Small typographic elements such as pilcrows, pointing fingers, and type-ornaments optically separated the typeset and helped the reader to grasp the text. The latter also boosted the aesthetic quality of the printed work. However, whether such material occurs in a book and to what extent varies with time, genre, and printing house. Any specific use reflects not only the typesetter practice but can also indicate the intentions of the particular printer (printing house) or reading habits of the intended readership. Considering that the Brethren bishops carefully scrutinised and supervised every edition printed in their illegal printing house in Ivančice (South Moravia), one can assume a thoughtful and discreet attitude towards the content, likewise the typography. The present study explores the visual practices adopted by the Brethren for the typesetting of hymnbooks, Bibles, and confessions. The aim is to provide a detailed account of the design and function of the Brethren pilcrows and printers’ ornaments based on a typography analysis of all known pieces printed between 1562-1578 on the Brethren press. The results provide strong evidence that the Brethren developed a sophisticated typographical system to strengthen and partly to reform the Brethren liturgy. The unique way of the Brethren for marking stanzas and repetition within the printed hymns using pilcrows and “trefoil” is an entirely new finding. Whatsmore, a comparison of the Brethren’s book with similar production published by the local printers indicates unprecedented precision of the Brethren’s typesetters devoted to the graphic design of the liturgical texts (hymnbooks, Bibles). Considering the extant historical sources, the outcomes presented here indicate a systematic effort to implement a unified order into Brethren liturgy urged by the leading Brethren bishops., Veronika Sladká., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Studie se zabývá antisociálním chováním adolescentů školní mládeže v městských oblastech, jeho typologií a vztahu k návykovým látkám. Výzkumný soubor tvořili žáci sedmých a devátých tříd základních škol, resp. jejich ekvivalenty na jiných typech škol, v krajských městech České republiky, který byl získán v rámci mezinárodního projektu SAHA. Soubor čítal celkem 2973 osob, přičemž kohorta 12letých čítala 1447 osob (54 % dívek) a kohorta 14letých 1526 osob (53 % dívek). Nehierarchickou shlukovou analýzou (k-means) na položkách škály antisociálního chování jsme identifikovali 4 typy osob. Typologii jsme validizovali pomocí vztahů k návykovým látkám (cigarety, alkohol, marihuana a tvrdé drogy); čím vyšší míru antisociálního chování osoby vykazovaly, tím více také vypovídaly o užívání návykových látek.
The article deals with the typology of Baroque frontispieces in printed books published in Bohemian and Moravian printing houses in 1618–1765, which is viewed in terms of the function of the frontispieces in printing. The paper contains a detailed analysis of the main thematic variants of frontispieces. The thematic variants are analysed with respect to the content and genre of the work concerned with the aim to determine the main marketing strategies of Bohemian and Moravian printers, publishers or booksellers in the visual promotion of their products.
The article deals with the typology of Baroque frontispieces in printed books published in Bohemian and Moravian printing houses in 1618-1765, which is viewed in terms of the function of the frontispieces in printing. The paper contains a detailed analysis of the main thematic variants of frontispieces. The thematic variants are analysed with respect to the content and genre of the work concerned with the aim to determine the main marketing strategies of Bohemian and Moravian printers, publishers or booksellers in the visual promotion of their products., Hana Beránková., Obsahuje anglický abstrakt a shrnutí., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The paper studies the typology of the initials following the way of construction of their corpus in the mutual ties in the development – departing from the late antique, considering the Byzantine and Pre-Romanesque and Romanesque types. The modifications of the initials are studied together with the changes of their function in the decoration system and in the cultural-historical context. The contribution also studies the changes of the terminology connected with the typology of the initials.
The paper studies the typology of the initials following the way of construction of their corpus in the mutual ties in the development – departing from the late antique, considering the Byzantine and Pre-Romanesque and Romanesque types. The modifications of the initials are studied together with the changes of their function in the decoration system and in the cultural-historical context. The contribution also studies the changes of the terminology connected with the typology of the initials.
The paper studies the typology of the initials following the way of construction of their corpus in the mutual ties in the development – departing from the late antique, considering the Byzantine and Pre-Romanesque and Romanesque types. The modifications of the initials are studied together with the changes of their function in the decoration system and in the cultural-historical context. The contribution also studies the changes of the terminology connected with the typology of the initials.
The paper is engaged with a definition of the typolotgy and modifications fo the caligraphic initials, compared with the typology of painted initials, and also with a comparative study of the terminoloty used in different languages for the specific compositions. The interest is also focused on relations among countries, regions and workshops that participated in the transformations of the caligrafic initials. The subject is studied on a broad period, from the Late Antiquity till the 16th century, but without a typology of fleuronée, only compositions of the body of the initials have been taken into consideration.