System modeling is a vital tool for cost reduction and design process speed up in most engineering fields. The paper is focused on modeling of hydraulic arm as a part of intelligent prosthesis project, in the form of 2DOF open kinematic chain. The arm model combines mechanical, hydraulic and electric subsystems and uses Matlab as modeling tool. SimMechanics Matlab extension is used for mechanical part modeling, SimHydraulics toolbox is used for modeling of hydraulic circuit used for actuating corresponding mechanical components. Interconnection between the subsystems is essential issue, as it is surprisingly not a straightforward task in Matlab/Simulink, despite the fact that each toolbox works well if used in stand alone mode. The model is verrified with the physical model of hydraulic arm actuated by micro electro-hydraulic components. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The Self Organized Mapping (SOM) is a kind of artificial neural network (ANN) which enables the pattern set self-organization in space with Euclidean metrics. Thus, the traditional SOM consists of two layers; input one with n nodes and output one with H ones. Every output node is characterized by its weight vector Wk G in this case. The absence of pattern coordinates in special cases is a good motivation for self-organization in any metric space (U, d). The learning in the metric space is introduced on the cluster analysis problém and a basic clustering algorithm is obtained. The relationship with the traditional ISODATA method and NP-completeness is proven. The direct generalization comes to SOM learning in the metric space, its algorithm, properties and NP-completeness. The SOM learning is based on an objective function and its batch minimization. Three estimates of the proposed objective function are included. They will help to study the relationship with Kohonen batch learning, the cluster analysis and the convex programming task. The Matlab source code for the SOM in the metric space is available in the appendix. Two numeric examples are oriented at self-organization in the metric space of written words and the metric space of functions.
This work deals with the design and realization of measuring device for the measurement of color changes during the production of polymer granulates. As a color sensor LifeCam Studio webcam is used here. User measurement application created in MATLAB programming environment is described and some results of measurement on selected samples of granulate are shown in order to verify the functionality of the device. Problem of regranulate colour measurement lies in big amount of formed cavities. Study of their impact on measured results leads to necessity of new algorithms during data processing. and Práce se zabývá návrhem a realizací měřicího přípravku pro měření změn barevnosti během výroby polymerních regranulátů. Jako senzor barevnosti je použita webová kamera LifeCam Studio. Je popsána i uživatelská měřicí aplikace vytvořená v programovacím prostředí MATLAB a publikovány výsledky měření na vybraných vzorcích regranulátu za účelem ověření funkčnosti zařízení. Problém měření barevnosti granulátu spočívá ve velkém množství vytvořených dutin. Studium jejich vlivu na výsledky měření vede k nutnosti tvorby nových algoritmů při zpracování naměřených dat.