a1_Oxidized low density lipoproteins (oxLDL) formed in vivo induce a humoral immune response. Oxidative modification of LDL renders it immunogenic and a heterogeneous population of specific anti-oxLDL antibodies is produced. These antibodies could represent a biological marker of oxidative stress and serve as markers of atherosclerosis. Autoantibodies against oxLDL (oLAb) have been detected in human subjects practically of every age. oLAb also appear in the blood of pregnant women. Some studies have shown that the levels of antibodies to oxLDL were elevated in women with established preeclampsia. The present study was aimed to estimate the oLAb IgG levels in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Furthermore, we estimated the correlation between maternal serum (MS) levels of oLAb and alpha-1-fetoprotein (MS AFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (MS HCG) and trophoblast-specific-beta-1-glycoprotein (MS SP1), because these proteins are determined as a part of prenatal biochemical screening for fetal congenital abnormalities. Our study deals with the oLAb changes in women with pregnancy-induced hypertension. We also investigated the correlation between oLAb IgG and anticardiolipin antibodies IgG (ACA) in the serum of pregnant women. We examined 40 pregnant women attending Institute for Mother and Child Care for their antenatal care as outpatients. Routine blood samplings between the 9-13th week of pregnancy and 16-18th week of pregnancy were performed as a part of biochemical prenatal screening for fetal congenital abnormalities (Group 1). Their mean age was 27±4.1 years. Furthermore, we examined 26 women in the second or third trimester with pregnancy-induced hypertension (Group 2). Group 2 was compared with 49 pregnant women in the second or third trimester who were normotensive (Group 3)., a2_We used commercial standardized ELISA kits for determination of oLAb IgG, ACA IgG, MS AFP and MS HCG, MS SP1 was analyzed by single radial immunodiffusion. We did not find any differences in the levels of oLAb IgG in the first and second trimester in the women of Group 1. The correlation between oLAb and ACA IgG was not statistically significant (Spearman coefficient r=0.22, p=0.1). The correlation between oLAb IgG with MS AFP, MS HCG and MS SP1 was not statistically significant. Weak negative correlation for AFP and HCG was suggested both in the first and in the second trimester. The levels of oLAb IgG in the group of women with pregnancy-induced hypertension were significantly lower than in the group of normotensive women (348±388 U/ml v.s. 579±400 mU/ml, p<0.01). We can conclude that the levels of oLAb do not differ in the first and second trimester of gravidity. However, we cannot exclude the possible influence of an inverse relationship between oLAb IgG titers and the synthesis of fetoplacental antigens. This finding is important especially in the context of the results of prenatal biochemical screening. Pregnancy-induced hypertension is associated with lower levels of oLAb. Weak cross-reactivity between oLAb and anticardiolipin antibodies may exist but there is a possibility that there are two different populations of antibodies reacting with various antigens., L. Fialová, L. Mikulíková, I. Malbohan, O. Benešová, S. Štípek, T. Zima, A. Zwinger., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The endothelin axis (endothelins and their receptors) is strongly involved in physiological and pathological processes. ET-1 plays a crucial role in particular in tumor diseases. Endothelin-1 receptors (ETA and ETB) are deregulated and overexpressed in several tumors such as melanoma and glioma. We studied the binding of 24 monoclonal antibodies directed against human ETB receptors (hETB) to different melanoma cell lines. Few of these mAbs bound to all the melanoma cell lines. One of them, rendomab B49, bound to ETB receptors expressed at the surface of human glioma stem cells. More recently, we produced new antibodies directed against human ETA receptor (hETA). Several antibodies have been isolated and have been screened on different tumoral cells lines. As for the mAbs directed against the hETB receptor only some of new antibodies directed against ETA receptor are capable to bind the human tumoral cell lines. Rendomab A63 directed against hETA is one of them. We report the specificity and binding properties of these mAbs and consider their potential use in diagnosis by an in vivo imaging approach., A. Herbet, N. Costa, N. Leventoux, A. Mabondzo, J.-Y. Couraud, A. Borrull, J.-P. Hugnot, D. Boquet., and Seznam literatury
Berlinova dichotomie pozitivní a negativní svobody je v akademickém prostředí natolik diskutovanou problematikou, že jakékoli pokusy o její novou interpretaci čelí notnému riziku rozvíjení již řečeného, a tím i možnosti ztráty argumentační síly. Cíl tohoto článku však nespočívá v přispění k debatě týkající se funkčnosti Berlinova rozdělení, ale ve zpochybnění stereotypně přijímaných ideových zdrojů, jimiž se Berlin údajně inspiroval. V rámci linie tradic liberálního myšlení, kterou identifikuje mimo jiné sám Berlin, je totiž jeho rozlišení dvou pojmů svobody běžně ztotožňováno s principy a ideovým poselstvím klasifikace francouzského osvícence Benjamina Constanta. Směšování Berlinovy polarity pozitivní – negativní s Constantovým schématem antická – moderní je pravděpodobně důsledkem četných styčných bodů obou koncepcí, jež však vedou k automatickému vnímání souladu i u těch principů, u nichž je míra koherence problematická. Za hlavní cíl této studie lze tudíž označit jednak prokázání skutečnosti, že pro důslednou komparaci Berlinovy a Constantovy dichotomie je kromě běžně analyzované příbuznosti negativní svobody se svobodou moderní nezbytné vzít v úvahu i provázanost opačných pólů spektra, a především pak obhajobu teze, že v podstatných momentech Constantovo myšlení opouští meze liberální tradice a konotuje Pettitovy republikánské principy svobody jako ne-dominance. Takový závěr vede v konečném důsledku k tomu, že Berlinovo a Constantovo dělení nelze vnímat jako homogenní., Berlin’s dichotomy of positive and negative freedom is, in academic quarters, such a well-discussed problem that any kind of attempt at a fresh interpretation confronts the real risk of developing what has already been said and, in that way, of losing argumentational strength. The aim of this article does not, however, consist in contributing to the debate about the viability of Berlin’s distinction, but in calling into question the stereotypical reception of the intellectual sources that Berlin was inspired by. In the framework of the line of traditions of liberal thinking, which, among others, Berlin himself identifies, is his distinction between two concepts of freedom, usually identified with the principles and intellectual meaning of the classification by the French enlightenment thinker Benjamin Constant. The mixing up of Berlin’s polarity positive–negative with Constant’s scheme of ancient–modern is probably a consequence of the numerous common points in the two conceptions. These, however, lead to the automatic perception of agreement even in those principles for which the level of coherence is questionable. The main aim of this study is, therefore, to indicate, firstly, the proven fact that for a consistent comparison of Berlin’s and Constant’s dichotomy one must examine, in addition to the commonly analysed relationship of negative freedom with modern freedom, the connectedness of the opposite poles in the two cases. Secondly, and more importantly, the thesis is advanced that, in its fundamental properties, Constant’s thinking goes beyond the liberal tradition and points towards Pettit’s republican principles of freedom as non-dominance. This conclusion ultimately leads to the recognition that Berlin’s and Constant’s division cannot be seen as homogenous., Jan Květina., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Mytogenní vědecká jména plazů často pocházejí od antických nestvůr a podsvětních bytostí. U obojživelníků se setkáváme s vodními božstvy a nymfami. Názvy ryb bývají odvozeny na jedné straně od mýtických oblud, na straně druhé pak od krasavic a krasavců., Mythical scientific names of reptiles are often inspired by ancient monsters and underworld beings. Among amphibians we can meet water gods and goddesses, and nymphs. The names of fishes are frequently derived either from mythic monsters or from beauties and heroes., and Tomáš Pavlík.
Neuroactive steroids represent potential antiepileptic drugs. We tested a newly synthesized analogue of allopregnanolone 3α- hydroxy-21ξ,22-oxido-21-homo-5α-pregnan-20-on (HOHP) against two types of pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures (100 mg/kg s.c.) in 12- and 25-day-old rats. Ganaxolone, a neuroactive steroid in clinical trials, served as a reference drug. Pretreatment with either steroid suppressed generalized tonicclonic seizures in both age groups, their efficacy was comparable. HOHP as well as ganaxolone were more active in 12- than in 25-day-old rats (effective doses were 40 and 60 mg/kg, respectively). Minimal clonic seizures, which can be elicited only in 25-day-old rats, were not influenced by any drug. Very short duration of anticonvulsant action of HPOP demonstrated in 12-day-old animals indicates that this drug might be used only in acute treatment in epileptology., P. Mareš, H. Kubová, A. Kasal., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
GABA-B receptor agonist SKF97541 exhibits age-dependent anticonvulsant and proconvulsant actions in developing rats. It suppressed tonic phase of generalized seizures induced by pentetrazol in 7-, 12- and 18-day-old rats and increased their latency in 7- and 12-day-old animals. Other results in 18-day-old animals are not so clear. SKF 97541 blocked the appearance of minimal clonic seizures, but tended to decrease latencies of both types of seizures. In addition, it significantly decreases latency of generalized seizures in adult rats. The mixed effects of SKF97541 are in agreement with those of baclofen but there are substantial differences between the actions of these two agonists in individual age groups., P. Mareš., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Sheep scab caused by the mite Psoroptes ovis (Hering) is a highly contagious disease of sheep. As a first step in developing a mite-derived vaccine for controlling the disease, the soluble antigens in mite extracts which induce an immune response in sheep were identified by electrophoretic and immunoblotting techniques. At least 22 proteins were present in P. ovis extracts as revealed by Coomassie Blue staining. Mite-infested sheep serum recognised six antigenic bands in the extracts with approximate relative molecular weights ranging from 12 to 183 kDa. A deeply staining band at 31.2 kDa and another at 41.8 kDa are of particular diagnostic value. Immunoblotting studies showed that there was no cross reactivity between P. ovis and two other ectoparasites of sheep in the UK, the sheep louse Bovicola ovis (Schrank) and the sheep tick Ixodes ricinus L.
Na řadě konkrétních příkladů ukážeme, že se sluneční soustava i galaxie velice pozvolna rozpínají rychlostí řádově srovnatelnou s Hubbleovou konstantou. To je samozřejmé V rozporu se zákonem zachování energie. Dále ukážeme, co by mohlo být zdrojem skryté energie způsobující toto rozpínání i zrychlující se rozpínání celého vesmíru., We give several factual examples showing that the Solar System and also galaxies expand very slowly by a speed comparable with the Hubble constant. This, of course, contradicts the law of ener gy conservation. Further, we show what could be the source of dark energy causing this expansion as well as the accelerating expansion of the whole universe., Michal Křížek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Ve druhé části článku předložíme další argumenty, které hovoří ve prospěch hypotézy, jež tvrdí, že skrytá energie nepůsobí jenom globálně, ale i lokálně. To naznačuje, že zákon zachování energie nemusí platit. Navíc ukážeme, že skrytá energie způsobující lokální expanzi gravitačně vázaných systémů může pocházet z nepatrně malé, ale kladné hodnoty gravitační aberace, jež je důsledkem konečné rychlosti šíření gravitační interakce a principu kauzality. Předložený mechanismus může i přispívat ke zrychlujícímu se rozpínání vesmíru., In the second part of this paper we give further examples showing that dark energy acts, not only globally, but also locally. This indicates that the law of energy conservation does not hold. Moreover, we demonstrate that the dark energy needed for an accelerated expansion of the universe may come from an extremely small but positive value of gravitational aberration which would result from a finite speed of gravitational interaction and from causality., Michal Křížek., and Obsahuje seznam literatury