The article presents the results of house plot research in the historical core of Mikulcice-village in the southeastern Moravia. Remains of sunken storage rooms representing parts of surface houses dated to the Late Middle Ageswere uncovered underneath a more recent structure. This evidence sheds new light on the vernacular architectureof the period and has provided an array of artefacts representing the inventory of rural homesteads for two chronological periods (end of the 14th century- 1st half of the 15th century and the last quarter of the 15th century-turnof the 15/16th century). Research has also provided an extensive dataset of ecofacts, enriching our understandingof village life, Pavel Vařeka ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Příspěvek shrnuje výsledky analýz environmentálních dat z lokality Ledčice a hodnotí jejich přínos k poznání této památky v souvislosti s výsledky terénního výzkumu. Z hlediska archeobotaniky lze za nejvýznamnější označit nález révy vinné, známé zatím jen z malého počtu raně středověkých nalezišť spjatých se sídly společenské elity. Osteologický materiál je zastoupen pouze nálezy domácích kopytníků (tur, prase, ovce/koza, kůň). Kromě druhového složení byly hodnoceny i tafonomické charakteristiky souboru. and The work summarizes the results of analyses of environmental data from the Ledčice site and evaluates their contribution to our understanding of this monument in connection with the results of terrain excavations. Most significant from an archaeobotanical perspective is the find of grapevine, of which only a small number have heretofore been found at early medieval sites associated with the social elite. Osteological material is represented only by finds of domesticated ungulates (cattle, pig, sheep/goat, horse). Analyzed in addition to the species composition were the taphonomic characteristics of the assemblage.