CD5+ B-lymfoproliferace představují významnou skupinu definovaných diagnostických jednotek v rámci WHO klasifikace zralých B-lymfoidních neoplazií. Antigen CD5 je na fyziologických B-lymfocytech exprimován pouze minoritně, a proto je jeho patologická přítomnost důležitým diferenciálně diagnostickým rysem. Laboratorní diagnostika CD5+ B-lymfoproliferací je multidisciplinární a zahrnuje metody morfologické (cytologie a histologie), metody stanovení imunofenotypu (imunohistochemie a průtoková cytometrie) a metody cytogenetiky a molekulární cytogenetiky. Na základě morfotypu, imunofenotypu a genetického profilu lze mezi CD5+ B-lymfoproliferacemi vyčlenit jednotky s vysokou expresí CD5 u většiny případů (chronická lymfocytární leukemie, lymfom z malých lymfocytů a lymfom z plášťových buněk), jednotky s expresí CD5 u významné menšinové části případů (B-prolymfocytární leukemie, splenický lymfom z marginální zóny) a jednotky s raritní expresí CD5 (ostatní typy lymfomu z marginální zóny, difuzní velkobuněčný B-lymfom, folikulární lymfom, lymfoplazmocytární lymfom a Burkittův lymfom)., CD5+ B-lymphoproliferative disorders represent a significant group of the defined diagnostic entities within the framework of the WHO classification of mature B-cell neoplasms. The pathological presence of CD5 antigen is an important diagnostic feature because of the minor expression of CD5 on normal B-lymphocytes. The laboratory diagnostics of the CD5+ B-lymphoproliferative disorders is multidisciplinary and it comprises the morphological methods (cytology, histology), the methods of immunophenotyping (immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry) and the cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic methods. Based on the morphological features, the immunophenotype and the genetic profile, three groups of the CD5+ B-lymphoproliferative diseases can be recognized: the entities with the bright CD5 expression in a major part of cases (chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, small lymphocytic lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma), the entities with the CD5 expression in a significant minor part of cases (B-prolymphocytic leukaemia, splenic marginal zone lymphoma) and the entities with rare CD5 expression (other types of marginal zone lymphomas, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, Burkitt lymphoma)., David Starostka, Peter Mikula, and Literatura
The ongoing growth of the human population will increase the rate of wildlife-human interactions. High levels of animal tolerance and flexible responses towards human presence seem to be among the key mechanisms behind successful wildlife-human coexistence, but this behaviour remains unexplored for most populations and species of animals. Here, we investigate the escape behaviour (measured as flight initiation distance) of the Crimean population of a charismatic and declining bird species, the lesser grey shrike (Lanius minor). We examined its relationship with starting distance of the approaching human, directness of that approach (direct or tangential), habitat type (rural or suburban), and height of the perch used by shrikes. We found that the starting distance was significantly associated with escape responses of shrikes to approaching humans. In contrast, we found no significant association between escape responses and directness of approach, habitat type, or height of perch. Our results indicate that the lesser grey shrike may exhibit low flexibility in their escape responses towards humans which may have implications for their conservation management. Our results also indicate that the widely used 30 m threshold for minimum starting distance may be insufficient for rural populations, even of small passerines.