The study pays attention to the formation of the research into Nativ Americans, as well as to the ethical issues connected not only
with the discipline of cultural anthropology, but also of museology,
archaeology, or cultural studies. The study reflects the development
in the attitude to Nativ Americans since the second half of the 19th
century. It describes the foundation of the Institute of American Ethnology, the formation of anthropology in the USA as well as the era of Franz Boas, one of its founders. It also reflects the criticism by Indian academicians. It points out the interconnection between political ideologies, relation to Indians (and all indigenous inhabitants of North America) and definition of research, most visibly especially in connection with applied anthropology It also focuses on contemporary trends, ethical codes, and the role of the Native American and Indigenous Studies within the context of decolonization.
V příspěvku jsou předloženy výsledky antropologické expertízy fragmentárního lidského kosterního materiálu z pozdně laténského objektu v Nových Dvorech (okr. Kutná Hora). V objektu byly identifikovány kosterní pozůstatky celkem dvou jedinců. Studium polohových transformací kosterních komponent prokázalo existenci primárního dutého prostoru okolo uložených těl. and Anthropological analysis of skeletal remains from a La Tène feature at Nové Dvory, Central Bohemia. The article presents the results of the anthropological assessment of fragmentary human skeletal material from a Late La Tène feature at Nové Dvory (distr. Kutná Hora). Skeletal remains of two individuals were identified in the feature. Analysis of placement transformations of the skeletal components proved the existence of a primary open space around the deposited bodies.
The first part of the text addresses the development of ethnography, ethnology and anthropology, respectively, as fields of study, based on the change of the research paradigm. The second part is focused on two most progressive sub-fields of the contemporary anthropology: urban and ethnic anthropology, respectively. It analyses the development of these two fields after 1989, as well as the key areas of research, especially with regard to the change of the political and social system and climate. The aim of the study is to accentuate the confusion with regard to the use of the terms ethnography, ethnology and anthropology and the development continuity of the field. In addition, it aims to underline the social bias of this field of study, even after 1989. Present-day anthropology applies the holistic approach and has remained, to a great extent, part of history. However, it would seem that its comparative scope is its weakness.
The focus of the research was an anthropological and archeological rescue excavation of the site Majetín - Náves. This research was conducted by workers of Archaeological Centre Olomouc during September end October 2012. The aim of the research was to verify a potentional of this site, which is located on the northern border of the village.
The study focuses on the subject that Lévi-Strauss never devoted himself to in a systematic way. The essence of his view on the urban space can be found in few pages of his travel book Tristes Tropiques (English version is entitled World on the Wane). In spite of this fact, the study tries to show that the opinions on the urban space delivered in this work are important for us to under stand the basis of his method, as well as to get closer to the places where his thinking opens to the new perspectives of the anthropological studies. When analyzing these opinions, we find that on the one hand they confirm the primary trend of his method, which is the orientation towards unconscious models; on the other hand, however, we see the role of collective conscience in a new light. Similarly, we will have to correct the idea about the relation between structures and their demographic substance. In his work La Pensée sauvage (The Savage Mind) Lévi-Srauss presented this relationship as a conflict of two sides, from which the second one, the demographic substance always ends up pre dominating: it decomposes the structural organizations and leads the community to the historical time. Lévi-Strauss’ reflections about the city indicate that the demographical substance could have a different function in his thinking. Thanks to the concentration of a big amount of people, a city can in its organization of space display the unconscious trends of mind. The last part of the study aims to discover in Lévi-Strauss’ opinions on the South American cities the indication of what could be called the anthropology of present or even future times. and Miroslav Marcelli.
Schopnost efektivně se pohybovat v daném prostředí byla pro člověka a jeho předchůdce klíčová k zajištění dostatku energie k přežití a rozmnožování. Potřeba překonávat vzdálenosti s co nejmenšími náklady formovala stavbu našich končetin již od doby, kdy jsme se poprvé postavili na dvě končetiny. S příchodem rodu Homo dochází ke změnám dolní končetiny a celého těla umožňujícím efektivnější běh, jenž byl v té době nejlepším způsobem, jak se dostat k masu. Neandrtálce stála chůze a běh více energie než moderní lidi, nicméně rozdíly byly malé a zřejmě nepřispěly k vyhynutí neandrtálců., The ability to move effectively through a given environment was crucial for humans and their ancestors to acquire enough energy for survival and reproduction. The need to cover distances with minimum costs has formed our limbs since we first stood on two limbs. With the early representatives of the genus Homo, the lower limbs and the whole body changed to allow more effective running, which was the best way to obtain meat in those times. H. neanderthalensis had higher costs of walking and running than modern humans, but the differences were subtle and did not contribute to the downfall of H. neanderthalensis., and Martin Hora, Vladimír Sládek.
Evropa se nachází pod tlakem silné imigrace. Nejde přitom o nic nového, v pravěku docházelo k migracím poměrně často a lze říci, že z dnešního pohledu náš genofond spíše obohatily. Pro budoucí identitu příchozích je podstatné, jak se k nim budeme nyní chovat, protože identita se vytváří vždy v interakcích., Europe is under a relatively strong immigration pressure. However, this is nothing new; prehistoric migrations occurred quite often and we can retrospectively summarize they rather enriched our gene pool. Since the identity of immigrants is always created in interactions, it is essential how we treat these people right now., and Viktor Černý, Martin Hájek.
Text se zabývá Latourovým pojetím překladu. Poukazuje na některé epistemologické problémy, které vyplývají ze zohledňování překladu jako předmětu zájmu. Tyto problémy lze redukovat na otázku, zda se na výsledné podobě překladu podílí jen poznávající subjekt, nebo také studovaná skutečnost. Podle způsobu řešení této otázky lze rozlišit mezi lingvistickým a nelingvistickým přístupem. Latourovu snahu o systematičtější vymezení překladu lze chápat jako odklon od lingvistické tradice ve prospěch nelingvistických forem podílejících se na vymezení programu epistemologického obratu. V textu jsou v tomto směru diskutovány především problémy redukcionismu, asymetrie, zobecněné symetrie, aktérství a role badatele ve výzkumném procesu. V Latourově perspektivě tento proces není záležitostí fakticity, nýbrž ontologické politiky, v níž dochází k vyjednávání o tom, co činí svět reálným., The article deals with translational concept of Bruno Latour, focusing on some epistemological issues that arise from the consideration of translation as object of interest. These issues can be reduced to the question whether the final form of translation involves only the knowing subject, or the studied reality as well. Based on the solution to this question, we can distinguish between linguistic and nonlinguistic approaches. Latour's attempt at systematic conceptualization of translation can be seen as a deflection from the linguistic tradition in favor of non-linguistic forms involved in the program of the ontological turn. In this sense, the text describes primarily the issues of reductionism, asymmetry, generalized symmetry, agency and the role of researcher in the research process. In Latour's view, this process is not the matter of facts, but matter of concerns, in which ontological politics consists of the process of negotiation over what makes up the real world., and Tomáš Kobes.