The transfer of light energy from phycobilisomes (PBS) to photosystem II (PSII) reaction centers is vital for photosynthesis in cyanobacteria and red algae. To investigate the relationship between PBS and PSII and to optimize the energy transfer efficiency from PBS to PSII, isolation of the PBS-PSII supercomplex is necessary. SPC (sucrose/phosphate/citrate) is a conventional buffer for isolating PBS-PSII supercomplex in cyanobacteria. However, the energy transfer occurring in the supercomplex is poor. Here, we developed a new buffer named SGB by adding 1M glycinebetaine and additional sucrose to SPC buffer. Compared to SPC, the newly developed SGB buffer greatly enhanced the associated populations of PBS with thylakoid membranes and PSII and further improved the energy transfer efficiency from PBS to PSII reaction centers in cyanobacteria in vitro. Therefore, we conclude that SGB is an excellent buffer for isolating the PBS-PSII supercomplex and for enhancing the energy transfer efficiency from PBS to PSII reaction centers in cyanobacteria in vitro., L. P. Chen, Q. X. Wang, W. M. Ma., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In order to study photosynthetic characteristics, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO) activities as well as soluble protein and chlorophyll contents were determined in leaf and fruit pericarp samples from diverse coffee genotypes (Coffea arabica cv. Colombia, Caturra, Caturra Erecta, San Pacho, Tipica, C. stenophylla, C. eugenioides, C. congensis, C. canephora, C. canephora cv. Arabusta, C. arabica cv. Caturra×C. canephora and Hibrido de Timor. We found a slightly higher PEPC activity in fruit pericarp than in leaves, while RuBPCO activity was much lower in pericarp than leaf tissue. Partial purification of PEPC and RuBPCO was carried out from leaves of C. arabica cv. Caturra and Michaelis-Menten kinetics for RuBPCO (Km CO2 = 5.34 µM), (Km RuBP = 9.09 µM) and PEPC (Km PEP = 19.5 µM) were determined. Leaf tissues of Colombia, Hibrido de Timor, and Caturra consistently showed higher content of protein [55.4-64.4 g kg-1 (f.m.)] than San Pacho, C. stenophylla, Tipica, Caturra Erecta, and Caturra×C. canephora [25.6-36.9 g kg-1 (f.m.)] and C. canephora cv. Arabusta, Borbon, C. congensis, C. eugenioides, and C. canephora [16.1-21.1 g kg-1 (f.m.)]. and Y. Lopez ... [et al.].
During batch culture of Haslea ostrearia the highest carbon (14C) fixation rate was found in vivo in cells that did not accumulate the blue pigment marennine (green form). This fixation rate decreased concomitantly with the accumulation of marennine. In vitro, no phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activity was detected, but nearly equivalent activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPC) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) were found in the green form. However, the activity of RuBPC was lower than that of PEPCK during marennine accumulation. In vitro carboxylase activities were strongly inhibited by the addition of a marennine extract. A full description of this inhibition could not be confirmed within the cells because marennine accumulates in small cytoplasmic vesicles. and G. Tremblin, J.-M. Robert.
Monoclonal antibody B4 (mAb B4) was previously developed to the myxozoan parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae Canning, Curry, Feist, Longshaw et Okamura, 1999, the causative agent of proliferative kidney disease of salmonids. Here we describe the reaction of mAb B4 against Myxobolus cerebralis Hofer, 1903, the parasite that causes 'whirling disease' in salmonids. Tissues examined were collected from experimentally infected rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) and the aquatic oligochaete Tubifex tubifex (O.F. Müller), the two hosts involved in the life cycle of M. cerebralis. Paraffin sections of infected rainbow trout taken at 4 h and 3, 10, 17 and 54 days post-exposure to infective M. cerebralis actinospores were immunohistochemically stained with mAb B4. Longitudinal sections through infected T. tubifex sampled 120 days post-exposure to M. cerebralis myxospores were also examined using this method. The only phase of the M. cerebralis life cycle that expressed the mAb B4 antigen was during sporogenesis in the salmonid host. The immunohistochemical staining demonstrated that the antigen was released into the tissues surrounding the spore and sporogonic stages of the parasite. The localisation of the antigen was diffuse in the fish, suggesting that the possible effect of M. cerebralis infection is extensive through the head tissues and not limited to areas of cartilage destruction as previously thought.
Polymerní materiály, tedy plasty, kaučuky a polymerní kompozity, nacházejí aplikace v nejrůznějších podobách a v řadě oblastí. Postupně se staly důležitou oporou současné civilizace. Ve třicátých letech se vynořila polymerní fyzika jako významná a uznávaná součást polymerní vědy a následovala rozvoj polymerní chemie. Pochopení vztahů mezi jednotlivými úrovněmi hierarchické struktury polymerů a jejich makroskopickým chováním, které přinesla právě polymerní fyzika, vedlo k důležitým modifikacím současných polymerů, úpravě zpracovatelských postupů a posléze i k vývoji nových polymerních materiálů s podstatně zvýšenou užitnou hodnotou., Miroslav Raab, Jiří Kotek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Calamagrostis arundinacea L. (Roth.) and C. villosa (Chaix.) J.F. Gmel are two grass species substituting forest communities on deforested areas in Central Europe. They were exposed to enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B, λ = 290-320 nm) radiation during 22 weeks. A system of modulated lamps operating under field conditions was used to simulate a 25 % increase of incident UV-B radiation. CO2 assimilation seemed to be limited by a decrease of stomatal conductance (gs) in C. arundinacea, whereas carboxylation activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO) was not affected. On the contrary, gs and RuBPCO activity decreased in C. villosa. These physiological adjustments resulted in growth changes; above-ground biomass decreased in C. villosa (prevailing negative effect) and significantly increased in C. arundinacea (prevailing positive effect) in response to enhanced UV-B radiation. and O. Urban ... [et al.].
The oligomeric state of photosystem 2 (PS2) complex in soybean leaves treated with saturating irradiance was studied by non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and gel filtration chromatography. PS2 dimers resolved by non-denaturing PAGE accounted for about 75 % of total PS2 complex and there was no significant difference in the ratio of PS2 dimer to monomer between samples from saturating irradiance-treated and fully dark-adapted leaves. Furthermore, BBY particles were resolved into four chlorophyll-enriched fractions by gel filtration chromatography. From their molecular masses and protein components, these fractions were deduced to be PS2 dimer, PS2 monomer, oligomeric light-harvesting complex 2 (LHC2), and monomeric LHC2. Also, no change in the proportion of PS2 dimer in total PS2 was observed in the granal region of thylakoid membranes from soybean leaves after saturating irradiation. Hence the dimer is the predominant natural form of PS2 in vivo and no monomerisation of PS2 dimer occurs during saturating irradiance-induced photoinhibition in soybean leaves. and Shi-Qing Cai ... [et al.].