This paper considers forms of cultural transfer in decorative design in Central Europe in the second half of the 18th century, focussing on works that combine aspects of both free creative art and artisan craftsmanship. Based on a detailed analysis of a number of works (or parts thereof), the authors show that trends in decoration that had hitherto been broadly interpreted as a somewhat uninventive adoption of fashionable French graphic pattern-books and picture albums in the "goût grec" style (Jean-François de Neufforge, Jean-Charles Delafosse et al.) in fact represented an innovative quest for an original modern synthesis taking its inspiration from classical Roman art (Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Giocondo Albertolli, Carlo Antonini) and developing ideas emerging from the recently introduced teaching of artistic design at the Vienna Academy and from circles close to the imperial court (Johann Baptist Hagenauer, Ignaz Josef Würth et al.). The whole phenomenon in considered within the wider context of official cultural policy at the time of Maria Teresa’s and Joseph II’s economic and administrative reforms and is interpreted as one of a number of processes and strategies which, for various reasons, led to a reduction in transcultural transfer. Decorative design in Central Europe in the latter half of the 18th century thus paid more than lip-service to the ideal of universal culture in the sense of transculturality, interpreting it in a specifically local, middle-European and to some extent "nationalized" way - and, from a historical perspective, with extraordinary success., Pavel Suchánek a Tomáš Valeš., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Objectives. This study aims to better understand peak experience and their varieties (PEV), as a key concept in understanding positive human experience, in the context of a specific adventurous recreational pursuit. Sample and settings. Interviews with the 14 crew members of the historical sailing vessel Oesterscheldewere held at the end of a 38-day crossing of the Indian Ocean. A rigorous qualitative hermeneutical – narrative approach in analysing interviews was utilised. Results. The results were based on a qualitatively different cross-section of PEV that could be seen as a mixture of already thematised varieties of peak experience. The PEV were presented on three levels: the level of action, the level of feeling and the level of reflection; as such, they consisted of the interplay between specific challenges (situations) and responses (reactions). Alongside original methodology and analysis, the authors suggested the importance of studying the participant’s response to PEV. The response to PEV is seen as a crucial component in this study and to PEV itself. Finally, it was suggested that PEV could be projected into the future as a private and useful model of participation in life. Limitations. The study has a number of limitations commonly connected to the qualitative approach: a small number of participants, language bias (all interviews were held in English), the bias of question structure (“what did you feel?”), the participation of a researcher on the voyage, and the professionalism of the main crew that could bias the interviews. and Cílem této studie bylo lépe porozumět vrchol-ným zážitkům a jejich variacím (PEV), jakožto klíčovému konceptu pro pochopení pozitivních lidských prožitků, v kontextu specifického dob-rodružného rekreačního vyžití. Rozhovory se 14 členy posádky historické plachetnice Oester-schelde se uskutečnily na konci 38denní plav-by přes Indický oceán a k jejich analýze autoři využili kvalitativní hermeneuticko-narativní přístup. Výsledky vycházely z kvalitativně odlišného průřezu PEV, který lze považovat za směs již te-matizovaných variací vrcholného zážitku. PEV byly prezentovány ve třech rovinách: v rovině jednání, v rovině pocitů a v rovině reflexe; jako takové se skládaly ze souhry konkrétních výzev (situací) a reakcí (odpovědí). Kromě originální metodiky a analýzy autoři zdůrazňují význam studování odpovědí účastníků na PEV. Reakci na PEV považují za klíčovou složku této studie i PEV samotné.Studie má řadu omezení běžně spojených s kvalitativním přístupem: malý počet účastníků, jazykové zkreslení (všechny rozhovory probíha-ly v angličtině), zkreslení dané strukturou otá-zek rozhovoru a také faktem, že tazatel se také účastnil plavby.
We study properties of variational measures associated with certain conditionally convergent integrals in ${\mathbb R}^m$. In particular we give a full descriptive characterization of these integrals.