In this paper the author provides a brief sketch of an interpretative turn in legal philosophy. In Law’s Empire, Ronald Dworkin advances a new theory of law, complex and intriguing. He calls it law as integrity. Dworkin’s conception of legal philosophy consists not in regarding its task as interpretive, for he advances the problem of what he dubbs the ''semantic sting''. The argument purports to establish the thesis that a theory of law cannot be an explanation of the meaning of the word ''law''. He claims that legal theories like H. L. A. Hart’s theory of law cannot explain the theoretical disagreement in legal practice, because they suffer from this semantic sting. The author agrees with Dworkin that Hart’s explanation of law is stung by semantics. It is his Dworkin’s main argument to deny that there is a possible alternative to his way of conceiving the task of legal philosophy. The author argues that the importance of Dworkin’s interpretative turn is not that it provides a substitute for ''semantic theories of law'', but that it provides a new conception of jurisprudence. and Marek Neština
Invazívne mykotické infekcie predstavujú závažnú infekčnú komplikáciu imunokompromitovaných pacientov. V porovnaní s bakteriálnymi infekciami je ich výskyt menej častý, na druhú stranu mortalita s nimi spojená je výrazne vyššia než je tomu u infekcií bakteriálnych. Posledné dve desaťročia priniesli významné zmeny v epidemiológii invazívnych mykóz a behom posledných niekoľkých rokov došlo k značným pokrokom v diagnostike a liečbe., Invasive fungal infections are serious life-threatening complication in immunocompromised patients. They are rare in comparison with bacterial infection but attributable mortality is higher. Last two decades brought significant changes in epidemiology of invasive fungal diseases and the last few years brought much progress in diagnostics and treatment., Martina Tošková, Jana Winterová, Iva Kocmanová, Zdeněk Ráčil, and Literatura
Global climate change is projected to continue and result in prolonged and more intense droughts, which can
increase soil water repellency (SWR). To be able to estimate the consequences of SWR on vadose zone hydrology, it is
important to determine soil hydraulic properties (SHP). Sequential modeling using HYDRUS (2D/3D) was performed on
an experimental field site with artificially imposed drought scenarios (moderately M and severely S stressed) and a control
plot. First, inverse modeling was performed for SHP estimation based on water and ethanol infiltration experimental data, followed by model validation on one selected irrigation event. Finally, hillslope modeling was performed to assess water balance for 2014. Results suggest that prolonged dry periods can increase soil water repellency. Inverse modeling was successfully performed for infiltrating liquids, water and ethanol, with R2 and model efficiency (E) values both > 0.9. SHP derived from the ethanol measurements showed large differences in van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) parameters for the M and S plots compared to water infiltration experiments. SWR resulted in large saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) decrease on the M and S scenarios. After validation of SHP on water content measurements during a selected irrigation event, one year simulations (2014) showed that water repellency increases surface runoff in non-structured soils at hillslopes.
This paper investigates the impact of surface soil moisture assimilation on the estimation of both parameters and states in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model using the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) method in upper Huai River basin. The investigation is carried out through a series of synthetic experiments and real world tests using a merged soil moisture product (ESA CCI SM) developed by the European Space Agency, and considers both the joint state-parameter updating and only state updating schemes. The synthetic experiments show that with joint stateparameter update, the estimation of model parameter SOL_AWC (the available soil water capacity) and model states (the soil moisture in different depths) can be significantly improved by assimilating the surface soil moisture. Meanwhile, the runoff modeling for the whole catchment is also improved. With only state update, the improvement on runoff modeling shows less significance and robustness. Consistent with the synthetic experiments, the assimilation of the ESA CCI SM with joint state-parameter update shows considerable capability in the estimation of SOL_AWC. Both the joint stateparameter update and the only state update scheme could improve the streamflow modeling although the optimal model and observation error parameters for them are quite different. However, due to the high vegetation coverage of the study basin, and the strong spatial mismatch between the satellite and the model simulated soil moisture, it is still challenging to significantly benefit the runoff estimates by assimilating the ESA CCI SM.
Editors of several journals in the field of hydrology met during the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union–EGU in Vienna in April 2017. This event was a follow-up of similar meetings held in 2013 and 2015. These meetings enable the group of editors to review the current status of the journals and the publication process, and to share thoughts on future strategies. Journals were represented at the 2017 meeting by their editors, as shown in the list of authors. The main points on invigorating hydrological research through journal publications are communicated in this joint editorial published in the above journals.
John McDowell argues that ethical behavior cannot be grounded in an external set of normative rules. Instead, he proposes to ground ethical behavior in being a virtuous person. A fully virtuous person is able to identify unambiguously any moral fact she is confronted with. McDowell’s strategy seems to be, prima facie, an attractive one as it escapes some of the most serious problems that beset normative ethics. The concept of a virtuous person runs, however, into its own difficulties. It does not seem to be easily compatible with what we know about human psychology, namely about the normal perception and cognition. The aim of the paper is to expose the core of the incompatibility., John McDowell tvrdí, že etické chování nemůže být založeno na externím souboru normativních pravidel. Místo toho navrhuje, aby etické chování bylo uznáno za ctnostného člověka. Plně ctnostná osoba je schopna jednoznačně identifikovat jakýkoli morální fakt, se kterým je konfrontována. McDowellova strategie se zdá být na první pohled atraktivní, protože uniká některým z nejzávažnějších problémů, které sužují normativní etiku. Koncept ctnostného člověka však běží do vlastních potíží. Nezdá se, že by bylo snadno kompatibilní s tím, co víme o lidské psychologii, konkrétně o normálním vnímání a poznání. Cílem příspěvku je odhalit jádro neslučitelnosti., and Ivo Dragoun
In this paper I argue that the enkratic principle in its classic formulation may not be a requirement of rationality. The investigation of whether it is leads to some important methodological insights into the study of rationality. I also consider the possibility that we should consider rational requirements as a subset of a broader category of agential requirements., V tomto příspěvku tvrdím, že enkratický princip ve své klasické formulaci nemusí být požadavkem racionality. Šetření, zda vede k některým důležitým metodickým pohledům na studium racionality. Také zvažuji možnost, že bychom měli zvážit racionální požadavky jako podmnožinu širší kategorie agenčních požadavků., and Andrew Reisner