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39492. Mnohorelační teorie soudu Bertranda Russella
- Creator:
- Soutor, Milan
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Filozofie, filozofie, philosophy, Russell, mnohorelační teorie, přímý realismus, soud, pravda a nepravda, multiple relations theory of judgement, direct realism, judgement, truth and untruth, 5, and 101
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Mnohorelační teorii soudu Betrand Russell uvedl v roce 1910 jako výsledek kritiky propozičního realismu, který v revoltě proti idealismu přejal od G. E. Moora. Kritizovaná koncepce se zakládá na binární teorii soudu. Binární teorii Russell napadá nepřímo skrze kritiku identitní teorie pravdy, jež jde s tímto pojetím soudu ruku v ruce. V prvním oddílu tuto kritiku vyložím a v tom, který následuje, představím mnohorelační teorii. Ve zbytku práce se budu zamýšlet nad otázkou, k jaké teorii pravdy přijetí mnohorelační teorie vede. Také zodpovím otázku, zda se tato teorie vyhýbá problémům binární teorie soudu. V odpovědi na první z těchto otázek předložím ve třetím oddílu kontextuální teorii pravdy. Tento návrh budu hájit proti tezi, že šlo o korespondenční teorii kongruenčního typu. Jak budu argumentovat ve čtvrtém oddílu, ty pasáže, kde Russell hovoří o korespondenci, je nutno brát s rezervou, ba dokonce je nezbytné tyto pasáže škrtnout. V závěru se vrátím k mnohorelační teorii jako takové a naznačím potíž, která vyvstává tehdy, když máme v této teorii zajistit syntetickou jednotu soudu., The multiple-relation theory of judgement was introduced by Bertrand Russell in 1910 as the upshot of a critique of propositional realism which, in revolt against idealism, he took over from G. E. Moore. The target of the critique is founded on a binary theory of judgement. Russell attacks the binary theory indirectly by a critique of the identity theory of truth which goes hand in hand with this conception of judgement. In the first part I interpret this critique and then, in the part that follows, I present the multiple-relation theory. In the remainder of the piece I will consider the question of which theory of truth adoption of the multiple-relation theory leads us to. I will also address the question of whether this theory avoids the problems of the binary theory of judgement. In answer to the first of these questions I propose, in the third part, the contextual theory of truth. I will defend this proposal against the thesis that it is actually a congruent version of the correspondence theory. As I will argue in the fourth part, those passages where Russell speaks of correspondence should be treated with caution – in fact, these passages should be positively disregarded. In conclusion I return to the multiple-relation theory as such, and I indicate the difficulty which arises when, in the framework of this theory, we seek to make sense of the synthetic unity of judgement., and Milan Soutor.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39493. Mnohosľubný nadpis - trápny výsledok
- Creator:
- Kamenec, Ivan
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Autor vybízí k diskusi nad knihou Jána Mlynárika Dějiny Židů na Slovensku (Praha, Academia 2005), která je podle něj flagrantním příkladem neprofesionální a neseriózní historické práce. Mlynárik se sice do díla pustil s velkou vervou, ale zato s minimálními odbornými předpoklady. S výjimkou postojů Vatikánu k deportacím slovenských Židů za války neprováděl k tématu primární výzkum, takže zůstal odkázán na sekundární literaturu. Tento nedostatek se však způsobem, či spíše absencí citací snaží zastřít, navíc tituly vydané na Slovensku v posledních deseti letech zcela ignoruje. Prozrazuje překvapující mezery ve znalostech slovenské historie, dopouští se četných faktografických chyb a uchyluje se často ke zjednodušujícím, radikálním a nepodloženým výrokům. Nejhorší však je, že v dlouhé řadě pasáží se Mlynárikova publikace mění z kompilace na plagiát, což Kamenec dokládá několika paralelními citacemi z ní a ze své knihy Po stopách tragédie., The author brings up for discussion Ján Mlynárik’s Dějiny Židů na Slovensku (History of the Jews in Slovakia), published by Academia, Prague, 2005. Kamenec argues that the book is a blatant example of unprofessional and lax historical work. Mlynárik began the job with great verve and little background, he notes. With the exception of the attitudes of the Vatican towards the deportation of Slovak Jews during the war Mlynárik has done no research with primary sources, and is thus dependent on the secondary literature. He tries to conceal this shortcoming with the way he uses, or rather, does not use quotation, and completely ignores works published in Slovakia over the past several years. He reveals surprising gaps in his own knowledge of Slovak history, commits numerous factual errors, and frequently tends to overly simple, radical, unfounded claims. The worst thing is, however, that a great many passages of Mlynárik’s book are no just a compilation of other scholars’ work but are outright plagiarism; Kamenec demonstrates this by juxtaposing several quotations from his o, and Diskuse
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39494. Mnohostranný pohľad na zánik Česko-Slovenska
- Creator:
- Syrný, Marek
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Publikace, vzniklá z iniciativy tří pracovníků Historického ústavu Slovenské akademie věd v Bratislavě, obsahuje více než tři desítky statí historiků ze Slovenska, České republiky, Polska, Rakouska a Německa. Podle recenzenta nedává jednoznačnou odpověď na dilema vyjádřené v titulu, zda byl zánik Československa v březnu 1939 spíše výsledkem cílených zásahů zvenčí nebo důsledkem vnitřního vývoje, poskytuje však dosud nejvšestrannější pohled na příčiny, okolnosti a průběh této historické události a obohacuje dosavadní poznání hlavně přínosnými analýzami zahraničněpolitických souvislostí. and The work under review was published at the initiative of three scholars from the Institute of History at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. It comprises about three dozen essays by historians from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany. According to the reviewer, it does not provide a clear answer to the question asked in its title, that is, whether the end of Czechoslovakia in March 1939 was the result of interventions from outside or of internal developments. It does, however, provide the most comprehensive view of the causes, circumstances, and course of this historic event, and adds to our understanding mainly with its analyses of the context of foreign policy.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39495. Množství elektrické energie vyroebné fotovoltaickým panelem
- Creator:
- Libra, Martin and Poulek, Vladislav
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39496. Mobbing ve vysokoškolském prostředí: zkušenosti ze zahraničního výzkumu
- Creator:
- Zábrodská, Kateřina
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- mobbing, šikanování, vysoké školství, výzkum, higher education, research review, and workplace bullying
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Mobbing (neboli šikanování na pracovišti) označuje opakované agresivní chování na pracovišti zaměřené na jednu nebo více osob, které shledávají obtížným se tomuto jednání bránit. Sociálněvědní výzkum v průběhu posledních dvou desetiletí ukázal, že mobbing představuje relativně rozšířenou, byť zpravidla skrytou součást pracovních vztahů v soukromých i státních organizacích. Tento článek se zaměřuje na specifickou problematiku mobbingu ve vysokoškolském prostředí, pro které jsou typické relativně subtilní a nepřímé formy hostilního jednání, které nicméně mají devastující dopad jak na jedince, tak na fungování celé vzdělávací instituce. Autorka se na základě zahraničních výzkumů zabývá incidencí, formami, příčinami a důsledky mobbingu v prostředí vysokých škol. Jejím cílem je popsat zejména sociální a organizační faktory vzniku mobbingu, jako jsou intenzifikace práce, nejistota na pracovním trhu, komodifikace vzdělávání a další. V závěru diskutuje formy intervence vhodné pro sektor terciárního vzdělávání a předkládá doporučení pro budoucí výzkum. and Mobbing in higher education: an overview of international research Mobbing (or workplace bullying) refers to a repeated aggressive behavior directed at one or more individuals who find it difficult to defend themselves. During the last two decades, social science research has shown that mobbing represents a relatively widespread, yet mostly hidden aspect of workplace relations both in private and state organizations. This paper focuses on mobbing in higher education, with a particular attention paid to mobbing at universities. Mobbing in higher education is characterized by relatively subtle and indirect forms of hostile behavior which, nevertheless, have devastating impact on its targets, as well as on educational institutions. Based on the overview of current international research, the author discusses the incidence, forms, causes, and consequences of mobbing in higher education. The paper further draws attention to social and organizational factors of mobbing, such as the intensification of workload, growing job insecurity, or commoditization of education. In conclusion, the author identifies forms of intervention suitable for the higher education sector and offers recommendations for future research.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39497. Mobile robot localization under stochastic communication protocol
- Creator:
- Lu, Yanyang and Shen, Bo
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Riccati equations, localization, mobile robot, and stochastic communication protocol
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- In this paper, the mobile robot localization problem is investigated under the stochastic communication protocol (SCP). In the mobile robot localization system, the measurement data including the distance and the azimuth are received by multiple sensors equipped on the robot. In order to relieve the network burden caused by network congestion, the SCP is introduced to schedule the transmission of the measurement data received by multiple sensors. The aim of this paper is to find a solution to the robot localization problem by designing a time-varying filter for the mobile robot such that the filtering error dynamics satisfies the H∞ performance requirement over a finite horizon. First, a Markov chain is introduced to model the transmission of measurement data. Then, by utilizing the stochastic analysis technique and completing square approach, the gain matrices of the desired filter are designed in term of a solution to two coupled backward recursive Riccati equations. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed filter design scheme is shown in an experimental platform.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39498. Mobilita českých vědců
- Creator:
- Bartková, Hana
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Věda. Všeobecnosti. Základy vědy a kultury. Vědecká práce, věda, science, 12, and 00
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Hana Bartková.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39499. Mobilita mezi zaměstnaností a nezaměstnaností u starších pracovníků v ČR
- Creator:
- Železná, Lada and Kreidl, Martin
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- employment, unemployment, older workers, survival analysis, and Czech Republic
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- There is a sharp discrepancy between the emphasis being placed on active ageing and labour market participation in older age and the high unemployment rates observed among older workers. Cross-sectional data in the Czech Republic consistently present evidence of job insecurity and employment vulnerability in older age groups. Aggregated data and statistical indices do not, however, offer a sufficiently detailed picture of the social processes (e.g. exit from the labour market, duration of unemployment, and exit from unemployment) behind the numbers. This article takes a dynamic look at the position of older workers in the labour market by investigating transitions between employment and unemployment using a sub-sample of older workers (50 year and over) from the Czech EU-SILC, who were interviewed repeatedly in a panel survey between 2004 and 2009. The authors use survival analysis methods to study the time-dependence of transitions into and out of unemployment and both with and without covariates. The results suggest that older workers are not at a higher risk of exiting the labour market (compared to other age groups), but once they are unemployed, their odds of getting back into employment are significantly lower. Even when controls (such as education level) are included in the model this disadvantage persists. Interestingly, while education generally protects people from labour market exit, this protective effect is weaker among older workers.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39500. Mobilita obyvatelstva ve farnosti sv. Kříže v Praze v polovině 18. století
- Creator:
- Fialová, Ludmila
- Format:
- Type:
- model:internalpart and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The number of inhabitants in Prague in the middle of the 18th century grew slightly, despite the slight decline in the natural population change. This increase, like in the majority of European towns, occurred as a result of immigration. This is confirmed in an analysis of registers of the deceased in the parish of the Holy Cross in the Old Town in Prague for the years 1748-1762. In these years only one in three people who died in the parish and were over the age of 15 were actually from Prague. Among children aged 15 and under, 87 % were bom in Prague. Mainly adults migrated to Prague, usually while they were single, but there are also families with children among the newcomers. In fact almost 8 % of infant children of the deceased were baptised outside Prague. The immigrants headed to Prague not only from other parts of Bohemia (from the Czech and German speaking parts) but also from neighbouring lands (mainly Austria and Moravia).The population of Prague was relatively highly mobile within the city limits. Among the people buried in the parish over the age of 15, who came from all four Prague towns, only one-quarter had been baptised in the parish under observation. In the Old Town (i.e. including other parishes) the figure was 65 %. In this case it was evident that within the city even families with children moved (20 % of infants that died in the parish were baptised in another parish).
- Rights:
- and policy:public