The resting membrane potential (Vm) of isolated somatic longitudinal muscles of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris was studied by glass microelectrodes. The inhibition of chloride permeability by low pH did not affect Vm of the muscle fibers in isolated somatic longitudinal muscles of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris which was -48.7 mV (inside negative) at pH 7.3 and -49.1 at pH 5.6. On the other hand, bathing the muscles in Cl- and Na+-free solutions, or application of the chloride transporter inhibitor furosemide and Na+-K+-ATPase inhibitor ouabain depolarized the Vm by 3-5 mV. The effects of a Cl- -free solution and ouabain were not additive. This demonstrates relatively small contribution of equilibrium potential for Cl- to the resting membrane potential and electrogenic effect of Na+K+-ATPase which is dependent on the supply of Na+i ions by furosemide-sensitive and Cl-e- and Na+e-dependent electroneutral transport (most probably Na+K+Cl- cotransport)., E. M. Volkov, L. F. Nurullin, E. Nikolsky, J. Krůšek, F. Vyskočil., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (MEPCs) of the muscle cells of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris were recorded by glass microelectrodes. In a single synaptic zone, three types of MEPC were recorded: a fast single-exponential type that decayed with τ=0.9 ms, a slow single-exponential with τ=9.2 ms and a two-exponential MEPC with τ = 1.3 and 8.5 ms, respectively. The muscle cells of earthworms contain populations of yet-unidentified ionic channels that might be different from the common nicotinic and muscarinic groups of acetylcholine receptors, since these MEPCs are not sensitive to d-tubocurarine, atropine, benzohexonium or proserine. Alternatively, besides ACh receptors, the membrane may contain receptors for an other yet-unidentified excitatory transmitter., E. M. Volkov, L. F. Nurullin, E. Nikolsky, F. Vyskočil., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The effect of Na+-K+-ATPase inhibitor ouabain on the resting membrane potential (Vm) was studied by glass microelectrodes in isolated somatic longitudinal muscles of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris and compared with frog sartorius muscle. In earthworm muscle, Vm was -49 mV (inside negative) in a reference external solution with 4 mmol/l K+. The electrogenic participation of Na+-K+-ATPase was absent in solutions with very low concentrations of 0.01 mmol/l K+, higher in 4 and 8 mmol/l K+ (4-5 mV) and maximal (13 mV) in solutions containing 12 mmol/l K+ where Vm was -46 mV in the absence and -33 mV in the presence of 1x10-4 M ouabain. The electrogenic participation of Na+-K+-ATPase was much smaller in m. sartorius of the frog Rana temporaria bathed in 8 and 12 mmol/l K+. The results indicate that the Na+-K+-ATPase is an important electrogenic factor in earthworm longitudinal muscle fibres and that its contribution to Vm depends directly on the concentration of K+ in the bathing solution., E. M. Volkov, L. F. Nurullin, I. Švandová, E. E. Nikolsky, F. Vyskočil., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Invaze nepůvodních druhů žížal vede v severoamerických lesích ke komplexním změnám a to především v severních opadavých lesích, které se od posledního zalednění částečně vyvíjely zcela bez přítomnosti žížal. Článek danou problematiku zasazuje do souvislostí a představuje stav poznání z hlediska příčin, postupu a důsledků těchto invazí., Invasions of exotic earthworms into North American forests lead to complex changes, in particular, in northern deciduous forests that have partially developed after the last glaciation without the presence of earthworms. The paper explains the context of these earthworm invasions and presents the state of knowledge in respect to their causes, spread and consequences., and Jiří Schlaghamerský.