This papers extends the Inclusion Principle to a class of linear continuous-time uncertain systems with state as well as control delays. The derived expansion-contraction relations include norm bounded arbitrarily time-varying real uncertainties and a point delay. They are easily applicable also to polytopic uncertainties. These structural conditions are further specialized on closed-loop systems with arbitrarily time-varying parameters, a point delay, and guaranteed quadratic costs. A linear matrix inequality (LMI) delay independent procedure is used for control design in the expanded space. The results are specialized on the overlapping decentralized control design. A numerical illustrative example is supplied.
Cíl: Cílem studie bylo ověřit využitelnost ošetřovatelských intervencí NIC v ošetřovatelské praxi domácí péče a porovnat záznam aktuálních ošetřovatelských intervencí evidovaných v ošetřovatelské dokumentaci agentury domácí péče s navrhovaným souborem ošetřovatelských intervencí NIC. Metodika: Pilotní soubor o velikosti 110 ošetřovatelských intervencí a 2150 ošetřovatelských aktivit byl sestaven podle taxonomie NIC (Nursing Intervention Classification), jeho ověřování proběhlo u 30 klientů agentury domácí péče v roce 2011. Analýzou ošetřovatelské dokumentace 200 klientů stejné agentury byly pak sledovány reálné intervence a aktivity sester zaznamenané v ošetřovatelském plánu. Výsledky: Z pilotního souboru intervencí NIC využily sestry celkem 39 ošetřovatelských intervencí pro 221 potvrzených ošetřovatelských diagnóz NANDA-I. Nejvíce intervencí (73 %) bylo indikováno pro ošetřovatelské diagnózy Zhoršená pohyblivost, Riziko infekce, Riziko deficitu tělesných tekutin a Riziko porušení kožní integrity. Mezi nejčetnější ošetřovatelské intervence, které sestry ze souboru NIC vybíraly, patřily: Hospodaření s energií, Prevence pádu, Péče o ránu, Učení: předepsané činnosti/cvičení a Podpora cvičení. Ošetřovatelské činnosti reálně vykonávané sestrami u klientů ADP a zaznamenané v ošetřovatelském plánu (44 různých ošetřovatelských intervencí, 1406 provedených výkonů) se lišily od ošetřovatelských intervencí, které byly potvrzeny při pilotním ověřování. Pojmenování ošetřovatelských intervencí sestrami agentury domácí péče nereflektovalo terminologii NIC, proto nebyla data vzájemně porovnávána. Závěr: Používání jednotné ošetřovatelské terminologie je důležité pro přesnou a jednoznačnou komunikaci ošetřovatelských profesionálů, pro popis a evidenci práce sester a doložitelné vykazování ošetřovatelských činností., Aim: The aim of this study was to verify the utilization of nursing interventions NIC in home care and to compare the report of current nursing interventions recorded in nursing documentation in home care agency with proposed set of nursing interventions NIC. Methods: The sample of 110 nursing interventions and 2150 nursing activities was compiled according to taxonomy NIC (Nursing Intervention Classification), its verification was carried out in 30 home care agency clients in 2011. Using the analysis of nursing documentation in 200 clients of the same agency, were then monitored real interventions and activities by nurses recorded in nursing care plan. Results: From the pilot set of NIC interventions nurses have used 39 of nursing interventions for 221 confirmed nursing diagnoses NANDA-I. The most of interventions (73%) were indicated for nursing diagnoses: Impaired physical mobility, Risk for infection, Risk for deficient fluid volume and Risk for impaired skin integrity. Among the most frequent nursing interventions, which nurses have selected from NIC file, were: Energy management, Fall prevention, Wound care, Teaching: prescribed activities/exercise. Nursing activities actually performed by nurses in home care clients and recorded in nursing care plan (44 different nursing interventions, 1406 performed procedures) differed from nursing interventions that were confirmed during the pilot verification. Naming of nursing interventions by the nurses in home care agency did not reflect the NIC terminology, thus the data were not mutually compared. Conclusion: The use of uniform nursing terminology is essential for accurate and unambiguous communication of nursing professionals, for description and record of the work of nurses and for provable reporting of nursing activities., Darja Jarošová, Lucie Sikorová, and Literatura 18
Employing the non-invasive techniques of infra-red gas analysis and pulse amplitude modulated chlorophyll fluorometry, we determined the partitioning of photosynthetic electrons between photosynthetic carbon reduction and other reductive processes resulting in the formation of active oxygen species (AOS) in intact green leaves. This we studied in plant species that are adapted to two different agro-climatic conditions, namely the warm plains (76°36'E, 9°32'N) and the cool mountains (1 600 m a.s.l.) in the south Indian state of Kerala. Ground frost and low temperature were more harmful to those species adapted to the warm plains than the ones adapted to the cool mountains. Exposure to low temperature decreased leaf photosynthetic carbon assimilation rates and quantum yield of photochemical activity in species naturally adapted to the warm plains. High irradiances further aggravated the harmful effects of low temperature stress possibly by overproducing AOS. This resulted in severe peroxidative damage as inferred by the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the leaves. and B. Alam, J. Jacob.
More than one thousand rodent remains have been found in three different lacustrine sediment beds of Miocene age at Bełchatów (Poland) - an opencast brown coal mine. Three fossil assemblaged (Bełchatów C - the oldest, Bełchatów B and Bełchatów A) contain abundant rodent remains (mainly teeth) and correspond to biostratigraphic zone MN 4/5, MN 5/6 and MN 8/9, respectively. Aboud 80% of the rodent material was found in the uppermost layer (Bełchatów A). The remaining two assemblages, of not dissimilar ages and with similar Orleanian/ Astaracian faunas, countain 11% (Bełchatów B) and 9% (Bełchatów C) of the material studied. Most species (except for the relatively numerous Sciuridae and Castoridae and one dipodid tooth) have already been described. However, recent studies on cricetids and eomyids have led to a revision of the previously proposed ages of Bełchatów C and Bełchatów A.
The tensegrity framework consists of both compression numbers (struts) and tensile members (tendons) in a specific topology stabilized by induced prestress. Tensegrity plays a vital role in technological advancement of mankind in many fields ranging from classification of elementary cells of tensegrity structures including rhombic, circuit and Z type configuration. Further, different types of tensegrities created on the basis of these configurations are studied and analysed, for instance Tensegrity prism, Diamond tensegrity, and Zig-zag tensegrity. The Part II focuses on application of the tensegrity principle in construction of double layer high frequency tensegrity spheres. and Obsahuje seznam literatury