Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is the most common autosomal dominant disorder. It is characterized by a de crease in LDL cholesterol catabolism and an early clinical manifestation of atherosclerotic vessel damage. The aim of the MedPed (Make early diagnosis to Prevent early deaths) project is an early diagnosis of FH patients in order to profit from early treat ment and prevent cardiov ascular events. Till November 30, 2016 The Czech National MedPed Database has registered 7,001 FH patients from 5,223 different families that is 17.4 % of expected patients in the Czech Republic considering 1:250 FH prevalence. The improvement in diagnostic accuracy, patient cooperation and above all familial cascade screening is enabled by FH mutation detection using the modern technology of next-generation sequencing. FH still remain undiagnosed even though the Czech Republic is on e of the most successful countries with respect to FH detection. The opportunities of international collaboration and experience sharing within international programs (e.g. EAS FHSC, ScreenPro FH etc.) will improve the detection of FH patients in the futur e and enable even more accessible and accurate genetic diagnostics., M. Vrablík, M. Vaclová, L. Tichý, V. Soška, V. Bláha, L. Fajkusová, R. Češka, M. Šatný, T. Freiberger., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Objective: To examine the impact of family history of diabetes mellitus 2 (DM 2) on insulin sensitivity and secretion in lean women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Thirteen healthy women (C), 14 PCOS without family history of DM 2 (FH-) and 8 PCOS with family history of DM 2 (FH+) were examined using euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp and an arginine secretion test (insulin and glucagon at fasting glycemia (AIRFG and AGRFG) and at hyperglycemia (AIR14 and AG 14)). FH+ women were more insulin resistant than FH- with lower insulin sensitivity index corrected per lean body mass (p<0.05). They had significantly higher triglycerides (p<0.05) and lower HDL-cholesterol (p<0.05) than C or FH- women. Concerning insulin secretion, AIR FG was increased in FH+ women comparing FH- women (p<0.05). Disposition indices derived from AIRFG or AIR14 and insulin sensitivity index did not differ between FH+ or FH-. Thus, women with PCOS with the concomitant family history of DM 2 have lower insulin sensitivity than healthy control women. Insulin resistance observed in these women with PCOS is compensated by increased insulin secretion., J. Vrbíková, T. Grimmichová, K, Dvořáková, M. Hill, S. Stanická, K. Vondra., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
A review on far-infrared brightness-temperature maps of the solar atmosphere is presented. They have been taken with the aid of a 60 cm-diameter balloon-borne telescope at a height of 39 km in France. Three bandpass filters at the wavelengths 50 μm, 80 μm and 200 μm of 6 to 10 % bandwidth have been applied. The filters as well as the Au-doped Ge bolometer were cooled by liquid He. An
observation on 30.4.83 represents the active sun, while one on 28.9.84 shows the quiet sun. The observations at the three wavelengths correspond to three different heights in the solar atmosphere at the transition of the photosphere and chromosphere. Over active regions, average temperature enhancements of 75 K to 250 K are observed relative to the inactive regions depending of the height in the solar atmosphere.
Odbornou i laickou veřejnost nedávno vzrušila zpráva, že ve Spojených státech amerických došlo k detekci gravitačních vln v observatoři Advanced LIGO, což je soustava optických interferometrů navržená právě k tomuto účelu. Náš příspěvek seznamuje čtenáře s Advanced LIGO jako optickým přístrojem a ukazuje, jak se optické technologie, původně vyvinuté pro toto unikátní zařízení, uplatňují jinde., Academia and the general public were recently excited by the news that gravitational waves were detected in the Advanced LIGO observatory (USA). LIgo is a set of optical interferometers designed for the propose of gravitational wave detection. This contribution informs readers with regard to the Advanced LIGO as an optical device and shows how optical technologies, originally developed for this unique device, are applied in other fields of research and development., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Nepočetné hromadné nálezy z obdobia staršieho eneolitu doplnil v roku 2009 depot medených predmetov z obce Hrádok (okr. Nové Mesto nad Váhom) na severozápadnom Slovensku. V súbore dominuje industria v podobe drôteného šperku. Základ štúdie tvorí typologická a chronologická analýza v strednej Európe doteraz neznámeho typu špirálovej medenej ozdoby. Diskutovaný je vzťah k drôtenej industrii typu Malé Leváre, variantu Stollhof a Hlinsko, ako aj ich funkcia. Vybrané artefakty z depotu z Hrádku boli podrobené prvkovým (ICP-MS/ICP-OES) a izotopovým analýzam. Výsledky meraní prispeli k poznaniu pôvodu a druhu medenej suroviny v hromadných nálezoch z konca 5. tisícročia pred Kr. v severozápadnej časti Karpatskej kotliny. Pozornosť je venovaná aj kontaktom medzi epilengyelskou ludanickou a jordanovskou kultúrou. and An assemblage of few early Eneolithic hoard finds has been supplemented in 2009 by copper artefacts coming from a hoard discovered at Hrádok (Nové Mesto nad Váhom district), located in north-western Slovakia. The collection from Hrádok consists mostly of copper-wire jewellery. The presented study describes the results of typological and chronological analyses of spiral-shaped copper jewellery so far unknown in the region of Central Europe. The authors discuss the function of the artefacts, as well as their relation to the copper-wire industries of the type Malé Leváre, its variant Stollhof, and the type Hlinsko. Selected artefacts from the hoard from Hrádok were subjected to element (ICP-MS/ICP-OES) and isotope analyses. The results reveal additional information about the provenance and the type of copper present in hoard assemblages from the north-western part of the Carpathian Basin, dated to the end of the 5th Millennium BC. Contacts between the epilengyel Ludanice and Jordanów cultures are also discussed.
Přednáška u příležitosti udělení Nobelovy ceny za fyziku za rok 2014., The 2014 Nobel Prize for Physics was shared to Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura. These three articles contain the text of the address given in conjunction with the award., Isamu Akasaki., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The above was the front page slogan under which the periodical Public Opinion appeared in the years 1946 - 1948. Its publisher was the Czechoslovak Institute for Public Opinion Research. The monthly was intended for both the professional as for the general public. It was published with 15 to 34 pages. It contained theoretical and methodological articles by foremost Czech sociologist as well as by international representatives of the field. It contains plentiful information about international cooperation between institutes of public opinion research and about Europe and World conferences of the time. In the section “Research at Home” there appear extended analyses as well as brief reports about current Czech research. The section “Research Abroad” brings manifold research information concerning both various topics and different countries. The last issue of the monthly appeared in January 1948 and the Institute was abolished in 1950. In spite of the complicated political situation, the publishers and authors of the periodical strove to maintain the journal’s profile as a theoretical popularizing periodical in a democratic state., „Fašismus nařizuje - demokracie se ptá“ tento trochu zavádějící název článku čtenáře seznámí s oborovým časopisem Veřejné mínění, který vycházel v letech 1946 - 1948 a jehož motto bylo právě „Fašismus nařizuje - demokracie se ptá“. Jeho vydavatelem byl Československý ústav pro výzkum veřejného mínění, který byl na jaře 1946 zřízen jako oddělení I. odboru ministerstva informací. Významnou roli při vzniku tohoto pracoviště sehrál spisovatel Josef Kopta, který byl v té době přednostou I. odboru ministerstva informací. Byl ostatně autorem motta časopisu [Adamec 1996: 49]. V tomto článku autorka přibližuje komu byl časopis určen, jaká byla jeho obsahová témata nebo jaké výzkumy byly prováděny výzkumným oddělením., Eliška Jungová., and Seznam literatury
The fluorescence detector array of single-pixel telescopes is a low-cost, large-area, next-generation experiment for the detection of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays via the atmospheric fluorescence technique. The proposed design involves the deployment of several hundred large field-of-view fluorescence telescopes on a regular grid of several thousand square kilometres in ground area. This paper describes the optical design of the telescope, as well as its mechanical support structure. and Pole fluorescenčních detektorů složené z jednopixelových teleskopů představuje levný experiment nové generace observatoří pro detekci vysokoenergetického kosmického záření snímaného na velké rozloze za použití fluorescence sekundárního záření v atmosféře. Předkládaný projekt počítá s několika sty fluorescenčních teleskopů umístěných v pravidelné síti na ploše několika tisíc čtverečných kilometrů. Příspěvek popisuje optický návrh teleskopu a také podpůrnou mechanickou konstrukci teleskopu.