In the summer issue of Academic Bulletin, 53 directors of all Academy institutes were introduced. They will be in charge of their institutes during the next five years. In this issue, we have asked them three questions: In which direction they will lead the development of their institute? What are they doing to reach excellence in science? If they can lead the institutions in accordance with the new statutes called "Public Research Institutions".
We continue in introduction the comments of three additional directors of Academy Institutes, who were asked three questions. and Odpovědi 3 ředitelů ústavů AV ČR na otázky redakce ( pokračování)
The paper examines theoretical discourses of ethnicity and has three main objectives: (1) to categorize and compare three academic approaches to-wards ethnicity, nation and nationalism, (2) to identify the core distinction between ethnic and national identity, and (3) to analyze the differences between approaches through activity and objectivity of ethnicity. The traditional distinction between primordialist and modernist/situationist approaches is enhanced by adding the ethicist approach to the interjacent boundary. There are three core lines of distinctions between these approaches. Firstly, it is, more or less, the dis-tinction between primordiality of ethnicity and modernity of nation, not primordiality and modernity itself, which divides the discussed approaches. Secondly, most academic theories, regardless of their background, interpret the ethnicity (nation) as situational rather than objective or subjective phenomenon. Lastly, it is the scale of activity of ethnicity (activity of individuals - components - systems) which differs among the theories.
V inventáři světové vědy má Chorvatsko jen málo záznamů - dokonce ještě méně, než jich mají třeba naše země. O to vnímavější bychom měli být k jeho historickým úspěchům. Patří k nim na prvním místě Rudjer Josip Boškovič (1711-1787), jezuita, ale zároveň i osvícenec, jehož dílo ovlivnilo vývoj věd snad ve všech evropských zemích., Josef Smolka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Rastrovacie sondové mikroskopie významne ovplyvnili fyziku povrchov, elektrochémiu či biológiu, ale aj viacero technologických oblastí od výroby pevných diskov po kozmetiku. Priniesli rad nových poznatkov a použitie obrazov, získaných pomocou niektorej z nich, sa v publikáciach stalo skoro módou. Nedávno oslávili tri techniky, ktoré patria do tejto rozvetvenej rodiny, malé výročia. Stručne si ich týmto príspevkom pripomenieme., Štefan Lányi., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This paper deals with a diffraction of electromagnetic waves by a plane screen aperture. Three methods, which are most frequently used in practice, are presented together with the corresponding general formulas that enable to evaluate vectors of electric and magnetic field. and Práce pojednává o difrakci elektromagnetického záření na otvoru v neprůhledném stínítku. Jsou uvedeny tři nejužívanější způsoby popisu této problematiky s příslušnými obecnými vztahy, které umožňují výpočet vektorů intenzity elektrického a magnetického pole.
Over the past decades, the in vitro use of pluripotent cell lines gained a crucial role in toxicology, preclinical drug testing and developmental biology. NTERA2 clone D1 cells were identified as pluripotent cells with high potential for neural differentiation. Although they are commonly used cellular sources in neuropharmacology and neurodevelopmental studies, their endodermal and mesodermal differentiation potential awaits further characterization. Here, we devised improved protocols for hepatogenic and osteogenic differentiation of NTERA2 clone D1 cells. Our in vitro differentiation assays showed significant up-regulation of multiple hepatogenic markers. We also observed robust mineralization and osteogenic marker expression of NTERA2 clone D1 cells upon in vitro osteogenic induction. These results suggest that NTERA2 clone D1 cells may be utilized as an in vitro model system to study various aspects of liver biology and osteogenesis. In addition, tri-lineage differentiation of NTERA2 clone D1 cells may serve as a simple experimental control system when validating pluripotency of other cell types.
To increase the computing speed of neural networks by means of parallel performance, a new mode of neural network, named Tri-state Cascading Pulse Coupled Neural Network (TCPCNN), is presented in this paper, which takes the ideas of three-state and pipelining used in circuit designing into neural network, and creates new neuron with three states: sub-firing, firing and inhibition. The proposed model can transmit signals in parallel way, as it is inspired not only in the direction of auto-wave propagation but also in its transverse direction in neural network. In this paper, TCPCNN is applied to find the shortest path, and the experimental results indicate that the algorithm has lower computational complexity, higher accuracy, and secured full-scale searching. Furthermore, it has little dependence on initial conditions and parameters. The algorithm is tested by some experiments, and its results are compared with some other classical algorithms --- Dijkstra algorithm, Bellman-Ford algorithm and a new algorithm using pulse coupled neural networks.
One new and three previously described species of Trianchoratus Price et Berry, 1966 were collected from the gills of Channa lucius (Cuvier) and Channa striata (Bloch) from the Bukit Merah Reservoir, Perak and Endau-Rompin, Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia. They are Trianchoratus longianchoratus sp. n., T. malayensis Lim, 1986 and T. pahangensis Lim, 1986 from C. lucius, and T. ophicephali Lim, 1986 from C. striata. The new species differs from the Trianchoratus species hitherto described from channids and anabantoids in having two ventral anchors with a long curved inner root and one dorsal anchor with a curved inner root and lacking an outer root. A table summarizing the known species of heteronchocleidins (Trianchoratus, Eutrianchoratus and Heteronchocleidus) and Sundanonchus reported from fish hosts of different families (Channidae, Helostomatidae, Anabantidae and Osphronemidae) is provided.