Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common malignancy in the world's female population and with the highest lethality index among gynecological tumors. The prognosis of metastatic disease is usually poor, especially in platinum-resistant cases. There are several options for the treatment of metastatic disease resistant to platinum derivates (e.g. paclitaxel, topotecan and pegylated liposomal doxorubicin), all of which are considered equipotent. Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) is a liposomal form of the anthracycline antibiotic doxorubicin. It is characterized by more convenient pharmacokinetics and a different toxicity profile. Cardiotoxicity, the major adverse effect of conventional doxorubicin, is reduced in PLD as well as hematotoxicity, alopecia, nausea and vomiting. Skin toxicity and mucositis, however, emerge as serious issues since they represent dose and schedule-limiting toxicities. The pharmacokinetics of PLD (prolonged biological half-life and preferential distribution into tumor tissue) provide new possibilities to address these toxicity issues. The extracorporeal elimination of circulating liposomes after PLD saturation in the tumor tissue represents a novel and potent strategy to diminish drug toxicity. This article intends to review PLD characteristics and the importance of extracorporeal elimination to enhance treatment tolerance and benefits. and O. Kubeček, M. Bláha, D. Diaz-Garcia, S. Filip
INTRODUCTION: Autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) became standard of care for patients with multiple myeloma (MM) under the age of 65 years. We routinely perform ASCT for newly diagnosed MM since 1996 in our department. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed all 285 transplants in 185 patients done for MM from January 1996 till December 2010. We analyzed overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) regarding conditioning, stage, complete or very good partial remission (CR, VGPR) achievement, renal impairment, single vs. double transplant. RESULTS: Estimated 10-years survival of the whole set of patients is 39% (median survival 95 months). Patients with renal impairment show same OS as those without (p = 0.22). Patients show similar overall survival and event free survival regardless of type of transplant. We observed better outcome in terms of overall survival in patients treated with new drugs (p = 0.0014). Reaching CR or VGPR was not translated into better OS (p = 0.30) and EFS (p = 0.10). Also stage of the disease and whether single or double transplant was used did not make any significant difference in the outcome. CONCLUSION: Stem cell transplantation greatly improved outcome of patients with MM. Poor outcome of allogeneic transplantation in our group of patients is related to high transplant related mortality (20% vs. 0%) and unexpected high relapse rate. There is a trend towards better survival, when new drugs are incorporated at any time in the course of the disease. This fact supports hypothesis that use of these drugs with ASCT should translate into better long-term outcome. and J. Radocha, V. Maisnar, A. Zavrelová, M. Cermanová, M. Lánská, M. Kmonícek, L. Jebavý, M. Bláha, J. Malý, P. Zák
LDL-aferéza je extrakorporální eliminační metodika, která usiluje o pokud možno specifické odstranění LDL-cholesterolu z cirkulující krve. V současnosti je používáno 6 účinných metod k selektivnímu odstranění LDL-cholesterolu. Mezi hlavní indikace k léčbě LDL-aferézou patří diagnózy homozygotní familiární hypercholesterolemie, heterozygotní familiární hypercholesterolemie refrakterní nebo při intoleranci k standardní léčbě, a dále pacienti se zvýšením lipoproteinu(a) refrakterní nebo intolerantní k farmakoterapii. Dosud však není jednoty o tom, jaká hladina LDL-cholesterolu je rozhodující pro zahájení LDL-aferézy, názory se liší i v jednotlivých státech. I když neexistují klasické velké randomizované studie, existuje dostatečný počet dobře řízených studií k tomu, aby v celém světě bylo uznáváno, že je efekt LDL-aferézy na kardiovaskulární prognózu u závažné hypercholesterolemie významný., LDL-apheresis is an extracorporeal elimination technique, which specifically removes LDL-cholesterol from the circulation. There are six methods for the selective LDL-cholesterol removal these days. The main indications for LDL-apheresis are the diagnosis of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia which is refractory the standard care and intolerance of routine care, and also patients with lipoprotein(a) increase resistant to the farmacotherapy. There is still debate which LDL-cholesterolemia is indication for LDL-apheresis therapy, and the recommendation differs among various countries. Despite large randomized trials are missing, there are several good quality studies to conclude, that the beneficial cardiovascular effects of LDL-apheresis in severe hypercholesterolemia are important and beneficial, and Vladimír Bláha, Milan Bláha, Miriam Lánská, Eduard Havel, Pavel Vyroubal, Zdeněk Zadák, Pavel Žák, Luboš Sobotka
Lipoproteinová aferéza (LA) je metodou volby v léčbě pacientů se závažnou hypercholesterolemií, kteří jsou rezistentní na konvenční terapii. Patří mezi extrakorporální eliminační metodiky a usiluje o pokud možno specifické odstranění low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterolu z cirkulující krve. LA v kombinaci s vyššími dávkami statinů a ezetimibem představuje v současnosti nejúčinnější způsob léčby homozygotů a statin-refrakterních heterozygotů familiární hypercholesterolemie (FH). Reziduální kardiovaskulární riziko těchto pacientů zůstává přesto vysoké, zejména proto, že i přes zmíněnou léčbu nelze dosáhnout cílových hodnot lipidů podle současných doporučení. Novou nadějí pro pacienty jsou nové lékové skupiny hypolidemik. Jejich účinek je založen na snížení tvorby LDL inhibicí syntézy apolipoproteinu B pomocí antisense oligonukleotidu (mipomersen), inhibicí mikrosomálního triglyceridového transportního proteinu (lomitapid), nebo posílením katabolizmu LDL vlivem monoklonální protilátek, inhibujících aktivitu proprotein konvertázy subtilizin/kexin 9 (PCSK9 – alirokumab, evolokumab aj). Kombinace LA s novými léčivy je slibná, zejména pro potenciál dalšího snížení LDL-cholesterolemie mezi jednotlivými aferézami. Předběžné výsledky probíhajících studií naznačují, že nová hypolipidemika v kombinaci s LA nebo samostatně podstatně obohatí a vylepší léčbu refrakterní FH. Klíčová slova: alirokumab – ateroskleróza – evolokumab – hypercholesterolemie – kardiovaskulární onemocnění – lipoproteinová aferéza – lomitapid – mipomersen, Lipoprotein apheresis (LA) is an effective treatment method the patients with severe hypercholesterolemia, resistant to the standard therapy. LA is an extracorporeal elimination technique, which specifically removes low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from the circulation. At present, lipoprotein apheresis, combined with high-dose statin and ezetimibe therapy, is the best available means of treating patients with homozygous and statin refractory heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). However, the extent of cholesterol-lowering achieved is often insufficient to meet the targets set by current guidelines. The recent advent of new classes of lipid-lowering agents provides new hope that the latter objective may now be achievable. These compounds act either by reducing low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol production by inhibiting apolipoprotein B synthesis with an antisense oligonucleotide (mipomersen), or by inhibiting microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (lomitapid), or by enhancing LDL catabolism via monoclonal antibody-mediated inhibition of the activity of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 (PCSK9 – alirocumab, evolocumab etc). The promising is the combination of LDL-apheresis with new drugs, namely for its potential to further decrease of LDL-cholesterol between apheresis. Depending on the outcome of current trials, it seems likely that these compounds, used alone or combined with lipoprotein apheresis, will markedly improve the management of refractory FH. Key words: alirocumab – atherosclerosis – cardiovascular disease – evolocumab – hypercholesterolemia –lipoprotein apheresis – lomitapid – mipomersen, and Vladimír Bláha, Milan Bláha, Miriam Lánská, Eduard Havel, Pavel Vyroubal, Zdeněk Zadák, Michal Vrablík, Jan Piťha, Pavel Žák, Luboš Sobotka
BACKGROUND: The current treatment of hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) consists of performing periodic whole blood phlebotomies. Erythrocytapheresis (EA) can remove up to three times more red blood cells per single procedure and could thus have a clinical benefit. A prospective study of 30 consecutive cases of HH were included in a periodic EA program. METHODS AND PATIENTS: EA were performed using a discontinuous flow cell separators. The protocol consisted of a bimonthly EA until normalization of the serum ferritin was reached. The aim was to reduce the total erythrocyte volume by 25-35%, eventually, to adjust the amount so that hematocrit would not drop below 0.25. RESULTS: 530 +/- 101 ml of erythrocytes were removed (median 517, range 116-761 ml). Iron depletion (ferritin < 20 microg/l) was achieved in all patients after a mean 6.9 +/- 7.6 months, median 5 months, range 1-36 months and a mean 14 EA sessions. The procedures were well tolerated and there were no severe side-effects. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that HH patients treated with EA achieved iron depletion quickly under good conditions of tolerance. The efficacy, speed, tolerability, and more favorable schedule of an EA program facilitate treatment of HH. and V. Rehácek, M. Bláha, H. Jirousová, J. Cernohorská, P. Papousek