The aim of this study was to evaluate an efficiency of clay minerals (kaolinite, illite, Na- and Ca-montmorillonite) in alleviating the water repellency of stearic acid sand during the course of long-term hot and dry spell. This spell was simulated by prolonged drying (incubation) of the samples in oven at 50°C. It was found that the kaolinite addition resulted in a drop in the persistence of water repellency of the stearic acid sand. On the contrary, the Ca-montmorillonite addition increased markedly the persistence of water repellency of the stearic acid sand. In most cases, the illite addition resulted in an increase in the persistence of water repellency, even though not so markedly as it was in the case of Ca-montmorillonite addition. In the case of Na-montmorillonite addition, the striking drop in the persistence of water repellency of the stearic acid sand was registered only after lowering the moisture below 5 %. An increase in the persistence of water repellency of the sand-clay mixture with an increase in the clay amount is another interesting finding, observed in case of kaolinite and Ca-montmorillonite. and Cieľom tejto štúdie bolo zhodnotenie efektívnosti ílových minerálov (kaolinitu, illitu, Na- a Camontmorillonitu) pri znižovaní stálosti vodoodpudivosti piesku pokrytého kyselinou stearovou počas dlhého suchého a teplého obdobia, simulovaného inkubáciou vzoriek pri teplote 50 °C. Zistili sme, že pridanie kaolinitu výrazne znížilo stálosť vodoodpudivosti piesku pokrytého kyselinou stearovou prakticky počas celého cyklu sušenia. Pridanie Ca-montmorillonitu naopak stálosť vodoodpudivosti piesku pokrytého kyselinou stearovou výrazne zvýšilo. Pridanie illitu vo väčšine prípadov zvýšilo stálosť vodoodpudivosti piesku pokrytého kyselinou stearovou, aj keď nie tak výrazne ako pridanie Ca-montmorillonitu. V prípade pridania Na-montmorillonitu sme výrazné zníženie vodoodpudivosti piesku pokrytého kyselinou stearovou zaznamenali až po poklese vlhkosti vzorky pod 5 %. Ďalším zaujímavým poznatkom je vzrast vodoodpudivosti so zvyšujúcim se obsahom ílu, ktorý sme zaregistrovali v prípade kaolinitu a Ca-montmorillonitu.
Lake Śniardwy is the largest among more than 7000 Polish lakes. So far, it has not been a subject of detailed investigations concerning long-term changes in water temperature or ice regime. A considerable change in thermal and ice conditions has been observed in the period 1972–2019. Mean annual water temperature increased by 0.44°C dec–1 on average, and was higher than an increase in air temperature (0.33°C dec–1). In the monthly cycle, the most dynamic changes occurred in April (0.77°C dec–1). In the case of ice cover, it appeared increasingly later (5.3 days dec–1), and disappeared earlier (3.0 days dec–1). The thickness of ice cover also decreased (2.4 cm dec–1). Statistical analysis by means of a Pettitt test showed that the critical moment for the transformations of the thermal and ice regime was the end of the 1980’s. In addition to the obvious relations with air temperature for both characteristics, it was evidenced that the occurrence of ice cover depended on wind speed and snow cover. The recorded changes in the case of Lake Śniardwy are considered unfavourable, and their consequences will affect the course of physical, chemical, and biological processes in the largest lake in Poland.
Large debris transported by flood affects scour features at bridge piers and increases the risks of structural failure. Geometric characteristics of the debris and the relative position of the pier with respect to the river bank are important parameters for the scour process. The interaction between the water flow and debris accumulation increases the shear stress, turbulence and consequently enhances the scour depth at the pier. This paper aims at analyzing such effects on scour evolution at bridge piers. To this end, two series of tests were carried out under clear water condition with different debris geometries and percentage blockage ratios. Experimental evidences showed that the pier position only influences scour evolution and equilibrium morphology for low water depths. Conversely, its effect becomes negligible for scour at bridge piers with debris accumulation and higher water depths. Useful practical relationships have been derived, with satisfactory prediction capability of the scour evolution for all the tested configurations.