Two Camptylonemopsis species (cyanoprokaryotes) from "Mata Atlantica" in coastal Brazil
Two Camptylonemopsis species (cyanoprokaryotes) from "Mata Atlantica" in coastal Brazil Dva druhy rodu Camptylonemopsis (Canoprokaryota) z pobřezních tropických lesů "Mata Atlantica" v Brazílii
Two new species of the genus Camptylonemopsis (Cyanoprokaryota, Cyanobacteria), namely C. epibryos spec. nova and C. sennae spec. nova, are described from the coastal tropical rainy forest “Mata Atlantica” in Brazil (state Săo Paulo). The diacritical features and the taxonomic position of the genus, particularly the comparison with the related genera Coleodesmium, Tolypothrix and Scytonema are discussed. The tabular review of the genus Camptylonemopsis is presented.