The text introduces basic concepts of cohort analysis – age, period and birth cohorts. The author shows the role of birth cohorts in explanation of social processes and deals with a cohort replacement as a matter of social change. From the methodology point of view the author presents the standard cohort table, introduces an identification problem and shows two ways how to solve it using the data on birth rates in the Czech Republic between 1948 and 2007. The first solution is presented for population data, the second one is presented for microdata in the form of a series of repeated cross-section sample surveys. The results of both analyses show, that identification of age, period and cohort effects is important for interpretation trends in birth rates in the Czech Republic between 1948 and 2007., Tomáš Katrňák., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Smoking becames the important and relevant health and social problem in the Czech republic as well as in the world. Tobacco together with alcohol is the first habit forming substance, which the child contacts or which somebody offers to him. The aim of the research is to map the situation of using of legal drugs, tobacco and alcohol, by the children in the basic schools of the region of South Bohemia. The pupils of the 4th- 9 th classes of basic schools of region of South Bohemia of age 10 – 16 years present the basic group. The methods of questionning, technique questionnaire was used for the primary colection of data. More than the tenth of children - 12 % are the regular smokers – they smoke every day. Regular strong smokers, who smoke regularly more than 10 cigarettes a day, present more then 3 %. The most often beginning of the regular (daily) smoking is about 12 and 13 years. Only 16 % adolescents have never drunk the alcohol, less than half of them did not drink it in the last month. Only 57 % of respondents have never been drunken. The biggest popularity of beverages among the teen-agers has traditionally the beer followed wine and then destillates. The biggest experiences with alcohol had got the questionned people until 10 years of age., Tento článek seznamuje čtenáře s výsledky výzkumu, který byl provedený jako školní studie zahrnující populaci nižší věkové kategorie než u dosud provedených školních studií v ČR, a snaží se díky tomu lépe zachytit nástup užívání a zneužívání legálních návykových látek, tabáku a alkoholu. Cílem výzkumu bylo zmapovat situaci v užívání legálních drog, tabáku a alkoholu, u dětí na základních školách Jihočeského kraje. Výzkum se zaměřuje jak na pravidelné uživatele těchto legálních drog, tak na reprezentativní vzorek mladých lidí, kteří jsou potenciálně (a pochopitelně i reálně) ohrožených legálními drogami., Markéta Kastnerová., and Seznam literatury
An increasing number of surveys are employed in the field of public administration. This begs the question, what is the quality of this form of research? In this article two different surveys are presented and compared. First, a client satisfaction survey implemented at twelve municipal offices is examined. Second, there is an exploration of an international comparative research project that studies municipal representatives (MAELG). An examination of the research methodologies employed in both of these two surveys reveals the problems inherent to this type of inquiry. Strategies for overcoming these obstacles in future research are described. This study argues that examination of methodological issues can lead to important substantive insights; in this case it is the link between public administration and democracy., Dan Ryšavý., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Reason analysis is a long neglected method of data collection and analysis. This article describes the method and shows some fields of practical application. The methods and principles of reason analysis were first expounded by Lazarsfeld (1935). Reason analysis explores how respondents answer “why” questions during survey interviews. Typically, respondents are asked a simple question inquiring about the reasons that led them to make a specific decision or action. Data obtained in this way are often used to construct a simple classification of respondents. In reality, respondents often have many reasons for making a particular decision, but usually only mention one to an interviewer. Reason analysis contends that responses to ‘why’ questions are a combination of some or all reasons used by the respondent to formulate an answer to an interviewers’ question. Consequently, reason analysis constructs a “tree” of questions and an “accounting scheme” or model of the decision or action being studied. Using this framework, responses are grouped into classes and types according to their (dis)similarity. With the development of software tools it is now easy to estimate reason analysis models of survey response. One key advantage of reason analysis is that it facilitates developing a deeper understanding of the latent structure of groups; and hence allows a more precise estimation of individual level effects in studies of decision-making. As the demand for “structural estimation” models of decision making and action increase, it is likely the reason analysis will become a more influential methodological approach in the 21st century., Hynek Jeřábek., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
This paper explores causal explanations that use panel data and describes the contribution of Paul Lazarsfeld to the methodology of panel analysis. The introductory part describes the concepts of ‘panel data’ and ‘panel analysis.’ The second section is devoted to the history of panel studies. The main part of the paper focuses on the contributions of Paul Lazarsfeld to panel data analysis. The term ‘panel study’ generally denotes any data collection that involves the same respondents who are questioned repeatedly in consecutive waves of a survey. In contrast, ‘panel analysis’ refers to the quantitative analysis of changes in the distributions of responses among the same respondents across two waves of a panel data set. Paul Lazarsfeld developed panel analysis during the late 1930s and early 1940s. The main aim of this early work was to test for causal relationships, and to outline some explanation for the intra-personal changes observed. Lazarsfeld outlined three important panel data analysis procedures: 1) analysis of turnover tables, 2) analysis of qualified change also known as the “analysis of qualifiers”, and 3) analysis of concurrent changes. The latter was often referred to by Lazarsfeld in his methodological papers as the problem of the “sixteen-fold table”. The final section of this paper discusses of the use of control groups in panel studies and problems associated with panel attrition rates., Hynek Jeřábek., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Family may be defi ned as a relatively durable group of persons which is based on blood relations, is caused by marriage eventually by adoption and its main functions are reproduction, upbringing, but also carry over cultural models. Meaning of marriage institution is very often discussed topic not only in context of this defi nition. These discussions are provoked not only by opinions and questions in terms of marriage as an outworn institution, but also by the results of demographic statistic. In these results we can see trends of decreasing nuptiality, perhaps even weakening of family in the basic word sense (low fertility in general, growth of proportion of extramarital born children etc.). Introductory part of this article aff ords view of continuance of nuptiality during the twentieth century and also outline of some aspects that contribute to current nuptiality situation. The second part is focused on attitudes of Czech public towards marriage and on their ideas about importance and sense of marriage as well as., Michaela Dimitrová., and Seznam literatury
Tento článek zkoumá způsoby měření politických znalostí. Hlavním předpokladem většiny prací v daném oboru je myšlenka, že politické znalosti jsou charakteristikou, která náleží pouze jedinci. Výzkum, na němž je založen tento text, předpokládá, že politické znalosti jsou charakteristikou jak jedinců, tak způsobů měření těchto znalostí. Analýzy jsou založené na baterii otázek na politické znalosti, jež byla implementována v šetření ISSP Role vlády IV (2006). Tento článek demonstruje, že předpoklad jednodimenzionality politických znalostí nesmí být chápán jako daný a musí být naopak testován. Přítomnost více než jedné dimenze politických znalostí je teoreticky důležitá, neboť implikuje, že někteří občané se zajímají pouze o specifické aspekty politiky. To má významné důsledky pro naše chápání a hodnocení demokratického systému vládnutí., Pat Lyons., 7 tabulek, and Obsahuje bibliografii
Stať představuje jednoduchý nástroj měření konceptu tzv. přemosťujícího sociálního kapitálu (PSK) pomocí baterie otázek dotazujících odlišnosti v okruhu přátel adaptovanou pro podmínky dospělé populace v ČR. Tato baterie byla použita ve výzkumu veřejného mínění Naše společnost 2007-04 (CVVM). Nejprve ověřujeme konvergentní a diskriminační validitu nástroje pomocí explorační a konfirmační faktorové analýzy, ve které sledujeme, zda je koncept vícedimenzionální. Výsledky ukazují, že o přemosťujícím sociálním kapitálu je třeba uvažovat ve třech různých dimenzích: odlišný životní způsob, okrajové skupiny a odlišné zájmy. Dále ověřujeme pomocí strukturního modelu konstruktovou validitu. Vycházíme z teoretického modelu pozitivních efektů strukturní dimenze sociálního kapitálu (diverzita v přátelských vazbách) na jeho kulturní dimenzi (tolerance, důvěra). Pozornost věnujeme také položkové reliabilitě škál PSK. Závěrem navrhujeme doporučení pro využití baterie PSK v dalších výzkumech., Jiří Šafr, Julia Häuberer., tabulky, obrázky, and Obsahuje bibliografii
This article summarizes methodological procedures and data sources that are typically used in investigating the effects of family structure on the life chances of children. This study shows how these tools have developed over time and it is argued that the prevailing practice in Czech surveys is inadequate for stratification research because it does not reflect contemporary population trends; and can lead to seriously biased estimates. We propose new measurement tools that are appropriate for stratification research, and we appeal for their wider use in future surveys., Klára Čapková, Martin Kredil., and Obsahuje bibliografii