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1622. Episodic runoff generation at Central European headwater catchments studied using water isotope concentration signals
- Creator:
- Votrubová, Jana, Dohnal, Michal, Vogel, Tomáš, Sanda, Martin, and Tesař, Miroslav
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- O isotope, headwater catchment runoff, subsurface runoff, tracer, and rainfall-runoff episodes
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Hydrological monitoring in small headwater catchments provides the basis for examining complex interrelating hydraulic processes that govern the runoff generation. Contributions of different subsurface runoff mechanisms to the catchment discharge formation at two small forested headwater catchments are studied with the help of their natural isotopic signatures. The Uhlirska catchment (Jizera Mts., Czech Republic) is situated in headwater area of the Lusatian Neisse River. The catchment includes wetlands at the valley bottom developed over deluviofluvial granitic sediments surrounded by gentle hillslopes with shallow soils underlain by weathered granite. The Liz catchment (Bohemian Forest, Czech Republic) is situated in headwater area of the Otava River. It belongs to hillslope-type catchments with narrow riparian zones. The soil at Liz is developed on biotite paragneiss bedrock. The basic comparison of hydrological time series reveals that the event-related stream discharge variations at the Uhlirska catchment are bigger and significantly more frequent than at Liz. The analysis of isotope concentration data revealed different behavior of the two catchments during the major rainfall-runoff events. At Uhlirska, the percentage of the direct runoff formed by the event water reaches its maximum on the falling limb of the hydrograph. At Liz, the event water related fraction of the direct outflow is maximal on the rising limb of the hydrograph and then lowers. The hydraulic functioning of the Uhlirska catchment is determined by communication between hillslope and riparian zone compartments.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1623. Epistemic foundations of salience-based coordination
- Creator:
- Zachník, Vojtěch
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- coordination, correct belief, epistemic symmetry, rationality, and salience
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- This paper aims to assess current theoretical findings on the origin of coordination by salience and suggests a way to clarify the existing framework. The main concern is to reveal how different coordination mechanisms rely on specific epistemic aspects of reasoning. The paper highlights the fact that basic epistemic assumptions of theories diverge in a way that makes them essentially distinctive. Consequently, recommendations and predictions of the traditional views of coordination by salience are, in principle, based on the processes related to the agent’s presumptions regarding the cognitive abilities of a co-player. This finding implies that we should consider these theories as complementary, and not competitive, explanations of the same phenomenon.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1624. Epistemická požiadavka vedeckého realizmu vo svetle Duhem-Quinovej tézy
- Creator:
- Taliga, Miloš
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- crucial experiments, Duhem-Quine thesis, epistemic requirement of scientific realism, falsification, Fries’s trilemma, problem of underdetermination, klíčové experimenty, Duhemova-Quinova teze, epistemický požadavek vědeckého realismu, falšování, Friesův trilemma, and problém nedostatečné determinace
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- According to epistemic requirement of scientific realism the truths - or near truths - about objects posited by scientific theories should be knowable. However, the optimistic view that a scientific theoretical system can be shown to be true is blocked by the familiar Hume’s arguments against induction. The paper shall not deal with them primarily but only marginally in order to compare Hume’s conclusions with the Duhem-Quine thesis. For the common reading of this thesis is that it shows the powerlessness of negative instances to disprove scientific theories, just as Hume’s critical arguments against induction have shown the powerlessness of positive instances to prove scientific theories. The paper aims to expose erroneous aspects of the analogy and to explain what the errors imply for the epistemic requirement of scientific realism, even if it is weakened from knowability of truths to knowability of near truths., Podle epistemického požadavku vědeckého realismu by měly být pravdy - nebo blízko pravdy - o věcech postavených vědeckými teoriemi. Optimistický názor, že vědecký teoretický systém lze prokázat jako pravdivý, je však blokován známými Humeovými argumenty proti indukci. Příspěvek se jich nebude zabývat primárně, ale pouze okrajově, aby bylo možné porovnat Humeovy závěry s tezí Duhem-Quine. Pro společné čtení této práce je to, že ukazuje bezmocnost negativních instancí k vyvrácení vědeckých teorií, stejně jako Humeovy kritické argumenty proti indukci ukázaly bezmocnost pozitivních instancí k prokázání vědeckých teorií. Cílem práce je odhalit chybné aspekty analogie a vysvětlit, co tyto chyby znamenají pro epistemický požadavek vědeckého realismu., and Miloš Taliga
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1625. Epistemický kontextualizmus a jeho motivácia
- Creator:
- Zouhar, Marián
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- context of utterance vs. circumstances of evaluation, epistemic contextualism, epistemic standards, Keith DeRose, variable truth conditions (propositions) vs. stable truth conditions (propositions), kontext promluvy vs. okolnosti hodnocení, epistemický kontextismus, epistemické standardy, and proměnlivé podmínky pravdivosti (výroky) vs. podmínky stabilní pravdy (výroky)
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- According to Keith DeRose, the best argument for epistemic contextualism is supplied by communication intuitions ordinary speakers have when evaluating utterances of sentences of the form ''S knows that p'' and ''S does not know that p''. It is claimed that utterances of ''S knows that p'' and ''S does not know that p'' can both be true with respect to the same S and p because the speakers of the utterances employ different epistemic standards. The aim of the paper is to show that one can accept this claim as true while denying epistemic contextualism. A handful of possible contenders to epistemic contextualism are given. Thus, the alleged best argument for contextualism has to be supplemented by other arguments to show that epistemic contextualism should be given preference to the other approaches., Podle Keith DeRose je nejlepším argumentem pro epistemický kontextualizmus komunikační intuice, které mají obyčejní mluvčí při hodnocení projevů vět ve tvaru ,,S ví, že p'' a ,,S neví, že p''. Tvrdí se, že projevy ,,S ví, že p'' a ''S neví, že p'' mohou být pravdivé s ohledem na stejné S a p, protože reproduktory projevů používají různé epistemické standardy. Cílem příspěvku je ukázat, že toto tvrzení lze akceptovat jako pravdivé, zatímco popírá epistemický kontextismus. Je dána hrstka možných uchazečů o epistemický kontextualismus. Tudíž údajný nejlepší argument pro kontextualismus musí být doplněn dalšími argumenty, které prokazují, že epistemický kontextismus by měl být upřednostňován před ostatními přístupy., and Marián Zouhar
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1626. Epistolografia. Humanistická korešpondencia vo vzťahu k Slovensku /
- Creator:
- Frimmová, Eva,
- Type:
- studie
- Subject:
- Sambucus, Joannes,, Turzo z Betlanoviec, Ján,, Oláh, Miklós,, humanisté slovenští, humanismus, korespondence, epistolografie, vztahy mezinárodní, Slovensko 1397-1526, Slovensko 1526-1606, and dějiny vědy, umění, kultury a techniky, kulturní vztahy
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Epistolographie. La correspondance humaniste en relation avec la Slovaquie.
- Rights:
- unknown
1627. Epitaf od Antonína Normana Brandla a iné sepulkrálne bohemiká, moraviká a silesiká 19. storočia na Slovensku /
- Creator:
- Herucová, Marta,
- Type:
- text and studie
- Subject:
- Sochařství, keramika, porcelán, umělecké zpracování kovů, Brandl, Antonín Norman,, sochaři, památky sepulkrální, bohemika, moravika, silesiaka, epitafy, Slovensko 1780-1918, sochařství, sochaři, řezbářství, církevní architektura, hmotné památky, hřbitovy a poutní místa, and jednotlivé památky, památkové rezervace
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Epitaph by Antonín Norman Brandl and other 19th Century Sepulchral Bohemicas, Moravicas and Silesicas in Slovakia.
- Rights:
- unknown
1628. Equations for predicting interrill erosion on steep slopes in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
- Creator:
- Feng, Qian, Linyao, Dong, Jigen, Liu, Bei, Sun, Honghu, Liu , Jiesheng, Huang , and Hao, Li
- Format:
- počítač and online zdroj
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- purple soil, interrill erosion rate, rainfall intensity, slope gradient, and hydraulic parameter
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The Three Gorges Reservoir region suffers from severe soil erosion that leads to serious soil degradation and eutrophication. Interrill erosion models are commonly used in developing soil erosion control measures. Laboratory simulation experiments were conducted to investigate the relationship between interrill erosion rate and three commonly hydraulic parameters (flow velocity V, shear stress τ and stream power W). The slope gradients ranged from 17.6% to 36.4%, and the rainfall intensities varied from 0.6 to 2.54 mm·min–1. The results showed that surface runoff volume and soil loss rates varied greatly with the change of slope and rainfall intensity. Surface runoff accounted for 67.2–85.4% of the precipitation on average. Soil loss rates increased with increases of rainfall intensity and slope gradient, Regression analysis showed that interrill erosion rate could be calculated by a linear function of V and W. Predictions based on V (R2 = 0.843, ME = 0.843) and W (R2 = 0.862, ME = 0.862) were powerful. τ (R2 = 0.721, ME = 0.721) did not seem to be a good predictor for interrill erosion rates. Five ordinarily interrill erosion models were analyzed, the accuracy of the models in predicting soil loss rate was: Model 3 (ME = 0.977) > Model 4 (ME = 0.966) > Model 5 (ME = 0.963) > Model 2 (ME = 0.923) > Model 1 (ME = 0.852). The interrill erodibility used in the model 3 (WEPP) was calculated as 0.332×106 kg·s·m–4. The results can improve the precision of interrill erosion estimation on purple soil slopes in the Three Gorges Reservoir area.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
1629. Erazmovský apel na vedenie vojny proti Osmanom /
- Creator:
- Nagy, Imrich,
- Type:
- text and studie
- Subject:
- Mezinárodní vztahy, světová politika, války turecké, filozofové nizozemští, vztahy křesťanství-islám, světové dějiny 1492-1648, dějiny vojenství, zahraniční politika, mezinárodní vztahy, and církevní a náboženské dějiny
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Erasmus's appeal for war against the Ottomans.
- Rights:
- unknown
1630. Erb ako historický prameň /
- Creator:
- Novák, Jozef,
- Type:
- text and články
- Subject:
- Genealogie. Heraldika. Šlechta. Vlajky and heraldika
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Das Wappen als eine historische Quelle.
- Rights:
- unknown