As a consequence of a unique historical fact – the dissolution of Czechoslovakia – the divergencebetween the two social systems of the successor states occurred and caused unequal treatment of those oldagepensioners, previous citizens of the federal state, whose employer had had, by chance, its seat in the territoryof the other successor state. The subsequent decision-making over the pension claims of these citizensresulted in controversial judgments not only at the national but also at the Union level. The article focuseson the recent evolution in European Union Court of Justice case “Landtova” (C-399-09) as reflected in theCzech Constitutional Court’s judgement (Pl. ÚS 5/12) stating that EU law is inapplicable in these cases andtherefore the above mentioned decision of CJEU is ultra vires. In this context the auricle deals with relationshipof national and EU law in light of the principle of conferral, division of powers and cooperation betweenthe national and European Union courts.