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2. Existuje „velké“ umění?: Kritika axiologického základu uměleckého kánonu
- Creator:
- Zahrádka , Pavel
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- canon, test of time, aesthetic, value, Hume, ideal critic, and thick concepts
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- My paper explores critical objections to the concept of the artistic canon, conceived as a summary of works with an objective aesthetic value that have stood the test of time. To begin with, the objections of feminist and postcolonial criticism are discussed and examined. However, the sociological objection questioning the axiological foundation of the canon, i.e. the possibility of generally applicable aesthetic judgment, has been identified as the most crucial. My paper proceeds to discuss the theory of ideal perception as a solution to the problem of justifying aesthetic judgments. My aim is to prove that from the axiological perspective, the theory of the ideal critic gets entangled in the never-ending regress of a logical circle, or it eventually finds its justification through a particular social practice. This theory is also problematic in its erroneous assumption of the logical independence of the descriptive and evaluating components of aesthetic concepts. The impossibility of separating the evaluating attitude from the conditions of the use of aesthetic concepts indicates the relative applicability of aesthetic value and the artistic canon, depending on the “personal economy” of the evaluating subject.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
3. Freedom, power and causation
- Creator:
- Pink, Thomas
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- causation, chance, compatibilism, freedom, Hobbes, Hume, incompatibilism, law of nature, power, reason, scepticism, Suarez, příčina, šance, kompatibilismus, svoboda, nekompatibilita, právo přírody, napájení, důvod, skepticismus, and Suarez.
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Freedom or control of how we act is often and very naturally understood as a kind of power-a power to determine for ourselves how we act. Is freedom conceived as such a power possible, and what kind of power must it be? The paper argues that power takes many forms, of which ordinary causation is only one; and that if freedom is indeed a kind of power, it cannot be ordinary causation. Scepticism about the reality of freedom as a power can take two forms. One, found in Hume, now often referred to as the Mind argument, assumes incompatibilism, and concludes from incompatibilism that freedom cannot exist, as indistinguishable from chance. But another scepticism, found in Hobbes, does not assume incompatibilism, but assumes rather that the only possible form of power in nature is ordinary causation, concluding that freedom cannot for this reason exist as a form of power. This scepticism is more profound-it is in fact presupposed by Hume’s scepticism-and far more interesting, just because freedom cannot plausibly be modelled as ordinary causation., Svoboda nebo kontrola toho, jak jednáme, je často a velmi přirozeně chápána jako druh moci - moc určovat si, jak jedeme. Je svoboda koncipována jako taková moc a jaká moc musí být? Příspěvek tvrdí, že moc má mnoho podob, z nichž obyčejná příčina je pouze jedna; a že pokud je svoboda skutečně určitým druhem moci, nemůže to být obyčejná příčina. Skepticismus o realitě svobody jako moci může mít dvě podoby. Jeden, nalezený v Hume, nyní často odkazoval se na jako myslargument, předpokládá neslučitelnost, a uzavře z neslučitelnosti že svoboda nemůže existovat, jak nerozeznatelný od šance. Ale další skepticismus, nalezený v Hobbes, nepředpokládá nekompatibilitu, ale předpokládá spíše to, že jedinou možnou formou moci v přírodě je obyčejná příčinná souvislost, závěr, že svoboda nemůže z tohoto důvodu existovat jako forma moci. Tento skepticismus je hlubší - ve skutečnosti je předpokládán Humeovým skepticismem - a mnohem zajímavějším, protože svoboda nemůže být věrohodně modelována jako obyčejná příčina., and Thomas Pink
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
4. Jsou nutné soudy a priori?
- Creator:
- Sousedík, Prokop
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- necessity de re and de dicto, Kant, Hume, Kripke, scholasticism, and logical positivism
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The article shows the positions philosophers held to the relationship between a priori judgments and those judgments which are valid necessarily. Enlightenment philosophers of the 18th and 19th century, who, though often in different ways, opposed the concept of metaphysics and scholastic necessity (Hume, Kant, Mill, idealists), play the leading role. At the beginning of the 20th century analytic philosophy was born. Its first leaders inherited from their predecessors an antipathy to metaphysics, and so they had no desire to return again to the traditional concept of necessity (Wittgenstein, Carnap, Ayer). Their logic and the new characterization of the a priori paved the way for the linguistic turn. Some of their followers in the second half of the 20th century realized that the concept needed to be returned to its original meaning (Kripke). This is not a mere repetition of the Aristotelian-scholastic conception, but a new addition that rethinks the relationship between the notions of a priori and necessity, Článek ukazuje postoje filozofů k vztahu mezi a priori rozsudky a rozsudky, které jsou nezbytně nutné. Vůdčí roli hrají osvícenští filosofové 18. a 19. století, kteří, i když často různými způsoby, vystupují proti pojetí metafyziky a scholastické potřeby (Hume, Kant, Mill, idealisté). Na počátku 20. století se zrodila analytická filosofie. Jeho první vůdci zdědili od svých předchůdců antipatii vůči metafyzice, a tak se nechtěli znovu vrátit k tradičnímu konceptu nutnosti (Wittgenstein, Carnap, Ayer). Jejich logika a nová charakterizace a priori vydláždily cestu pro jazykové obraty. Někteří jejich následovníci ve druhé polovině 20. století si uvědomili, že koncept je třeba vrátit k původnímu významu (Kripke)., and Prokop Sousedík
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
5. Skepticismus a fideismus. Montaigne a Hume
- Creator:
- Zuzana Parusniková
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Filozofie, filozofie, philosophy, Hume, Montaigne, scepticism, fideism, true religion, 5, and 101
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The revival of Pyrrhonian scepticism in European thought of the seventeenth century had a significant influence not only on the further development of epistemology, but also on the sphere of theology. Sceptical denial of the legitimacy of rational judgement affected even the legitimacy of traditional arguments for God’s existence. The attempt to “save God” led to fideism in which faith is transferred to the sphere of inner experience, and is fraught with mystery. One of the main propagators of Pyrrhonism, and representatives of the fideistic turn, was Montaigne. What about Hume? Do we not find a similar strategy here too? After all, Hume accepted the irresolvability of epistemological scepticism by rational means, and he founded the positive structure of knowledge on human nature instead. Analogically, he might be inclined to go for the opposite pole of religious scepticism by endorsing the private faith of the heart, and he might perhaps even recognise this as a natural need in human life. The author, in her investigation of these questions, treats above all of Hume’s Dialogues and she arrives at the conclusion that Hume - in contrast to his predecessor Bayle - is perfectly devoted to an enlightened world where religion, especially in its fideistic form, belongs to the old times of “darkness”. It may be replaced, though, by the almost secular true religion practiced in an enlightened community., Zuzana Parusniková., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
6. The judge-dependence of aesthetic and moral judgement
- Creator:
- Kölbel, Max
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- anti-realism, aesthetic judgement, judge-dependence, moral judgement, Kant, and Hume
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- This paper develops an account of judge-dependence, conceived of as a generalization of the better known notion of response-dependence. It then solves a number of problems for the view that aesthetic judgements are judge-dependent in this sense. Finally, a parallel case for the judge-dependence of moral judgement is assessed.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public