomatal density. We concluded that the tropical woody species formed a heterogeneous functional group in terms of leaf morphology and physiology in both secondary and mature forests. and L. Han ... [et al.].
Growth, net photosynthetic rate (PN), chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics, and stromal fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (sFBPase) in annual legumes native to the Mediterranean region, two clovers (Trifolium subterraneum L. ssp. oxaloides Nyman cv. Clare and T. michelianum Savi cv. Giorgia) and two Medicago species (M. polymorpha L. cv. Anglona and M. truncatula Gaertn. cv. Paraggio), shifted from 20 to 10 °C for 1 d or developed at 10 °C were compared with controls kept at 20 °C. Cold development produced a larger stimulation of growth in the clover cv. Giorgia and the Medicago cv. Paraggio. Transferring plants to low temperatures affected PN relatively less in clovers than in Medicago plants. Development at 10 °C relieved the inhibition of photosynthesis in Giorgia and Paraggio, but not in Clare and Anglona, which correlated with increases in the maximum rate of carboxylation by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, RuBPCO (Vcmax), and the photon-saturated rate of electron transport (Jmax). In Medicago, transfer from high to low temperature inhibited photosynthesis in a lesser extent in Anglona than in Paraggio, which showed severe limitations at level of Vcmax and Jmax. Development at 10 °C in Paraggio produced an efficient photosynthetic cold acclimation, this being associated with a two-fold increase of quantum yield of photosystem 2 electron transport (ΔF/F'm) and with the activity of sFBPase. By contrast, Anglona showed an irreversible inhibition of PN coupled with the reduction of carbon metabolism by impairment of Calvin cycle enzyme activities such as RuBPCO and sFBPase, resulting in a poor cold acclimation of photosynthesis in this cultivar. and M. C. Antolín, M. Hekneby, M. Sánchez-Díaz.
We aimed to compare the effect of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors captopril (containing thiol group) and enalapril (without thiol group) on the development of spontaneous hypertension and to analyze mechanisms of their actions, particularly effects on oxidative stress and NO production. Six-week-old SHR were divided into three groups: control, group receiving captopril (50 mg/kg/day) or enalapril (50 mg/kg/day) for 6 weeks. At the end of experiment, systolic blood pressure (SBP) increased by 41 % in controls. Both captopril and enalapril prevented blood pressure increase, however, SBP in the captopril group (121±5 mmHg) was significantly lower than that in the enalapril group (140±5 mmHg). Concentration of conjugated dienes in the aorta was significantly lower in the captopril group compared to the enalapril group. Captopril and enalapril increased NO synthase activity in the heart and aorta to the similar level. Neither captopril nor enalapril was, however, able to increase the expression of eNOS. Both ACE inhibitors increased the level of cGMP. However, cGMP level was significantly higher in the aorta of captopril group. We conclude that captopril, beside inhibition of ACE, prevented hypertension by increasing NO synthase activity and by simultaneous decrease of oxidative stress which resulted in increase of cGMP concentration., O. Pecháňová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Photosynthetic parameters and leaf carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in contrasting rice genotypes in relation to supplemental nitrogen (N) application and water management during the grain-filling period were compared. The changes in stomatal conductance (gs) and ratio of intercellular to ambient CO2 mole fraction (Ci/Ca) depended on the leaf nitrogen concentration (leaf N) in both ‘Hinohikari’ (temperate japonica genotype) and ‘IR36’ (indica genotype). In ‘Hinohikari’, δ13C reflects photosynthetic gas exchange during the grain-filling period, which is indicated by the significant response of δ13C to leaf N. In contrast, in ‘IR36’ δ13C did not depend on leaf N. This varietal difference in δ13C to leaf N can be attributed to a difference in the timing of leaf senescence. In ‘IR36’, leaf N and photosynthetic parameters decreased more rapidly, indicating earlier senescence and a shorter grain-filling period in comparison with ‘Hinohikari’. The significant increase in shoot dry mass in ‘Hinohikari’ resulting from supplemental N application, compared with nonsignificant effect observed in ‘IR36’, suggests that the timing of senescence in relation to the grainfilling period has a preponderant influence on productivity., S. Shimoda., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We investigated the relative importance of pre-anthesis assimilates stored in plant parts, mainly in the stem, and post-anthesis photosynthesis to drought resistance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars Hongwangmai (drought resistant) and Haruhikari (drought sensitive) subjected to two soil moisture regimes: irrigated and non-irrigated. In the irrigated treatment, soil moisture was maintained near field capacity throughout the growing season, while in the non-irrigated treatment water was withheld from 81 d after sowing until maturity. Drought stress reduced grain yield of Hongwangmai and Haruhikari by 41 and 60 %, respectively. Remobilization of pre-anthesis assimilates to the grain (remobilization) was reduced by drought in Hongwangmai but increased in Haruhikari. The contribution of pre-anthesis assimilates to the grain decreased under non-irrigated treatment in Hongwangmai. However, under water stress, Hongwangmai maintained a higher net photosynthetic rate in the flag leaf than Haruhikari. These results indicated that maintenance of post-anthesis photosynthetic rate was related to drought resistance in Hongwangmai rather than to remobilization under drought stress. and T. Inoue ... [et al.].