Projected changes of warm season (May-September) rainfall events in an ensemble of 30 regional climate model (RCM) simulations are assessed for the Czech Republic. Individual rainfall events are identified using the concept of minimum inter-event time and only heavy events are considered. The changes of rainfall event characteristics are evaluated between the control (1981-2000) and two scenario (2020-2049 and 2070-2099) periods. Despite a consistent decrease in the number of heavy rainfall events, there is a large uncertainty in projected changes in seasonal precipitation total due to heavy events. Most considered characteristics (rainfall event depth, mean rainfall rate, maximum 60-min rainfall intensity and indicators of rainfall event erosivity) are projected to increase and larger increases appear for more extreme values. Only rainfall event duration slightly decreases in the more distant scenario period according to the RCM simulations. As a consequence, the number of less extreme heavy rainfall events as well as the number of long events decreases in majority of the RCM simulations. Changes in most event characteristics (and especially in characteristics related to the rainfall intensity) depend on changes in radiative forcing and temperature for the future periods. Only changes in the number of events and seasonal total due to heavy events depend significantly on altitude.
Hydrologic cycle in the Liz catchment is described with an anomaly in the vegetation seasons 1992-1996. Experimental catchment Liz is located in the Šumava Mts. in the Czech Republic. The fully forested watershed is covered by mature spruce forest, and its basic characteristics are as follows: drainage area 0.99 km2, mean discharge 0.01m3 s-1, runoff coefficient 0.38, mean annual air temperature 6.30 oC, average slope 17 %, basin length 1.45 km, water course length 1.43 km, elevation 828-1074 m a.s.l., precipitation sum 851 mm year-1, and runoff depth 324 mm year-1. Air temperature, precipitation, global radiation, and discharge in the closing profile are measured in the catchment. It is characteristic for hydrologic cycle in the catchment that the share of seasonal sums of both the global radiation and temperature was nearly constant in 1983-2000. However, the seasonal sums of both the global radiation and temperature were changed considerably in 1983-2000. Similarly, the share of seasonal sums of both the rainfall and runoff was nearly constant in 1983-1991 and 1997-1999. An anomalous course of climate was registered in 1992-1996, manifested by a deviation on the double mass curve of the seasonal sums of rainfall and runoff. Stabilised elsewhere, the ratio of rainfall and runoff is changed during the vegetation seasons 1992-1996. Starting from the 1997 season, this ratio has obtained the value held before 1992. The reason of the 1992-1996 anomaly of hydrologic cycle in the experimental catchment had to be significant external phenomenon, most likely explosion of the Mount Pinatubo volcano in Philippines on June 15, 1991. and Hydrologic cycle in the Liz catchment is described with an anomaly in the vegetation seasons 1992- 1996. Experimental catchment Liz is located in the Šumava Mts. in the Czech Republic. The fully forested watershed is covered by mature spruce forest, and its basic characteristics are as follows: drainage area 0.99 km2 , mean discharge 0.01m3 s -1, runoff coefficient 0.38, mean annual air temperature 6.30 ºC, average slope 17 %, basin length 1.45 km, water course length 1.43 km, elevation 828-1074 m a.s.l., precipitation sum 851 mm year-1, and runoff depth 324 mm year-1. Air temperature, precipitation, global radiation, and discharge in the closing profile are measured in the catchment. It is characteristic for hydrologic cycle in the catchment that the share of seasonal sums of both the global radiation and temperature was nearly constant in 1983-2000. However, the seasonal sums of both the global radiation and temperature were changed considerably in 1983-2000. Similarly, the share of seasonal sums of both the rainfall and runoff was nearly constant in 1983-991 and 1997-1999. An anomalous course of climate was registered in 1992-1996, manifested by a deviation on the double mass curve of the seasonal sums of rainfall and runoff. Stabilised elsewhere, the ratio of rainfall and runoff is changed during the vegetation seasons 1992-1996. Starting from the 1997 season, this ratio has obtained the value held before 1992. The reason of the 1992-1996 anomaly of hydrologic cycle in the experimental catchment had to be significant external phenomenon, most likely explosion of the Mount Pinatubo volcano in Philippines on June 15, 1991.
The article deals with an applicability of John Searle’s theory of social ontology to linguistic category of proper names. We suggest that in the context of Searle’s theory we can consider proper names to be a kind of social institution. By several examples from anthropolinguistic research and from the field of theoretical onomastics we try to show that proper names meet conditions specified by John Searle, in particular that - through different communities all over the world - they are ''holders'' of various types of deontic power. At the end of our article we shortly weigh the possibility that proper names can be regard as status indicators (in terms of Searle’s theory) too., Článek pojednává o aplikovatelnosti teorie sociální ontologie Johna Searle na jazykovou kategorii vlastních jmen. Navrhujeme, že v kontextu Searlovy teorie můžeme považovat vlastní jména za druh sociální instituce. Několik příkladů z antropolingvistického výzkumu az oblasti teoretické onomastiky se snažíme ukázat, že vlastní jména splňují podmínky stanovené Johnem Searlem, zejména, že - prostřednictvím různých komunit po celém světě - jsou ,,držiteli''
různých typů deontické moci . V závěru našeho článku stručně zvažujeme možnost, že vlastní jména mohou být považována za stavové indikátory (z hlediska Searlovy teorie)., and Marek Nagy
Below-average precipitation and above-average air temperature are important factors in the occurrence and intensity of drought. In the context of global climate change, air temperature increase, as a key climatological parameter, has to be considered when calculating the drought index. We introduce a new method of drought analysis, relying on standardized values of precipitation and mean air temperatures for a certain period. The standardized value is calculated by subtracting the average value for each period from each measured value and dividing the obtained value by the standard deviation of the sample. Next, the New Drought Index (NDI) is calculated by subtracting the standardized temperature value from the standardized precipitation value. NDI values were determined for the monthly and annual precipitation time series and mean monthly and annual air temperatures measured at the stations Split-Marjan and Zagreb-Grič between 1948 and 2020. The NDI indicates that the risk of drought has intensified significantly in recent decades, which may be related to the effect of global warming.
This paper focuses on two interrelated issues about the prospects for research projects in experimental philosophical logic. The first issue is about the role that logic plays in such projects; the second involves the role that experimental results from the cog-nitive sciences play in them. I argue that some notion of logic plays a crucial role in these research projects, and, in turn, the results of these projects might inform substantive debates in the philosophy of logic.
Cieľ: Práca má design prierezovej, deskriptívnej štúdie, ktorej cieľom bolo zhodnotiť, aký je vzťah medzi psychickou záťažou, výskytom depresívnej symptomatológie a subjektívnou pohodou u sestier. Metodika: Vzorku respondentov tvorilo 78 sestier pracujúcich v NsP v Levoči a Spišskej Novej Vsi. Na meranie psychickej záťaže bol použitý Meisterov dotazník neuropsychickej záťaže, na meranie výskytu depresie skríningový nástroj Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ 9) a na meranie subjektívnej pohody Personal Well-Being Index (PWI) pre zdravú dospelú populáciu. Výsledky: Bol potvrdený významný vzťah medzi psychickou záťažou, výskytom depresívnej symptomatológie a subjektívnou pohodou u sestier. Vyššia frekvencia výskytu depresívnej symptomatológie sa u nich spájala s vyššou psychickou záťažou a nižšou subjektívnou pohodou. Významným a zároveň alarmujúcim zistením bolo, že len 28 % sestier uvádzalo nevýznamnú depresívnu symptomatológiu. Až u 50 % sestier bola podľa PHQ 9 prítomná ľahká depresia. Štatisticky významné korelácie boli identifikované medzi všetkými tromi faktormi Meisterovho dotazníka, ako aj jeho hrubým skóre a PHQ 9. Najsilnejšie korelácie boli medzi Faktorom I (preťaženie) a PHQ 9. Záver: Výsledky poukazujú na skutočnosť, ţe práve aspekty pracovného preťaţenia (časová tieseň, problémy a konflikty, vysoká zodpovednosť) môžu u sestier viesť ku častejšiemu prežívaniu jednotlivých symptómov depresie (predovšetkým k únave a zníženému záujmu). V ďalšom výskume navrhujeme sa zamerať na sledovanie vzťahu troch premenných: depresia, burnout a psychická záťaž sestier., Aim: The study has a design of descriptive cross-sectional survey. The aim of this study was to investigate relationship between psychological load, depressive symptomatology and subjective well-being of nurses. Methods: Sample of respondents consisted of 78 nurses from two public hospitals (Levoča and Spišská Nová Ves). To measure the psychological load was used the Meister questionnaire of neuro-psychological load. To measure the incidence of depression was used the screening tool Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ 9). To measure subjective well-being was used Personal Well-Being Index (PWI) for a healthy adult population. Results: The results indicated that there is a significant correlation between psychological load, depressive symptomatology and subjective well-being of nurses. The higher frequency of depressive symptomatology was associated with higher level of psychological load and lower subjective well-being level. The depressive symptomatology has a significant relation with neuropsychological strain and subjective well-being. Important and at the same time alarming finding was that only 28% of nurses reported insignificant depressive symptomatology. According to PHQ 9 was present mild depression in up to 50% of nurses. Statistically significant correlations were identified between all three factors of Meister questionnaire, as well as his gross score and the PHQ 9. The strongest correlations were between Factor I (overload) a PHQ 9. Conclusion: The results show that mainly aspects of work overload (time constraints, problems and conflicts, high accountability) can lead in nurses to more frequent survival of individual symptoms of depression (especially the fatigue and reduced interests). In further research we propose to focus on monitoring the relationship of three variables: depression, burnout and psychological load of nurses., Elena Gurková, Slávka Macejková, and Literatura 19
Food dispersions are the most frequent and most important food components. Useful information was obtained in the investigations of liquid emulsions. The results obtained in their study were compared with tomato ketchups. They were chosen as an example of food dispersions with low lipid content. A set of 20 samples of tomato ketchups purchased on the native market were analyzed by several rheological procedures (RheoStress 300) and by sensory profiling both of textural and flavour characteristics. The psychorheology was used for the determination of relationships between results of instrumental and sensory measurements. The data base obtained was processed by statistical methods. The temperature affects the results differently, but it is not useful to study temperatures below room temperature. The rheological parameters agree with the Herschel-Bulkley equation. Therefore, the psychorheology was applied as a suitable complex method. About a third of plots between two variables were significantly related. Several statistically significant relationships were obtained between rheological attributes, sensory attributes, and the combinations between rheological and a sensory attributes. Great variance in all characteristics was observed in all samples variables. Similarly as in case of lipid dispersions, the sensory texture acceptability was significantly related with the overall flavour acceptability, similarly as in case of other food dispersions. It proves the importance of texture in consumption of tomato ketchups. and Potravinářské disperze patří mezi nejrozšířenější potravinářské produkty. Potřebné informace k prezentovaným výsledkům předloženého studia byly získány předchozím studiem potravinářských emulzí. Kečupy byly vybrány jako příklad potravinářských disperzí s nízkým obsahem tuku. Bylo hodnoceno celkem 20 vzorků komerčních výrobků tomatových kečupů, zakoupených v české obchodní síti. Reologické charakteristiky byly získány pomocí rotačního reometru RheoStress 300 a texturní vlastnosti pomocí senzorické analýzy. Jako nejvhodnější metoda byla zvolena psychoreologie, která zkoumá funkční vztahy mezi reologickými parametry, stanovenými instrumentální analýzou a senzorickými charakteristikami, stanovenými senzorickou analýzou. Znalost těchto vztahů je důležitá ke kvantitativní charakterizaci tokových a deformačních dějů, probíhajících při senzorické zkoušce. Reologické parametry vyhovují stavové rovnici Herschel-Bulkley. Korelací reologických a senzorických dat byly získány v třetině případů těsné funkční závislosti s vysokými hodnotami korelačních koeficientů. Analýzy prokázaly velké rozdíly mezi jednotlivými vzorky kečupů. Při nižších teplotách by se patrně projevily zřetelněji vlivy optimální textury a získaly se bližší hodnoty mezi vzorky. Stejně jako u dříve hodnocených potravinářských produktů bylo prokázáno, že textura výrazně ovlivňuje chuťové vlastnosti, což zdůrazňuje význam textury při konzumaci rajčatového protlaku.