This article engages critically with the theory of expression proposed by Mitchell S. Green in his Self-Expression (2007). In this book, Green argues that expressions are signals designed to convey information about mental states. By putting pressure on one of the examples Green uses in his book, I will challenge this thesis. I will then deepen this challenge by developing a contrast between two philosophical perspectives on expression, which I name the 'instrumental' and the 'descriptive'. I take Green’s theory of expression to be an exemplar of the instrumental perspective. Expression, in the instrumental perspective, is a means for transmitting information about mental states from organism to organism. The descriptive perspective I articulate with the help of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Ludwig Wittgenstein. On the descriptive view, expression is (at least a part of) an answer to the question what it is so much as to have mental states and a living body. I suggest at the end of the article that if we remain within the instrumental perspective, we will not be able to use expression to satisfactorily answer this question.
In this paper, the author expounds the meaning of linking of uncertain information and knowledge both generally, and in hydrology. He presents a review of methodological approaches to the investigation of linking. In more detail, he deals with multidimensional probabilistic distribution, the algebraic combining theory, derived by P.Hájek within a consulting system, and fuzzy methods. The paper also addresses hitherto unsolved problems that should be tackled in future research. and V příspěvku autor objasňuje význam sdružování neurčitých informací a znalostí obecně a zvlášť v hydrologii a uvádí přehled metodických postupů jeho řešení. Podrobněji se zabývá třemi základními postupy sdružování, a to vícerozměrnou pravděpodobnostní distribucí, algebraickou teorií sdružování dílčích příspěvků k rozhodnutí odvozenou P. Hájkem a fuzzy metodami. Příspěvek též analyzuje otevřené problémy sdružování neurčité informace v hydrologii, které bude třeba řešit v dalším výzkumu.
Areas built by Neogene volcanic complexes are located in the central and eastern part of Slovakia covering about 10 % of the territory. They belong to the Inner Western Carpathians. The research was divided into two phases. In the first one, primary data from the Geochemical atlas of SR concerning groundwater from neovolcanic complexes were statistically processed and analyzed. In the second phase, field and laboratory methods, methods of classification, statistical and graphical methods were used. The results showed that the chemical composition and physical properties of groundwater are formed by the character of the rock environment, by the depth of circulation and also by properties of source waters. Main features of chemical composition reflecting the neovolcanic origin of groundwater are low TDS value varying by analyzed samples between 85.82 mg l-1 (Veľká Lehota) and 396.48 mg l-1 (Pukanec), presence of SiO2 in the amounts up to 41.76 mg l-1 (Podzámčok), presence of aggressive CO2 in amounts up to 25.19 mg l-1 (Lučina). Five groundwater chemical types were distinguished. The most frequent was the Ca-MgHCO3-SO4 type. In majority cases only primary compounds of the groundwater composition were found. Only in the case of Remetské Hámre groundwater the anthropogenic compound - nitrates was estimated. and Oblasti budované neogénnymi vulkanickými komplexmi sa na Slovensku vyskytujú v jeho centrálnej a východnej časti, pričom tvoria približne 10 % celkovej rozlohy územia. Geologicky patria k Vnútorným Západným Karpatom. Výskumné práce boli rozložené do dvoch fáz. V prvej z nich boli štatisticky a graficky spracované zdrojové dáta z Geochemického atlasu SR týkajúce sa fyzikálnych vlastností a chemického zloženia podzemných vôd pochádzajúcich z neovulkanických komplexov. V druhej fáze boli vykonané terénne a laboratórne práce, použité klasifikačné, štatistické a grafické metódy na analýzu získaných dát. Výsledky výskumu ukázali, že chemické zloženie a fyzikálne vlastnosti podzemných vôd sú formované charakterom horninového prostredia, hĺbkou obehu a tiež vlastnosťami zdrojových vôd. Hlavnými parametrami odrážajúcimi pôvod podzemnej vody v neovulkanitoch sú nízke hodnoty celkovej mineralizácie, ktoré sa u analyzovaných vôd pohybovali medzi 85,82 mg l-1 (Veľká Lehota) a 396,48 mg l-1 (Pukanec), prítomnosť SiO2 v množstvách až do 41,76 mg l-1 (Podzámčok), prítomnosť agresívneho CO2 v množstvách až do 25,19 mg l-1 (Lučina). Bolo rozlíšených 5 chemických typov podzemných vôd. Najčastejšie sa vyskytoval typ Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4. Vo väčšine prípadov boli v chemickom zložení podzemných vôd dokumentované iba primárne zložky. Len v prípade podzemnej vody z Remetských Hámrov bola určená antropogénna zložka - dusičnany.
Soil hydraulic conductivity is a key parameter to predict water flow through the soil profile. We have developed an automatic minidisk infiltrometer (AMI) to enable easy measurement of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity using the tension infiltrometer method in the field. AMI senses the cumulative infiltration by recording change in buoyancy force acting on a vertical solid bar fixed in the reservoir tube of the infiltrometer. Performance of the instrument was tested in the laboratory and in two contrasting catchments at three sites with different land use. Hydraulic conductivities determined using AMI were compared with earlier manually taken readings. The results of laboratory testing demonstrated high accuracy and robustness of the AMI measurement. Field testing of AMI proved the suitability of the instrument for use in the determination of sorptivity and near saturated hydraulic conductivity.
In the model catchment Vydrica brook in Small Carpathians (mostly beech forest), concentrations of the selected chemical substances were monitored for evaluation of the land use impact upon the brook water quality. Concentrations of these substances were monitored within the years 1991-1993. In order to evaluate also a development of the long-term trend of the observed data, we are continuing in their monitoring since 2004. In this paper there are evaluated nitrate concentrations from two localities: in the upper Vydrica part (Spariská), and on the Bratislava city area limit (Červený Most), in the Vydrica lower part. The mean nitrate concentration in 1991-1993 at Spariská was 14.54 mg l-1, at Červený Most locality 10.84 mg l-1, in the years 2004-2005 the mean concentration at Spariská it was 11.85 mg l-1, and 9.36 mg l-1 at Červený Most. From the observed data it follows that in the 2004-2005 years the nitrate concentration dropped in comparison with the 1991-1993 period. As there was a significant relationship documented between the nitrate concentration and discharge, the empirical relationships were developed for estimating of daily nitrate concentration values based on the mean daily discharges, for the 1987-2005 period. From these, then the mean monthly and yearly nitrate wash offs were calculated from the unit area. So for the Spariská subcatchment the mean yearly nitrate wash off range was 15.42 to 102.37 kg ha year-1, for the profile Červený Most it was 9.01 to 70.53 kg ha year-1. and V modelovom povodí potoka Vydrica v Malých Karpatoch (prevažne bukový les) boli sledované koncentrácie vybraných chemických látok v povrchovom toku za účelom hodnotenia vplyvu využitia krajiny na kvalitu vody v toku. Koncentrácie týchto látok sme sledovali v rokoch 1991-1993. Aby sme zhodnotili dlhodobý trend vývoja nameraných údajov, od roku 2004 v monitoringu pokračujeme. V tomto príspevku sú zhodnotené koncentrácie dusičnanov na dvoch lokalitách: v hornej časti Vydrice (Spariská) a na hranici s hlavným mestom Bratislava (Červený Most) v dolnej časti povodia. Priemerná koncentrácia dusičnanov v rokoch 1991-1993 bola na lokalite Spariská 14,54 mg l-1, na lokalite Červený Most 10,84 mg l -1, v rokoch 2004-2005 bola priemerná koncentrácia na lokalite Spariská 11,85 mg l-1 a na Červenom Moste 9,36 mg l-1. Z nameraných hodnôt vyplýva, že v porovnaní s obdobím rokov 1991-1993 v rokoch 2004-2005 došlo k poklesu koncentrácií dusičnanov. Keďže sa preukázala významná závislosť medzi koncentráciami dusičnanov a prietokmi, odvodili sme empirické vzťahy na nepriamy odhad denných hodnôt koncentrácií dusičnanov na základe meraných priemerných denných prietokov za obdobie rokov 1987-2005. Z vypočítaných denných koncentrácií dusičnanov boli vypočítané priemerné mesačné a ročné odnosy dusičnanov z jednotky plochy. V podpovodí Spariská sa ročné odnosy dusičnanov pohybovali od 15,42 kg ha-1 rok-1 do 102,37 kg ha-1 rok-1, v profile Červený Most od 9,01 kg ha-1 rok-1 do 70,53 kg ha-1 rok-1.
Normative naturalism is primarily a metaphysical doctrine: there are normative facts and properties, and these fall into the class of natural facts and properties. Many objections to naturalism rely on additional assumptions about language or thought, but often without adequate consideration of just how normative properties would have to figure in our thought and talk if naturalism were true. In the first part of the paper, I explain why naturalists needn’t think that normative properties can be represented or ascribed in wholly non-normative terms. If so, certain prominent objections to normative naturalism fail. In the second part, I consider the objection that normative properties are “just too different” from (other) natural properties to themselves be natural properties. I argue that naturalists have no distinctive trouble making sense of thought and talk involving forms of “genuine” or “authoritative” normativity which can drive a non-question-begging form of the objection.