The purpose of this paper is to present a new paradigm and an innovative technology for thinking about the future. The concept of time synchronization is introduced as a technology to improve individual competency for balancing the continuous construciton of reinterpreted pasts, presents and futures in order to cope with the aceleration of change, complexity, and uncertainty. This new paradigm is driven by recognition of three factors: 1. Humans are both conservative and novelty generating. 2. Novelty is a key factor of life and humans address novelty through pattern-evolvign creativity. 3. Reality is defined through the unique ability of humans to anticipate and define experience in terms of pattern and category. This article asserts that rapidly expanding human pluarity and novelty require new models concerning relationships of past, present, and future. Such models should adequately address the rapidly changing and more complex conditions in which they are constructed and deconstructed, including the expanding opportunities that accompany them. and Arthur M. Harkins, George H. Kubik, John Moravec.
The acoustic emission (AE) test of step-loaded samples of coal with different moisture contents was conducted using an AG-X250KN rock servo test system and an AE21C AE-monitoring system to study the influence of moisture content on the creep characteristics of coal. The results show that the moisture content influences the creep characteristics of coal samples, in that the greater the moisture content, the greater the creep deformation of the coal and the lower the creep threshold, creep strength, and creep coefficient values. The improved Burgers model can better describe the mechanical properties of creep in coal. In the transient creep stage, the coal micropores and fractures are gradually expanded, and AE activity gradually increased. In the stable creep stage, the creep deformation rate of coal tended to be stable, while new fractures and AE events and energy were all decreased. In the accelerated creep stage, a large number of fractures were generated in the coal, which gradually developed into unstable macrofractures. The stored energy was released rapidly in a relatively short time span, and the number and energy of AE events reached their maximum value. Therefore, the AE characteristics of coal reflect the evolutionary process of damage during creep.
This study describes Crenosoma brasiliense (Nematoda, Metastrongyloidea), a new species parasitic in bronchi and bronchioles of Galictis cuja (Molina) (Carnivora, Mustelidae) from Brazil. This species differs from other 11 species of Crenosoma by having a cuticular projection at the distal end of the spicules, forming a prominent blade at the tip of the spicule, a vulval cuticular appendage with a triangular shape and prominent vulval lips. There are no previous records of species of Metastrongyloidea in G. cuja or species of Crenosoma in South America. Therefore, the new species represents the first host record and first geographical record of species of Crenosoma in South America.
Článek přibližuje botanickou exkurzi do Brazílie na horu Corcovado (710 m n. m.), nacházející se u pobřeží Atlantského oceánu, na vrcholu se sochou Krista Vykupitele (Cristo Redentor). Území leží v národním parku Tijuca, který byl zřízen na ochranu tropického deštného lesa, zde nazývaného mata atlântica (atlantský les). Autor představuje některé významné skupiny zdejší flóry, vybrané endemické taxony či rostliny se zajímavou životní strategií., This article presents a botanical excursion up Mount Corcovado (710 m a. s. l.) on the Atlantic coast of Brazil, with the statue of Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) at the top. The territory belongs to the Tijuca National Park, established to protect the tropical rain forest - called mata atlântica (Atlantic forest). Several important groups of local flora, selected endemic taxons and also plants with interesting life strategies are presented here., and Miloslav Studnička.
We consider observations of a random process (or a random field), which is modeled by a nonlinear regression with a parametrized mean (or trend) and a parametrized covariance function. Optimality criteria for parameter estimation are to be based here on the mean square errors (MSE) of estimators. We mention briefly expressions obtained for very small samples via probability densities of estimators. Then we show that an approximation of MSE via Fisher information matrix is possible, even for small or moderate samples, when the errors of observations are normal and small. Finally, we summarize some properties of optimality criteria known for the noncorrelated case, which can be transferred to the correlated case, in particular a recently published concept of universal optimality.
Calibrating and verifying 2-D and 3-D vadose zone flow and transport models requires detailed information on water and solute redistribution. Among the different water flow and mass transfer determination methods, staining tracers have the best spatial resolution allowing visualization and quantification of fluid flow including preferential flow paths. Staining techniques have been used successfully for several decades; however, the hydrological community is still searching for an “ideal” vadose zone tracer regarding flow path visualization. To date, most research using staining dyes is carried out with Brilliant Blue FCF. Fluorescent dyes such as Uranine, however, have significant advantages over nonfluorescents which makes them a promising alternative. This paper presents the first analysis of key properties any fluorescent substance must possess to qualify as a staining fluorescent tracer in vadose zone hydrological applications. First, we summarize the main physico-chemical properties of Uranine and evaluate its staining tracer potential with conventional suitability indicators and visibility testing in a soil profile. Based on numerical analysis using the theory of fluorescence, we show that a low molar absorption coefficient is a crucial parameter to quantify concentration accurately. In addition, excitation of a tracer on wavelengths different from the maximum excitation wavelength can extend the linear range of the concentration-fluorescence relationship significantly. Finally, we develop criteria for evaluating the suitability of any potential fluorescent soil staining compound for soil hydrological applications: 1) high quantum yield, 2) low molar absorption coefficient, 3) fluorescence independent of temperature, 4) low photodecomposition rates, and 5) fluorescence stable across a wide range of pH values.