Víry jsou fyzikální fenomén vyskytující se v mnoha podobách a velikostech, od galaxií, tornád, vodních vírů až po víry nanometrových rozměrů, které můžeme nalézt například v supravodivých materiálech nebo nanomagnetech., Vortices are a physical phenomenon which are found with many varieties across a large range of sizes, from galaxies to whirlpools and further down to nanoscale vortices which can be found in superconducting materials and nanomagnets.Magnetic vortex structures form in thin-disk shaped ferromag-netic elements where the magnetic moments try to follow the disk shape's boundary. They are characterized by the sense of in-plane magnetization circulation and by the polarity of the vortex core. With each having two possible states, there are four possible stable magnetization configurations. Controlling these states on a sub-nanosecond timescale is currently a hot topic both for fundamental and applied reasons., Michal Urbánek, Jiří Spousta., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
During the Maximum Year, preflare and preeruptive phenomena have been observed which give a new idea on the association of eruptive prominences and coronal transients. The propagation of a C IV brightening through a prominence is related to the onset of a
MHD wave. It is followed by the activation of the prominence and its eruption some two hours later. A coronal transient is observed above 1.6 Rs. It is argued that the eruption of the prominence is
the result of perturbations in the magnetic field configuration initiated by the MHD waves. The consequence would be that more generally the primary initiation of the eruption may happen up to
several hours before the rlse of the prominence.