Hydrological monitoring in small headwater catchments provides the basis for examining complex interrelating hydraulic processes that govern the runoff generation. Contributions of different subsurface runoff mechanisms to the catchment discharge formation at two small forested headwater catchments are studied with the help of their natural isotopic signatures. The Uhlirska catchment (Jizera Mts., Czech Republic) is situated in headwater area of the Lusatian Neisse River. The catchment includes wetlands at the valley bottom developed over deluviofluvial granitic sediments surrounded by gentle hillslopes with shallow soils underlain by weathered granite. The Liz catchment (Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic) is situated in headwater area of the Otava River. It belongs to hillslope-type catchments with narrow riparian zones. The soil at Liz is developed on biotite paragneiss bedrock. The basic comparison of hydrological time series reveals that the event-related stream discharge variations at the Uhlirska catchment are bigger and significantly more frequent than at Liz. The analysis of isotope concentration data revealed different behavior of the two catchments during the major rainfall-runoff events. At Uhlirska, the percentage of the direct runoff formed by the event water reaches its maximum on the falling limb of the hydrograph. At Liz, the event water related fraction of the direct outflow is maximal on the rising limb of the hydrograph and then lowers. The hydraulic functioning of the Uhlirska catchment is determined by communication between hillslope and riparian zone compartments.
According to epistemic requirement of scientific realism the truths - or near truths - about objects posited by scientific theories should be knowable. However, the optimistic view that a scientific theoretical system can be shown to be true is blocked by the familiar Hume’s arguments against induction. The paper shall not deal with them primarily but only marginally in order to compare Hume’s conclusions with the Duhem-Quine thesis. For the common reading of this thesis is that it shows the powerlessness of negative instances to disprove scientific theories, just as Hume’s critical arguments against induction have shown the powerlessness of positive instances to prove scientific theories. The paper aims to expose erroneous aspects of the analogy and to explain what the errors imply for the epistemic requirement of scientific realism, even if it is weakened from knowability of truths to knowability of near truths., Podle epistemického požadavku vědeckého realismu by měly být pravdy - nebo blízko pravdy - o věcech postavených vědeckými teoriemi. Optimistický názor, že vědecký teoretický systém lze prokázat jako pravdivý, je však blokován známými Humeovými argumenty proti indukci. Příspěvek se jich nebude zabývat primárně, ale pouze okrajově, aby bylo možné porovnat Humeovy závěry s tezí Duhem-Quine. Pro společné čtení této práce je to, že ukazuje bezmocnost negativních instancí k vyvrácení vědeckých teorií, stejně jako Humeovy kritické argumenty proti indukci ukázaly bezmocnost pozitivních instancí k prokázání vědeckých teorií. Cílem práce je odhalit chybné aspekty analogie a vysvětlit, co tyto chyby znamenají pro epistemický požadavek vědeckého realismu., and Miloš Taliga
According to Keith DeRose, the best argument for epistemic contextualism is supplied by communication intuitions ordinary speakers have when evaluating utterances of sentences of the form ''S knows that p'' and ''S does not know that p''. It is claimed that utterances of ''S knows that p'' and ''S does not know that p'' can both be true with respect to the same S and p because the speakers of the utterances employ different epistemic standards. The aim of the paper is to show that one can accept this claim as true while denying epistemic contextualism. A handful of possible contenders to epistemic contextualism are given. Thus, the alleged best argument for contextualism has to be supplemented by other arguments to show that epistemic contextualism should be given preference to the other approaches., Podle Keith DeRose je nejlepším argumentem pro epistemický kontextualizmus komunikační intuice, které mají obyčejní mluvčí při hodnocení projevů vět ve tvaru ,,S ví, že p'' a ,,S neví, že p''. Tvrdí se, že projevy ,,S ví, že p'' a ''S neví, že p'' mohou být pravdivé s ohledem na stejné S a p, protože reproduktory projevů používají různé epistemické standardy. Cílem příspěvku je ukázat, že toto tvrzení lze akceptovat jako pravdivé, zatímco popírá epistemický kontextismus. Je dána hrstka možných uchazečů o epistemický kontextualismus. Tudíž údajný nejlepší argument pro kontextualismus musí být doplněn dalšími argumenty, které prokazují, že epistemický kontextismus by měl být upřednostňován před ostatními přístupy., and Marián Zouhar
The Three Gorges Reservoir region suffers from severe soil erosion that leads to serious soil degradation and eutrophication. Interrill erosion models are commonly used in developing soil erosion control measures. Laboratory simulation experiments were conducted to investigate the relationship between interrill erosion rate and three commonly hydraulic parameters (flow velocity V, shear stress τ and stream power W). The slope gradients ranged from 17.6% to 36.4%, and the rainfall intensities varied from 0.6 to 2.54 mm·min–1. The results showed that surface runoff volume and soil loss rates varied greatly with the change of slope and rainfall intensity. Surface runoff accounted for 67.2–85.4% of the precipitation on average. Soil loss rates increased with increases of rainfall intensity and slope gradient, Regression analysis showed that interrill erosion rate could be calculated by a linear function of V and W. Predictions based on V (R2 = 0.843, ME = 0.843) and W (R2 = 0.862, ME = 0.862) were powerful. τ (R2 = 0.721, ME = 0.721) did not seem to be a good predictor for interrill erosion rates. Five ordinarily interrill erosion models were analyzed, the accuracy of the models in predicting soil loss rate was: Model 3 (ME = 0.977) > Model 4 (ME = 0.966) > Model 5 (ME = 0.963) > Model 2 (ME = 0.923) > Model 1 (ME = 0.852). The interrill erodibility used in the model 3 (WEPP) was calculated as 0.332×106 kg·s·m–4. The results can improve the precision of interrill erosion estimation on purple soil slopes in the Three Gorges Reservoir area.
Erektilná dysfunkcia, ktorú charakterizuje vysoká prevalencia a progresívny priebeh, znižuje kvalitu života muža a aj jeho sexuálnej partnerky. Jestvuje dostatok poznatkov na to, aby sme erektilnú dysfunkciu považovali u väčšiny pacientov za znak genitálnovaskulárnej choroby. Erektilná dysfunkcia môže byť považovaná za klinickú manifestáciu cievnej choroby penisu (genitálnovaskulárnu artériovú chorobu muža) podobne, ako je angína pektoris typickou manifestáciou cievnej choroby srdca (kardiovaskulárnej artériovej ischemickej choroby). Niekoľko štúdií potvrdilo predpoklad, že symptómy erektilnej dysfunkcie predchádzajú vznik stenokardií u 60–95 % pacientov s kardiovaskulárnou chorobou v intervale 2–3 rokov a obdobne u pacientov aj so všetkými ďalšími orgánovovaskulárnymi chorobami. Európska lieková agentúra (EMA) schválila 4 inhibítory fosfodiesterázy 5 (PDE5-I) pre liečbu erektilnej dysfunkcie. Lekári by sa vyhľadávaniu pacientov s erektilnou dysfunkciou mali systematicky venovať hlavne u pacientov s vaskulárnymi rizikovými faktormi., Erectile dysfunction is a highly prevalent and progressive condition affecting the quality of life of man and his sexual partner. Evidence is accumulating in favour of erectile dysfunction as a sign of a genitovascular disease (GVD) in the majority of patients. Erectile dysfunction may be considered as the clinical manifestation of a organovascular disease affecting penis (male genitovascular disease – MGVD) as well as angina pectoris is the typical manifestation of a vascular disease affecting coronary arteries of a heart (cardiovascular disease – CVD). Several studies confirm the assumption that erectile dysfunction symptoms were found to come prior to cardiovascular disease symptoms in 60–95 % of CVD patients with mean interval of 2–3 years and likewise of all organovascular diseases (OVD). Four potent selective PDE5Is have been approved by the EMA for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Physicians should systematically look for erectile dysfunction in any male with vascular risk factors., and Peter Gavorník, Andrej Dukát, Ľudovít Gašpar, Denisa Medová, Xénia Faktorová, Eva Gavorníková
This paper mainly addresses the relation between essentialism and philosophical method. In particular, our analysis centers on the anti-essentialist argument that proposed, given its essentialist bonds, the abandonment of the notion of method. To this end, we make use of the empirical evidence concerning essentialism provided by psychological research, which has shown that our proneness to essentialize is not a by-product of our social and cultural practices as some anti-essentialists have thought. Rather, it is a deeply rooted cognitive tendency that plays a major role in concept formation and so in our understanding of things. Thus, given that such inclination toward essentialism is certain to happen, we argue for a conception of method that, while not overcoming such tendency, avoids the presumed disastrous consequences feared by most anti-essentialists., Tento příspěvek se zabývá především vztahem mezi esencialismem a filozofickou metodou. Konkrétně se naše analýza soustřeďuje na argument anti-esencialismu, který s ohledem na esenciální vazby navrhoval opuštění pojmu metody. Za tímto účelem využíváme empirických důkazů o esencialismu poskytovaném psychologickým výzkumem, který ukázal, že naše snaha o esencializaci není vedlejším produktem našich sociálních a kulturních praktik, jak si mysleli někteří anti-esenciologové. Spíše je to hluboce zakořeněná kognitivní tendence, která hraje důležitou roli při tvorbě konceptu a tak v našem chápání věcí. Vzhledem k tomu, že takový náklon k esencialismu se jistě stane, argumentujeme za koncepci metody, která, aniž by tuto tendenci překonala., and Fernando E. Vásquez Barbra
Tree transpiration plays a determining role in the water balance of forest stands and in seepage water yields from forested catchments, especially in arid and semiarid regions where climatic conditions are dry with severe water shortage, forestry development is limited by water availability. To clarify the response of water use to climatic conditions, sap flow was monitored by heat pulse velocity method from May to September, 2014, in a 40–year–old Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. plantation forest stands in the semiarid Loess Plateau region of Northwest China. We extrapolated the measurements of water use by individual plants to determine the area–averaged transpiration of the woodlands. The method used for the extrapolation assumes that the transpiration of a tree was proportional to its sapwood area. Stand transpiration was mainly controlled by photosynthetically active radiation and vapor pressure deficit, whereas soil moisture had more influence on monthly change in stand transpiration. The mean sap flow rates for individual P. tabulaeformis trees ranged from 9 to 54 L d−1. During the study period, the mean daily stand transpiration was 1.9 mm day–1 (maximum 2.9 and minimum 0.8 mm day–1) and total stand transpiration from May to September was 294.1 mm, representing 76% of the incoming precipitation over this period. Similar results were found when comparing transpiration estimated with sap flow measurements to the Penman–Monteith method (relative error: 16%), indicating that the scaling procedure can be used to provide reliable estimates of stand transpiration. These results suggested that P. tabulaeformis is highly effective at utilizing scarce water resources in semiarid environments.