Changes in the mean sea level are the result of climate change, environmental change and human activity. The Baltic Sea is located in an area of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) which scientists are particularly interested in. However, published reports from this region do not include tide gauges located on the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea. Previous scientific studies include only selected tide gauges at various time intervals. The authors used different types of data (Revised Local Reference (RLR) data and metric data). They did not analyze the occurrence of vertical shifts (jumps) in time series. The main aim of this article is to determine changes in the mean level of the Baltic Sea at selected tide gauges on the southern Baltic Sea coast. The tide gauge data to determine changes in the mean sea level of the Baltic Sea on the Polish coast for the years 1811-2015, were acquired from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute (IMGW–PIB) in Poland and from the PSMSL (Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level) database. In the calculations, metric data, i.e. average monthly values, were used for tide gauges in Świnoujście, Kołobrzeg, Ustka, Stolpmunde, Władysławowo, and Gdańsk. For the reduction of vertical shifts in time series due to a change in the reference level, the author’s proprietary VSED algorithm was applied. Time series were analyzed in terms of seasonality effect. Statistical methods were used to determine the trend: linear regression analysis, spectral analysis, index method. A moving average with a "window" of 19 years was used to smooth the data. Changes in the mean level of the Baltic Sea at the analyzed tide gauges indicate small, short-time positive changes as well as a gradual, slight increase in the mean sea level ranging from +0.8 mm/y to +2.4 mm/y. The best-fitting trend line was obtained when adopting the application of the Fourier function and the moving average with a 19-year window. The analysis of vertical shifts (jumps) showed that there are vertical shifts not revealed at the stage of metric data reduction to the reference level. It has been shown that series from two tide gauges located close to each other can be combined and the series can thus be extended, which results in a reduction in the theoretical error of the determination of the trend.
První díl dvoudílného seriálu článků o mořském a pobřežním prostředí Helského poloostrova ležícího v Baltském moři přináší ucelené informace o samotném městě a historii poloostrova. Dále se čtenáři seznámí s přírodními poměry poloostrova včetně obecného popisu života v Baltském moři. Mimo to jsou obsahem příspěvku také informace o výzkumné stanici Gdaňské Univerzity, na které autoři tohoto příspěvku pobývali dva týdny v roce 2013 a prováděli výzkumy, o jejichž výsledcích pojednává druhý díl seriálu., This is the first article of a two-part series about the sea and coastal area of the Hel Peninsula, which is located in the Baltic Sea. It provides information about the history of the town and the peninsula, as well as an analysis of the natural habitats of the Hel Peninsula and information about Baltic Sea life. The next section deals with the authors´ two weeks of field research at the Gdansk University research station in 2013. The results of these research projects will be published in the second part of the series., and Martin Rulík, Adam Bednařík, Filip Trnka, Zdeněk Mačát.
Investigations on the epizoic fauna of Gadus morhua (L.), Piatichthys flesus (L.) and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) from the Kiel Fjord and Kiel Bight were carried out from September 1996 to March 1997. Smears from 120 G. morhua and 92 P. flesus caught using fish traps and trammel nets, and of 35 O. mykiss obtained from a local fish farm in the Kiel Fjord revealed the presence of three species of trichodinid ciliatcs, Trichodina claviformis sp. n., Trichodina jadranica Haider, 1964 and Trichodina raahei Loin, 1962. The new species can be distinguished from other trichodinids by its large size in combination with the characteristically shaped adhesive disc containing denticles with club-like formed thorns. The thorns are directed anteriorly and not towards the centre of the adhesive disc. As the Kiel Bight and Kiel Fjord are new locality records for T. jadranica and T. raabei, morphological data are provided for both species. Trichodina claviformis is the first record of a pcrilrichous mobiline ciliate from Atlantic cod of the Baltic Sea. An identification Icey for 16 Trichodina species occurring on Baltic Sea fishes is provided based on the morphology of the adhesive disc and other well-established features The occurrence of trichodinid ciliates on G. morhua and P. flesus in the Baltic Sea is discussed, especially considering the biology of the host and a possible host specificity of the species.
Článek volně navazuje na příspěvek v Živě 2015, 6: 311-315, věnovaný Helskému poloostrovu na pobřeží Polska a okolnímu Baltskému moři obecně, vegetaci a vybraným skupinám živočichů. Toto pokračování přináší několik oddílů pojednávajících o výzkumech - pěti studentských projektech, na nichž jsme pracovali během čtrnáctidenního pobytu na Mořské stanici Oceánografického institutu Gdaňské univerzity v Helu v r. 2013. Nejprve vás zavede do mořských hlubin a tresčích žaludků, poté do mělkých vod mezi koljušky a jejich parazity a na závěr se věnuje blešivcům, broukům a rovnokřídlým z písečných pláží Helu., The paper provides basic information on the biology and ecology of some interesting animals living in the Baltic Sea or on the surrounding sandy beach. The marine isopod Saduria entomon inhabiting deep water habitats is the dominant prey of Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), while an amphipod Talitrus saltator occupies sandy beaches in close proximity to the sea. The Three-spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a fish native to most inland coastal waters, however, its population is usually heavily infected with cestode Schistocephalus solidus. Among beetles and grasshoppers our attention focuses on the tenebrionid beetle Phaleria cadaverina living on sandy beaches. Our findings confirm the historically dubious records of this species in Poland., and Martin Rulík, Adam Bednařík, Radim Gabriš, Filip Trnka, Kateřina Kuřavová, Zdeněk Mačát.