In this study, the vertical crustal movements of the southern Baltic coast were determined based on two independent methods: tide gauge and GNSS observations. The mean sea level change trends were determined from five tide gauge observations and satellite altimetry data along the Polish coastal zone. The vertical crustal movements at nearby GNSS stations were also determined. We used the tide gauge water level data from the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) and from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management National Research Institute, Poland (1951-2017 and 1993-2017) as well as sea level anomalies obtained from the Copernicus Marine and Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) (1993-2017). The time series for GNSS stations eveloped with the PPP technique obtained from Nevada Geodetic Laboratory (NGL) and last - squares approach were used for the analysis. The results provide a view of the absolute vertical crustal movements of the Polish coast. The absolute vertical crustal movements, calculated from tide gauge data and satellite altimetry for the time period between 1951-2017 ¬– from +2.20 mm/yr ±0.42 mm/yr to +2.68 mm/yr ±0.31 mm/yr. A comparison was made, and it showed that the absolute movements determined from two data sets were different. This may be a consequence of several factors: short and incomplete time series, other unidentified movements of a GNSS station, a tide gauge of own movements, human activity, geological and hydrological factors, the method of the time series elaboration and of the data used to work out the vertical crustal movements. It is thought that the results are very significant despite the existing differences in the absolute crustal movements, because the sea level is a unique index in studies of climate impact on all changes on the Earth and crustal movements are closely linked to it.
Sex-related differences were observed not only in human but
also in experimental hypertension. The aim of our study was to
compare blood pressure (BP) of aged male and female
heterozygous transgenic rats (TGR) harboring Ren-2 mouse
gene, with their normotensive Hannover Sprague-Dawley
(HanSD) controls. At the age of 9 months, systolic (SBP) and
diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were measured by a direct
puncture of carotid artery in rats awaking from isoflurane
anesthesia. Thiobarbituric acid-reactive species (TBARS)
formation was monitored as indicator of lipid peroxidation
damage in heart, kidney and liver, whereas intracellular content
of reduced glutathione was determined in the same organs as
the main intracellular antioxidant. Furthermore, plasma
triglycerides and total cholesterol as well as high-density
lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) fractions of
cholesterol were measured. As compared to HanSD rats, we
found significantly elevated BP only in male TGR (MAP: 123±1
vs. 171±5, SBP: 150±2 vs. 208±7, and DBP: 99±3 vs.
140±4 mm Hg), but not between TGR and HanSD females, which
were both normotensive. We also did not find any significant
differences in TBARS and reduced glutathione in the three above
mentioned organs as well as in plasma cholesterol or its HDL and
LDL fractions between transgene-negative HanSD and TGR
animals of either sex. However, we found significant sex
differences in TBARS, glutathione and plasma lipids in both rat
strains. Our results confirmed that aged TGR exhibit a marked
sexual BP dimorphism, which does not seem to be dependent on
oxidative stress or abnormal cholesterol metabolism.
In the article a theoretical basis and some practical results of treatment with the inverse task as solution of the problem of free boundary are presented. This solution originates from the hydrodynamic theory of boundaries, see Kosorin (2005; 1993). Its main product is the method for transformation of Ndimensional hydrodynamic task into N-1 dimesional one which allows to formulate and solve an inverse task, where the seepage velocity field has to be determined in the domain below the given free water surface. In this case the free surface is assumed to be given by means of contour lines. and V štúdii sú uvedené teoretické východiská a praktické ukážky riešenia inverznej úlohy ako problému voľnej hranice pri sledovaní pohybu podzemnej vody. Toto riešenie vychádza z hydrodynamickej teórie hraníc, pozri Kosorin (2005; 1993). Hlavný produkt teórie je metóda transformácie N-rozmernej hydrodynamickej hraničnej úlohy na N-1 rozmernú hranicu pôvodnej oblasti. To dovoľuje formulovať a riešiť aj tie inverzné úlohy, kde sa rýchlostné pole podzemnej vody určuje v oblasti pod zadanou voľnou hladinou na základe informácií o tejto hranici a geológii prostredia. V tomto prípade ide o voľnú hladinu, zadanú vrstevnicami.