This study investigates the possibilities of the generation of synthetic flood waves and their utilization for the solution of the transformed run-off from reservoirs during different hydrological situations. The synthetic flood waves were derived by means of a useful combination of the generator of the synthetic rainfall in a short-time interval with the rainfall-runoff model. The sets of the flood waves with requisite properties /e.g. the N-year flood peak, the volume of the N-year flood wave, etc./ were selected from the long synthetic time series. The aim of the study was to elaborate the hitherto existing methods of the run-off control based only on one design hydrograph and to evaluate the favourable operations in other situations. and Studie zkoumá možnosti generování syntetických povodňových vln a jejich využití pro řešení transformace odtoku z nádrží v různých hydrologických situacích. Syntetické povodňové vlny byly odvozeny účelným propojením generátoru syntetických srážkových úhrnů v krátkých časových intervalech se srážkoodtokovým modelem. Z dlouhých nagenerových řad byly vybírány soubory povodňových vln s požadovanými vlastnostmi (např. N-letými kulminacemi, objemy a j.). Cílem výzkumu bylo prohloubit dosavadní metodické postupy řešení operativního řízení odtoku založené jen na podkladě jedné návrhové povodně a posoudit nejvhodnější manipulace i v jiných situacích.
The second part of the study presents the results of the investigation of the flood control in the synthetic flood waves. This part is the continuation of the first part with methodology, published in 2/2007 of the JHH. and Tato část studie uvádí výsledky řešení povodňového řízení odtoku z nádrží v syntetických povodňových vlnách. Navazuje na první část s metodickými postupy, publikovanou v č. 2/2007 Vodohospodářského časopisu.
Recent studies show that biochar improves physical properties of soils and contributes to the carbon sequestration. In contrast to most other studies on biochar, the present study comprise a long-term field experiment with a special focus on the simultaneous impact of N-fertilizer to soil structure parameters and content of soil organic carbon (SOC) since SOC has been linked to improved aggregate stability. However, the question remains: how does the content of water-stable aggregates change with the content of organic matter? In this paper we investigate the effects of biochar alone and in a combination with N-fertilizer (i) on the content of water-stable macro- (WSAma) and micro-aggregates (WSAmi) as well as soil structure parameters; and (ii) on the contents of SOC and labile carbon (CL) in water-stable aggregates (WSA).
A field experiment was conducted with different biochar application rates: B0 control (0 t ha–1), B10 (10 t ha–1) and B20 (20 t ha–1) and 0 (no N), 1st and 2nd level of nitrogen fertilization. The doses of level 1 were calculated on required average crop production using the balance method. The level 2 included an application of additional 100% of N in 2014 and additional 50% of N in the years 2015–2016 on silty loam Haplic Luvisol at the study site located at Dolná Malanta (Slovakia). The effects were investigated after the growing season of spring barley, maize and spring wheat in 2014,
2015 and 2016, respectively. The results indicate that the B10N0 treatment significantly decreased the structure vulnerability by 25% compared to B0N0. Overall, the lower level of N combined with lower doses of biochar and the higher level of N showed positive effects on the average contents of higher classes of WSAma and other soil structure parameters. The content of SOC in WSA in all size classes and the content of CL in WSAma 3–1 mm significantly increased after applying 20 t ha–1 of biochar compared to B0N0. In the case of the B20N1 treatment, the content of SOC in WSAma within the size classes >5 mm (8%), 5– 3 mm (19%), 3–2 mm (12%), 2–1 mm (16%), 1–0.5 mm (14%), 0.5–0.25 mm (9%) and WSAmi (12%) was higher than in B0N1. We also observed a considerably higher content of SOC in WSAma 5–0.5 mm and WSAmi with the B10N1 treatment as compared to B0N1. Doses of 20 t biochar ha–1 combined with second level of N fertilization had significant effect on the increase of WSAma and WSAmi compared to the B0N2 treatment. A significant increase of CL in WSA was determined for size classes of 2–0.25 mm and WSAmi in the B20N2 treatment. Our findings showed that biochar might have beneficial effects on soil structure parameters, SOC, CL in WSA and carbon sequestration, depending on the applied amounts of biochar and nitrogen.
The Loess Plateau is the main source of water in Yellow River, China. After 1980s, the Yellow river water presented a significant reduction, what caused the decrease of the Yellow river discharge had been debated in academic circles. We proceeded with runoff generation mechanisms to explain this phenomenon. We built saturation excess runoff and infiltration excess runoff generation mechanisms for rainfall–runoff simulation in Jingle sub-basin of Fen River basin on the Loess Plateau, to reveal the influence of land use change on flood processes and studied the changes of model parameters under different underlying conditions. The results showed that the runoff generation mechanism was mainly infiltration-excess overland flow, but the flood events of saturation-excess overland flow had an increasing trend because of land use cover change (the increase of forestland and grassland areas and the reduction of cultivated land). Some of the model parameters had physical significances,such as water storage capacity (WM), infiltration capacity (f), evapotranspiration (CKE), soil permeability coefficient (k) and index of storage capacity distribution curve (n) showed increasing trends, and index of infiltration capacity distribution curve (m) showed a decreasing trend. The above results proved the changes of runoff generation mechanism from the perspective of model parameters in Jingle sub-basin, which can provide a new perspective for understanding the discharge reduction in the Yellow River basin.
Slurs are pejorative expressions that derogate individuals or groups on the basis of their gender, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation and so forth. In the constantly growing literature on slurs, it has become customary to appeal to so-called “neutral counterparts” for explaining the extension and truth-conditional content of slurring terms. More precisely, it is commonly assumed that every slur shares its extension and literal content with a non-evaluative counterpart term. I think this assumption is unwarranted and, in this paper, I shall present two arguments against it. (i) A careful comparison of slurs with complex or thick group-referencing pejoratives lacking neutral counterparts shows that these are in fact very hard to distinguish. (ii) Slurs lack the referential stability of their alleged neutral counterparts, which suggests that they are not coreferential. Developing (ii) will involve introducing a new concept which I regard as essential for understanding how slurs behave in natural language: referential flexibility. I shall support my claims by looking at historical and current ways in which slurs and other pejorative terms are used, and I shall argue that both etymological data and new empirical data support the conclusion that the assumption of neutral counterparts not only is unwarranted but obscures our understanding of what slurs are, and what speakers do with them.
Pojem „personalizovaná medicína“ sa v posledných rokoch spomína čoraz častejšie v súvislosti so snahami čo najlepšie prispôsobiť medikamentóznu, ale aj režimovú liečbu potrebám a požiadavkám jednotlivých pacientov. Personalizácia antidiabetickej liečby prekonala svoj vývoj v kontexte nárastu poznatkov týkajúcich sa cukrovky. Od úrovne empirickej sa posunula na úroveň fenotypickú, ktorá umožnila rozlišovanie medzi jednotlivými typmi diabetu. V rámci diabetu 2. typu sa od 60. rokov minulého storočia aplikovala patogenetická personalizácia, ktorá vychádzala z predpokladov, že u niektorých pacientov prevažuje inzulínová rezistencia a u iných deficit sekrécie inzulínu. Bioštatistická personalizácia (medicína dôkazov) viedla k dôkazom, na základe ktorých bol metformín zaradený do odporúčaní pre liečbu diabetu 2. typu ako liek prvej voľby. Randomizované štúdie v prvom desaťročí 21. storočia síce nedokázali superioritu žiadnej z iných liečebných modalít ako prídavnej liečby k metformínu, ale viedli k individualizácii cieľov glykemickej kompenzácie. V súčasnej dobe sa personalizácia posúva na úroveň farmakogenetickú, od ktorej môžeme v najbližších rokoch očakávať individualizáciu liečby v zmysle výberu liekov prvej, druhej a tretej voľby v závislosti od panelu kľúčových génových polymorfizmov charakterizujúcich citlivosť jedinca na konkrétne antidiabetiká. V konečnom dôsledku by mala byť „liečba ušitá na mieru“ vybratá na podklade syntézy patogenetických, bioštatistických a farmakogenetických poznatkov, čo bude reflektovať transláciu výsledkov základného biomedicinískeho výskumu do klinickej praxe. Kľúčové slová: diabetes 2. typu – farmakogenetika – medicína dôkazov – patogenéza – personalizovaná liečba, In recent years, the term “personalized medicine“ has been increasingly mentioned in relation to the endeavours to tailor the pharmaceutical as well as regimen therapy to the needs and requirements of individual patients. The personalization of antidiabetic treatment has undergone a dramatic advancement in relation to the expansion of knowledge about diabetes. From the empirical it moved forward to the phenotypic level which made it possible to differentiate between individual types of diabetes. The pathogenetic personalization which began to be used within Type 2 diabetes in the 1960s, was based on the assumption that while insulin resistance predominates in some patients, others are mainly affected by insulin secretion deficit. Biostatistics-personalized medicine (evidence based medicine) gathered evidence based on which metformin was included in recommendations on the therapy for Type 2 diabetes as a first-line drug. Although randomized studies during the first decade of the 21st century did not prove superiority of any other treatment modality as an adjunctive therapy used with metformin, they brought with them individualization of the goals of glycemic control. At present, personalization is heading towards the pharmacogenetic level that will enable in the near future individualized therapy in terms of choice of first-, second- and third-line drugs depending on the panel of key gene polymorphisms which characterize sensitivity of an individual to specific antidiabetics. Finally, the “tailor-maded therapy“ should be chosen based on a synthesis of pathogenetic, biostatistic and pharmacogenetic knowledge that will reflect the translation of results of the basic biomedical research into the clinical practice. Key words: evidence based medicine – pathogenesis – personalized therapy – pharmacogenetics – type 2 diabetes, and Ivan Tkáč