In Taiwanese literature, as in many other national literatures, realism is a term which has been used to serve many aims. Aesthetic and narrative aspects contribute to realism as much as poliical, ideological and/or social convictions. In Taiwam, it has been used as a label by almost all literary groups and schools since the first wave of native literature (xiangtu wenxue) in the 1920s in order to describe and ligitimize their respective literary and - frequently - political claims. Over time, the very meaning of the term "realism" had been subject to multiple changes, thus turning "realism" into an almost empty signifier that needed to be further framed. Realism increasingly tended to be accompanied by an explanatory adjunct, specifying what kind of realism was indicated. The article re-evaluates epistemological issues connected to the use of realism among Taiwan´s modernists and nativists in the 1960s and 1970s. It argues that the struggle between both groups is primarily in relation to the appropriate adjunct to be attached to realism. Both movements illustrate how realism has grown into a meta-term of modernity, while its aesthetics, subject matter, and ethical impact have became increasingly vague.
In this paper, tracking control design for a class of nonlinear polynomial systems is investigated by augmented error system approach and block pulse functions technique. The proposed method is based on the projection of the close loop augmented system and the associated linear reference model that it should follow over a basis of block pulse functions. The main advantage of using this tool is that it allows to transform the analytical differential calculus into an algebraic one relatively easy to solve. The developments presented have led to the formulation of a linear system of algebraic equations depending only on parameters of the feedback control. Once the control gains are determined by solving the latter optimization problem in least square sense, the practical stability of the closed loop augmented system is checked through given conditions. A double inverted pendulums benchmark is used to validate the proposed tracking control method.
In this work, an alternative solution to the tracking problem for a SISO nonlinear dynamical system exhibiting points of singularity is given. An inversion-based controller is synthesized using the Fliess generalized observability canonical form associated to the system. This form depends on the input and its derivatives. For this purpose, a robust exact differentiator is used for estimating the control derivatives signals with the aim of defining a control law depending on such control derivative estimates and on the system state variables. This control law is such that, when applied to the system, bounded tracking error near the singularities is guaranteed.
The aim of the paper is to argue that the ontological setting of objects in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus is a version of structural realism. According to our plan, one of the opening statements of the Tractatus - The world is the totality of facts, not of things - introduces structuralist perspective: structures are superior to their constituents. However, structuralists use the notion ''superior'' in various senses, but this paper argues that the Tractatus places its objects within the framework of ontic structural realism in its moderate form. That form puts structures and individuals on the same ontological footing. Such thesis contradicts traditional object-ontology that dominates Tractarian literature., Cílem práce je argumentovat, že ontologické nastavení objektů ve Wittgensteinově Tractatus je verzí strukturálního realismu. Podle našeho plánu, jeden z úvodních výroků Tractatus - Svět je souhrn faktů, ne věcí - zavádí strukturalistickou perspektivu: struktury jsou nadřazené jejich složkám. Nicméně, strukturalisté používají pojem ''nadřazený'' v různých smyslech, ale tento papír argumentuje, že Tractatus umístí jeho objekty uvnitř rámce ontic strukturálního realismu v jeho mírné formě. Tato forma staví struktury a jednotlivce na stejné ontologické základy. Tato práce je v rozporu s tradiční objektovou ontologií, která dominuje v literární literatuře., and Martin Schmidt
ISTC ih00271000, Červené iniciály a rubriky. Vynechaná místa na iniciály s reprezentantami., and Rukopisné přípisky, podtrhání, svorky a ukazovací ručičky v textu.
Příspěvek se zaměřuje na přehled metodologických přístupů ke korespondenci v domácí novočeské ediční teorii počínaje texty Jana Jakubce, přes články a návrhy zásad od Arne Nováka, Rudolfa Havla, Olgy Svejkovské, Mojmíra Otruby ad., konče skripty Petra Komendy. Pojednává základní tendence jednotlivých přístupů, které byly sice formovány polarizací v pojetí dopisového materiálu (text-dokument x literarizovaný text), sleduje však zároveň dynamiku postupného sbližování obou přístupů ve způsobu edičního zpracování, která koresponduje s proměnami chápání epistolárních pramenů v literární vědě., This paper summarizes the methodological approaches to correspondence in modern Czech editorial theory, from texts by Jan Jakubec to articles and principles put forward by e.g. Arne Novák, Rudolf Havel, Olga Svejkovská, Mojmír Otruba and lecture notes by Petr Komenda. It deals with the basic trends of individual approaches, which were indeed formed through the polarization (i.e. text-document vs. literarized text) in the conception of letter material, but it also follows the dynamics of the gradual rapprochement of these two procedures in editorial method, reflecting changes in the understanding of epistolary sources in literary studies. (Translated by Melvyn Clarke.), and Překlad resumé: Melvyn Clarke
The essay explains Central-European traditional forms of manpower transport, in particular the ways to transport children. Carrying children using different transport aids has a long tradition and many common elements within the researched area, but we can also find many specific techniques and ways of carrying children as well as transport aids there. We can encounter regional archaisms and specifics there which make these ways of transport special. We focus on the oldest and most common transport mean - a wrap that - as a universal mean - served for carrying children until the mid-20th century. We record the ways of carrying children on motheer´s body - in front, on side or on back. The children used to be fixed in more ways as to their age, weight, and occasion to which they were transported (to the field, doctor´s, baptism etc.). We have noticed a special way of carrying children in baskets on mother´s back. Many of these described archaic ways are being revitalised, whereby original carrying techniques, and modern transport aids and materials are used. The essay summarizes results of long-term research and it compares them with materials published in the ethnographic atlases of Slovakia (EAS) and Poland, as well as with Czech works.
This text deals with the traditional methods of carrying materials on frame packs in Krkonoše. Like sleighs or wagons, frame packs were a traditional means of transport, used mainly in the mountains or rugged and hilly regions. Three different types of frame packs
were used in Krkonoše. Frame packs with a shelf were the most common type: they featured atypical shelf onto which the load was placed. Frame packs with a board featured a simple wooden board as the main structural element. The latter type was equipped with straps used to affix the load. It was used by professional porters who often carried 100+ kilogram loads. The third type, known as the bench frame pack, was mostly used for transporting hay. The tough
work of a porter was commonly passed from generation to generation. Porters worked in all seasons and under any and all weather conditions.