Dams have an important role in the industrial development of countries. Irrespective of the reason for dam break, the flood can cause devastating disasters with loss of life and property especially in densely populated areas. In this study, the effects of the vegetation on the flood wave propagation in case of dam break were investigated experimentally by using the distorted physical model of Ürkmez Dam. The horizontal and vertical scales of the distorted physical model are 1/150 and 1/30, respectively. The dam break scenarios were achieved by means of a gate of rectangular and triangular shape. The results obtained from experiments performed with vegetation were compared and interpreted with those obtained from experiments at which the vegetation configuration was absent. The analysis of the experimental data showed that the presence of vegetation causes a significant decrease in water depths as the flood wave propagates to the downstream and greatly reduces its impact on the settlements. It is also revealed that dam break shape plays an important role in temporal variation of flood wave.
The two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation with variable coefficients is solved by the explicit finitedifference method for the transport of solutes through a homogenous two-dimensional domain that is finite and porous. Retardation by adsorption, periodic seepage velocity, and a dispersion coefficient proportional to this velocity are permitted. The transport is from a pulse-type point source (that ceases after a period of activity). Included are the firstorder decay and zero-order production parameters proportional to the seepage velocity, and periodic boundary conditions at the origin and at the end of the domain. Results agree well with analytical solutions that were reported in the literature for special cases. It is shown that the solute concentration profile is influenced strongly by periodic velocity fluctuations. Solutions for a variety of combinations of unsteadiness of the coefficients in the advection-diffusion equation are obtainable as particular cases of the one demonstrated here. This further attests to the effectiveness of the explicit finite difference method for solving two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation with variable coefficients in finite media, which is especially important when arbitrary initial and boundary conditions are required.
In the first part of the paper, I argue that explicating systems which fall under the simple theory of types are limited in explicating our conceptual scheme. Such limitation is avoided if one utilizes, instead, a ramified type theory, especially the one developed by Pavel Tichý. In the third part of the paper, I explain the role of so-called constructions and derivation systems within such a framework, elucidating how deduction demonstrates properties of objects., V první části příspěvku tvrdím, že vysvětlující systémy, které spadají pod jednoduchou teorii typů, jsou omezeny na vysvětlování našeho konceptuálního schématu. Tomuto omezení se vyhýbáme, pokud místo toho využijeme teorii rozvětveného typu, zejména teorii vyvinutou Pavlem Tichým. Ve třetí části práce vysvětluji roli takzvaných konstrukcí a derivačních systémů v takovém rámci, objasňujícím, jak dedukce demonstruje vlastnosti objektů., and Jiří Raclavský
Rastúci vplyv expozície environmentálnemu hluku a jeho vplyv na zdravie, patrí k významným problémom súčasnej doby. Týka sa to predovšetkým obyvateľstva, žijúceho v mestských aglomeráciách s vysokou hladinou environmentálneho hluku. Príčinou tohto nežiaduceho javu je najmä narastajúca doprava a priemysel. Hladiny hluku narastajú nielen v niektorých typických pracovných prevádzkach, ale obťažujú ľudí už aj pri rekreácii, oddychu, či spoločenských aktivitách. Tento negatívny faktor životného prostredia sa odlišuje od iných škodlivín tým, že sa jeho hladiny stále zvyšujú a pôsobí na človeka neustále, teda aj v čase určenom na relaxáciu ako napríklad pri spánku. Z verejno-zdravotníckeho hľadiska je významné, že rušivé pôsobenie environmentálneho hluku sa prejavuje neskôr rastúcim rizikom chronických ochorení, ktoré majú priamu súvislosť s poruchami spánku a iných funkcií vo vegetatívnej, endokrinnej a regulačnej sfére. Cieľom tejto prehľadovej práce je zosumarizovať aktuálne poznatky o škodlivých sluchových a nesluchových účinkoch environmentálneho hluku, ktoré bude možné využiť pri kvantifikácií rizika ako aj pri plánovaní preventívnych opatrení., The growing impact of environmental noise exposure on health is a major problems of our times. It particularly concerns the urban population living in areas with high levels of environmental noise. Increased levels of traffic and industrial activity are the major causative factors of this phenomenon. Increased noise levels cause interpersonal problems not only in occcupational settings, but during recreation, leisure, and social activities. This negative environmental factor differs from others in specifically affecting sleep and relentlessly increasing. In terms of public health, the disturbing effects of environmental noise manifest in increased risk of chronic diseases dircetly associated with sleep disorders and other vegetative, endocrine and regulatory functions. The aim of this review is to summarize current knowledge about the harmful auditory and non-auditory effects of environmental noise, which can be used in the risk quantification and planning of preventive measures., Alexandra Filová, Martin Samohýl, Ľubica Argalášová, and Literatura
The concept of expressivity of a theory or a system ́(for example a system of concepts or - derivatively - of basic expressions) is surely important: a theory (system) is the more expressive the more problems it allows to be solved. We will try to formulate or at least to suggest an explication of this notion. We will, of course, assume that an appropriate explication of the notion of problem has been given., Pojem expresivity teorie nebo systému ́ (např. Systém pojmů nebo - derivativně - základních výrazů) je jistě důležitý: teorie (systém) je výraznější, čím více problémů umožňuje řešit. Pokusíme se formulovat nebo alespoň navrhnout vysvětlení tohoto pojmu . Samozřejmě budeme předpokládat, že byl poskytnut vhodný výklad pojmu problému ., and Pavel Materna
In this paper, I focus on the notion of expressive completeness in Robert Brandom’s Making It Explicit. For Brandom as a normative pragmatist, a theory of meaning is expressively complete if it specifies a human practice that is sufficient to confer on expressions conceptual contents so rich that the very conferring practice can be described by means of these expressions. I put the notion of expressive completeness in contrast with the related, but non-identical notion of self-referentiality of a semantic theory. Further, I examine the position of the concept in Brandom’s philosophical project: I assess the justification Brandom provides for his claim of expressive completeness of the presented theory, and I outline the consequences he can draw for his overall project provided that expressive completeness is achieved. Whether it is actually achieved, remains however an open question., V tomto příspěvku se zaměřuji na pojetí expresivní úplnosti v tom, jak to dělá Robert Brandom. Pro Brandom jako normativní pragmatist, teorie významu je výslovně kompletní jestliže to specifikuje lidskou praxi to je dostačující, aby udělil výrazy pojmový obsah tak bohatý že velmi svěřující praxe může být popsána pomocí těchto výrazů. Pojem expresivní úplnost jsem postavil do kontrastu s příbuzným, ale ne identickým pojmem sebekontroly sémantické teorie. Dále zkoumám pozici konceptu ve filosofickém projektu Brandomu: Posuzuji, že ospravedlnění Brandom poskytuje jeho vyjádření výrazové úplnosti předložené teorie, a nastíním následky, které může čerpat pro jeho celkový projekt za předpokladu, že je dosaženo výrazné úplnosti. Ať už je skutečně dosaženo, zůstává otevřenou otázkou., and Radek Ocelák
The extent (determined by the repellency indices RI and RIc) and persistence (determined by the water drop penetration time, WDPT) of soil water repellency (SWR) induced by pines were assessed in vastly different geographic regions. The actual SWR characteristics were estimated in situ in clay loam soil at Ciavolo, Italy (CiF), sandy soil at Culbin, United Kingdom (CuF), silty clay soil at Javea, Spain (JaF), and sandy soil at Sekule, Slovakia (SeF). For Culbin soil, the potential SWR characteristics were also determined after oven-drying at 60°C (CuD). For two of the three pine species considered, strong (Pinus pinaster at CiF) and severe (Pinus sylvestris at CuD and SeF) SWR conditions were observed. Pinus halepensis trees induced slight SWR at JaF site. RI and RIc increased in the order: JaF < CuF < CiF < CuD < SeF, reflecting nearly the same order of WDPT increase. A lognormal distribution fitted well to histograms of RIc data from CuF and JaF, whereas CiF, CuD and SeF had multimodal distributions. RI correlated closely with WDPT, which was used to develop a classification of RI that showed a robust statistical agreement with WDPT classification according to three different versions of Kappa coefficient.
In this paper I concentrate on evaluating Searle’s concept of external realism as a non-epistemic thesis . Above all, I evaluate the role it plays in our system of beliefs, knowledge and communicative obligations. There are two important questions: (1) whether a return of transcendental philosophy creates a positive alternative to philosophical naturalism (Quine); (2) whether for the same purpose Fraassens’ constructive empiricism suffices., V tomto příspěvku se zaměřuji na hodnocení Searleho konceptu externího realismu jako neepistemické práce. Především hodnotím roli, kterou hraje v našem systému víry, znalostí a komunikačních povinností. Existují dvě důležité otázky: (1) zda návrat transcendentální filosofie vytváří pozitivní alternativu k filosofickému naturalismu (Quine); (2) zda pro stejný účel postačuje Fraassensův konstruktivní empirismus., and Lukáš Zámečník