The 18th century sees the triumph of a cultural technique so self-evident to us that we hardly think that it might have a history at all: numbering. This technique assigns a number to an object or a subject - whether a house, a page in a book, a regiment, a tone pitch, a painting, a horse-drawn carriage or a policeman - in order to positively identify this object or subject. The article presents a hitherto nearly undiscovered research field by clarifying some of the basic terminology and draws on examples from all over Europe, focussing on the numbering of - mostly vagrant - people on one side, on spaces such as houses, rooms or even hospital beds on the other side. At the end some of the research questions to be asked about this topic in the future are presented., Anton Tantner ; translated by Brita Pohl., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The article focuses on early theatre criticism in Prague and Vienna at the end of the 18th century. It analyzes the argumentational forms and critical strategies. The 1790s are represented by three periodicals: Der Wahrheitsspiegel (Prague 1796-1798), Österreichische Monatsschrift (Prague - Vienna 1793-1794) and Der Theatralische Eulenspiegel (Prague 1797). The study is based on a close reading of six specific theatre critiques. It deals with epoch-typical critical postulates, with taste (Geschmack), impartiality (Unparteilichkeit) and the aesthetic concept of theatre as a real illusion (wahre Täuschung). This analysis of individual attitudes is also a contribution to the description and interpretation of theatre history and repertoire reforms., Alena Jakubcová jun., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The declared aim of enlightened administrative reforms was to provide security and aid the whole population, i.e., all social classes. Executive powers of the newly introduced police institutions covered - and defined - the whole public sphere and measures such as census or obligation to have a passport applied, at least in theory, to persons from all walks of life. This article examines how and to what extent were these ambitions applied in practice and whether these measures had an equalising effect on the society. The author concludes that unequal, in this case preferential, administrative treatment of especially the aristocracy was still widespread at the beginning of the nineteenth century. On the one hand, persons of a higher social status - who often held public offices - were supposed to embody the new civil virtues and set an example. On the other hand, however, it was feared that any public punishment or police treatment of such persons would undermine public authority and social order in general., Pavel Himl., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This article deals with the representation of literary culture in the Bohemian lands in late 18th and early 19th century travelogues as an influential literary genre of the late Enlightenment period. Against the background of their authors’ (mostly North and Central German travellers’) views on the Habsburg monarchy, the Bohemian lands and Prague in particular, as well as their education and art, the article seeks to analyse the variety of perspectives and the clash of external and domestic perspectives, as well as their description strategies. It draws attention both to the ideologisation and interconnection of the travelogue discourse and to the reactions of domestic authors to the travellers’ generalizing criticisms and their forms. To summarize, the article argues that the traditional classification of travelogues as predominantly pro- or anti-Slavic does not exactly hit the mark in this period, for travelogues do reflect the discussion on Czech literary culture in the Bohemian lands in statu(re-)nascendi in the context of local history and the enlightenment of the common folk., Dalibor Dobiáš., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Studie zkoumá reprezentaci korejské války jakožto zásadní události v tištěných médiích a literatuře československého stalinismu v letech 1950 až 1952. Zaměřuje se na specifika mechanismu produkování obrazu „nepřítele“ a „nepřátelského“ prostoru, analyzuje i vzájemnou interakci dobové publicistiky a poezie. Rozebírá klíčové fenomény, které tvoří pilíř dobového obrazu korejské války (figura vůdce, mytologie původu „nepřítele“) a usouvztažňuje je s obecnějšími mechanismy vytváření skutečnosti v první polovině padesátých let dvacátého století. Poukazuje přitom na vzájemné propojení a ovlivňování vyhrocené propagandistické rétoriky a básnické obraznosti. Studie materiálově čerpá z básnických sbírek, které obsahují verše reagující na válku v Koreji, z příležitostných básní, publicistických článků a karikatur publikovaných především na stránkách deníku Rudé právo a týdeníku Tvorba. Metodologicky navazuje na výzkumy ideologie jako systému reprezentace reálných podmínek existence (Louis Althusser, Slavoj Žižek) a na sémiotické analýzy kultury a společnosti období stalinismu (Vladimír Macura), které poukazují na velmi aktivní a produktivní vztah literatury a moci, jenž tvoří samotnou podstatu socialistického realismu jako systému (Katerina Clarková, Jevgenij Dobrenko)., This article explores the representation of the Korean War as a fundamental event in the print media and belles-lettres of Stalinist Czechoslovakia from 1950 to 1952. It focuses on the special features of the mechanism of producing the image of the ‘enemy’ and the ‘hostile’ space, as well as analysing the interaction of period journalism and poetry. The author analyses the central phenomena, which created a cornerstone of the contemporaneous image of the Korean War (the figure of the leader and the mythology of the origin of the ‘enemy’), and correlates them with more general mechanisms of creating reality in the first half of the 1950s. He also points out the interlinkage and mutual influences of the pointed propagandistic rhetoric and poetic imagery. The article draws on collections of verse, which contain poems reacting to the war in Korea, and on occasional poems, journalism, and caricatures published mainly in the daily Rudé právo and the weekly Tvorba. In method, the article is in the tradition of research on ideology as a system of representing the real conditions of existence (as in the work of Louis Althusser and Slavoj Žižek) and the tradition of semiotic analysis of culture and society in the Stalinist period (as in the work of Vladimír Macura), identifying the very active, productive relationship between literature and the powers that be, which creates the very essence of socialist realism as a system (as discussed by Katerina Clark and Evgeny Dobrenko)., Vít Schmarc., and Obsahuje bibliografii