The agonists of α2-adrenergic receptors such as clonidine, rilmenidine or monoxidine are known to lower blood pressure (BP) through a reduction of brain sympathetic outflow but their chronic antihypertensive effects in rats with low-renin or highrenin forms of experimental hypertension were not studied yet. Moreover, there is no comparison of mechanisms underlying BP reduction elicited by chronic peroral (po) or intracerebroventricular (icv) clonidine treatment. Male salt-sensitive Dahl rats fed a high-salt (4% NaCl) diet and Ren-2 transgenic rats were treated with clonidine administered either in the drinking fluid (0.5 mg/kg/day po) or as the infusion into lateral brain ventricle (0.1 mg/kg/day icv) for 4 weeks. Basal BP and the contributions of renin-angiotensin system (captopril 10 mg/kg iv) or sympathetic nervous system (pentolinium 5 mg/kg iv) to BP maintenance were determined in conscious cannulated rats at the end of the study. Both peroral and intracerebroventricular clonidine treatment lowered BP to the same extent in either rat model. However, in both models chronic clonidine treatment reduced sympathetic BP component only in rats treated intracerebroventricularly but not in perorally treated animals. In contrast, peroral clonidine treatment reduced angiotensin IIdependent vasoconstriction in Ren-2 transgenic rats, whereas it lowered residual blood pressure in Dahl rats. In conclusions, our results indicate different mechanisms of antihypertensive action of clonidine when administered centrally or systemically.
It is generally accepted that angiotensin II plays an important role in high blood pressure (BP) development in both 2-kidney-1- clip (2K1C) Goldblatt hypertension and in partial nephrectomy (NX) model of chronic kidney disease (CKD). The contribution of sympathetic nervous system and nitric oxide to BP control in these models is less clear. Partial nephrectomy or stenosis of the renal artery was performed in adult (10-week-old) male hypertensive heterozygous Ren-2 transgenic rats (TGR) and normotensive control Hannover Sprague Dawley (HanSD) rats and in Wistar rats. One and four weeks after the surgery, basal blood pressure (BP) and acute BP responses to the consecutive blockade of renin-angiotensin (RAS), sympathetic nervous (SNS), and nitric oxide (NO) systems were determined in conscious rats. Both surgical procedures increased plasma urea, a marker of renal damage; the effect being more pronounced following partial nephrectomy in hypertensive TGR than in normotensive HanSD rats with a substantially smaller effect in Wistar rats after renal artery stenosis. We demonstrated that the reninangiotensin system does not play so fundamental role in blood pressure maintenance during hypertension development in either CKD model. By contrast, a more important role is exerted by the sympathetic nervous system, the activity of which is increased in hypertensive TGR-NX in the developmental phase of hypertension, while in HanSD-NX or Wistar-2K1C it is postponed to the established phase. The contribution of the vasoconstrictor systems (RAS and SNS) was increased following hypertension induction. The role of NO-dependent vasodilation was unchanged in 5/6 NX HanSD and in 2K1C Wistar rats, while it gradually decreased in 5/6 NX TGR rats.
Inducible NO synthase (NOS II) was proposed to play an important role in salt resistance of Dahl salt-resistant (SR/Jr) rats. Its chronic inhibition by specific inhibitors was accompanied by blood pressure (BP) elevation in animals subjected to high salt intake. The aim of our study was to evaluate 1) whether such inhibitors affect BP and/or its particular components (sympathetic tone and NO-dependent vasodilation) only under the conditions of high salt intake, and 2) whether similar BP effects are elicited after systemic or intracerebroventricular (icv) application of these inhibitors. Wistar rats fed Altromin diet (0.45 % NaCl) and SR/Jr rats fed either a low-salt (LS, 0.3 % NaCl) or a high-salt (HS, 4 % NaCl) diet were studied. Aminoguanidine (AMG) and 2-amino-5,6-dihydro-6-methyl-4H-1,3-thiazine (AMT) were used as NOS II inhibitors. BP and its responses to acute blockade of renin-angiotensin system (captopril), sympathetic nervous system (pentolinium) and NO synthase (L-NAME) were measured in conscious cannulated rats. There were no significant changes of BP or its components in either Wistar rats or SR/Jr rats subjected to chronic inhibition of NOS II by peroral aminoguanidine administration (50 mg/kg/day for 4 weeks). This was true for SR/Jr rats fed either LS or HS diets. Furthermore, we have studied BP effects of chronic icv administration of both NOS II inhibitors in SR/Jr rats fed HS diet, but we failed to find any BP changes elicited by such treatment. In conclusion, inducible NO synthase does not participate in the resistance of SR/Jr rats to hypertensive effects of excess salt intake.
Glucocorticoids (GCS) are known to modulate cardiovascular response during stress conditions. The present study was aimed to test the hypothesis that permissive and/or stimulating effect of GCs is essential for the maintenance of peripheral vascular resistance and for the adequate response of cardiovascular system to stressor exposure. The effects of acute pharmacological adrenalectomy (PhADX) on humoral and cardiovascular parameters were studied in adult Wistar rats under the basal conditions and during the acute restraint stress. Acute PhADX was performed by the administration of metyrapone and aminoglutethimide (100 mg/kg s.c. of each drug) resulting in a suppression of endogenous glucocorticoid synthesis. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and core body temperature were measured using radiotelemetry. BP responses to administration of vasoactive agents were determined in pentobarbital-anesthetized animals. PhADX considerably attenuated stress-induced increase of BP, HR and core body temperature. PhADX did not abolish BP and HR lowering effects of ganglionic blocker pentolinium indicating preserved sympathetic function in PhADX rats. BP response to exogenous norepinephrine administration was attenuated in PhADX rats, suggesting reduced sensitivity of cardiovascular system. Suppression of corticosterone synthesis by PhADX increased basal plasma levels of ACTH, aldosterone and plasma renin activity in unstressed animals but there was no further increase of these hormones following stressor exposure. In conclusion, PhADX attenuated stress-induced rise of blood pressure, heart rate and core body temperature indicating an important permissive and/or stimulating role of glucocorticoids in the maintenance of the adequate response of cardiovascular system and thermoregulation to several stimuli including acute exposure to stressor.
The raster based on Fresnel’s optics working as converging cylindrical optic are widely used in the range of utilization of the Sun energy as construction elements of translucent roofs and facades. The energetic balance of building’s interior equipped of these elements can be simulated mathematically and proved by experiment imitating precisely real conditions of an application. The described simulator was developed for such experiments. The angle between incoming radiation and the normal of a glass surface can be set by this simulator. This results present the functionality of the described device. and Rastry na bázi Fresnelovy optiky činné jako spojná válcová optika nebo hranoly nacházejí významné uplatnění v oblasti využití sluneční energie jako konstrukční prvky průsvitných střech a fasád. Energetickou bilanci interiérů budov vybavených zmíněnými prvky lze simulovat výpočtem a ověřit experimentem organizovaným tak, aby se co nejpřesněji napodobily skutečné podmínky aktuální aplikace. K příslušným experimentům byl vyvinut uvedený simulátor, kterým lze nastavit úhel mezi přicházejícím zářením a normálou k prosklené ploše. Uvedené výsledky prokazují funkceschopnost navrženého zařízení.
This article describes a special scanning system associated to a spectrometer. The scanner consists of four cone mirrors. The device is used for the spectral analysis of low temperature plasma, studying a radiation at the various distances from the tube axis. A design of scanner, glowing and adjusting of mirrors is described, too. and Článek popisuje konstrukci speciálního skenovacího zařízení pracujícího společně se spektrometrem. Skenování je založeno na využití kuželových zrcadel. Zařízení se používá při spektrální analýze nízkoteplotního plazmatu, zkoumají se radiální závislosti intenzit spektrálních čar. Popisuje se zde i mechanická konstrukce skeneru, lepení a justáž zrcadel.