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39062. Tradiční lidová kultura na Vysočině
- Creator:
- Lochmanová, Jana
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39063. Tradiční myšlenkové motivy v moderní hindské próze
- Creator:
- Svobodová, Renata
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39064. Tradition in the shade of globalization: ritual bondage in Ghana
- Creator:
- Kraśniewski, Mariusz
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Trokosi, ritual bondage, globalization, slavery, and Ghana
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Globalization is a process. It is sweeping away old cultural norms and social orders and is bringing death to traditional beliefs and customs. This is a process of change, and many aspects of culture are changed forever. It is possible for this kind of transition to happen in many different ways and in many situations "the clash of civilizations" does not necessarily result in conflict. Cultural norms are voluntarily exchanged between various groups, but the differences in social standards are too difficult to accept, one culture begins to change the other. In such cases, one important question emerges . "Who has the right to decide which cultural norms and traditions are better?" This is a question about "cultural borders" and the universality of human rights and social norms. In this discussion, the issue of ritual slavery finds a place. Triokosi, and similar practices that can be found in some West African countries, are clear examples of the traditional bastions in the "war" against globalization. Those are the practices cosidered as being harmful by international society bud defended by traditional believers. The exploration of ritual bondage from both modern and historical perspectives is he main purpose of this article;; it also aims to shed some light on the discussion about the legitimization or suppression of cultural norms that are considered as being harmful.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39065. Traditionally, I am entitled to a last meal
- Creator:
- Jespersen, Bjørn
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- nunberg, condemned prisoner, indexicals, and logical analysis of natural language
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Nunberg maintains that there are cases like ''I am traditionally entitled to a last meal'', as uttered by a condemned prisoner facing the firing squad, which suggest that an indexical like ‘I’ does double duty as a vehicle of singular and general reference. I argue against this claim. My position is that the sentence should be factored out into two: ''Traditionally, a condemned prisoner is entitled to a last meal'' and ''I am a condemned prisoner''. Nunberg’s sentence is generated by means of an illicit substitution of ‘I’ for ‘a condemned prisoner’ inside the scope of ''traditionally''. The morale is that sloppy or literally nonsensical speech like Nunberg’s sentence is not suitable as data for logical analysis of natural language. What is suitable data is the two-premise argument I put forward., Nunberg tvrdí, že existují případy, jako například ,,tradičně mám nárok na poslední jídlo'', jak vyslovil odsouzený vězeň, který čelí střelbě, což naznačuje, že indexové označení ,,I'' má dvojí povinnost jako prostředek jednotného a obecného odkazu. Proti tomuto tvrzení argumentuji. Můj postoj je takový, že věta by měla být zohledněna ve dvou: ,,Odsouzený vězeň má tradičně nárok na poslední jídlo'' a ,,Jsem odsouzený vězeň''. Nunbergův rozsudek je vytvářen nedovolenou náhradou slova ,,I'' za ,,odsouzeného vězně'' v rozsahu ,,tradičně''. Morálka je, že nedbalý nebo doslova nesmyslný projev jako Nunbergova věta není vhodný jako data pro logickou analýzu přirozeného jazyka. Vhodnými daty jsou argumenty, které jsem navrhl., and Bjørn Jespersen
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39066. Tradycja Arnošta z Pardubic w kulturze Ziemi Kłodzkiej / Tradice Arnošta z Pardubic v kultuře Kladska, red. Ryszard Gładkiewicz - František Šebek
- Creator:
- Martin Šandera
- Format:
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- z Pardubic, pražský arcibiskup, Arnošt, 1297-1364, církevní dějiny, kultura a náboženství, kulturní vztahy, church history, culture and religion, cultural relations, Kladsko (Polsko : oblast), Kłodzko Region (Poland), 5, and 27
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- [autor recenze] Martin Šandera.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39067. Traffic control in virtual model of a real city
- Creator:
- Šimůnek , Milan
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Virtual city, traffic control, and simulation
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39068. Traffic detection of transmission of botnet threat using BP neural network
- Creator:
- Li, Xingguo and Wang, Junfeng
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- botnet, BP neural network, traffic, and detection
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- With the gradual improvement of the telecommunication infrastructure in China, the Internet and other new technologies have been frequently used. The Internet technology also brings many network security threats, for example, botnet, while bringing convenience. Botnet is a network formed between hosts controlled by malicious code. One of the most serious threat to network security faced by the Internet is a variety of malicious network attacks on the carrier of botnet. Back propagation (BP) neural network is proposed to detect botnet threat transmission. In this study, a botnet detection model was established using BP neural network system. BP neural network classifier could identify the botnet traffic and normal traffic. Moreover a test was carried out to detect botnet traffic using BP neural network; the performance of the BP neural network classifier was evaluated by the detection rate and false positive rate. The results showed that it had high detection rate and low false positive rate, which indicated that the BP neural network had a good performance in detecting the traffic of botnet threat transmission.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39069. Tragický případ Miroslava Dolejšího a Eugena Vrby
- Creator:
- Tomek, Prokop
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Stať představuje autora proslulé Analýzy událostí 17. listopadu, nejznámější spiklenecké interpretace československé demokratické revoluce z listopadu 1989, z málo známé stránky – jako nadaného člověka a politického vězně komunistického režimu, který strávil za mřížemi celkem osmnáct a půl roku. Miroslav Dolejší (1931–2001) byl poprvé zatčen v roce 1951 a obviněn, že ve spojení s americkým agentem zakládal ilegální mládežnické organizace za účelem provedení státního převratu. Podle autora šlo pravděpodobně o akci vyprovokovanou Státní bezpečností. Dolejší byl odsouzen na třiadvacet let, z čehož si ve vězení odseděl devět, než byl v roce 1960 propuštěn na amnestii. Poté projevil své vcelku mimořádné schopnosti: přestože nedokončil střední školu, stal se odborníkem v oboru systémového inženýrství a automatizovaných systémů řízení a členem několika vědeckých společností. Za „pražského jara“ byl aktivní ve sdružení bývalých politických vězňů K 231. V polovině sedmdesátých let se pokusil prostřednictvím bývalého novináře Eugena Vrby, který byl však sledován Státní bezpečností jako „nepřátelská osoba“, dodávat na Západ za honorář odborné články o Československu. V létě 1976 byli oba muži zatčeni. Přestože úřední posudky nebyly jednoznačné, zda inkriminované zprávy obsahovaly utajované informace, byli obžalováni z vyzvědačství a odsouzeni: Vrba na deset let a Dolejší na jedenáct let. Propuštěn byl v roce 1985, dvacet měsíců před vypršením trestu. Autor článku tvrdí, že vznik Dolejšího konstrukce, vysvětlující listopad 1989 jako spiknutí disidentů, části komunistů a zahraničních tajných služeb, byl psychologicky podmíněn tragickým osudem pisatele a dá se pochopit jako svérázné gesto satisfakce. Pro vězně z padesátých let, kteří před sebou neměli žádnou budoucnost, bylo bolestné přihlížet, jak se bývalí komunisté z Charty 77, kteří se v nejednom případě podíleli na jejich perzekuci, ujímají vysokých funkcí.V případě Miroslava Dolejšího tuto neblahou roli sehrál Vladimír Kolmistr, člen reformněkomunistického disidentského klubu Obroda a v devadesátých letech poslanec parlamentu, který jako předsesa Okresního výboru Českého svazu mládeže v Kladně v roce 1950 inicioval vyloučení Dolejšího ze studia na střední škole. Tuto událost dokládá záznam z oné vylučovací schůze, otištěný v příloze k článku, a do širších souvislostí ji uvádí historik Jaroslav Cuhra v úvodním komentáři., This article presents Miroslav Dolejší (1931–2001), the author of Analýza událostí 17. listopadu (Analysis of the Events of 17 November), the best-known conspiratorial interpretation of the democratic Czechoslovak revolution of November 1989. It does so, however, from a little known side of Dolejší, that is, as a talented man and political prisoner of the Communist régime, who spent a total of eighteen and half years behind bars. Dolejší was first arrested in 1951, and accused of working with an American agent to found an underground youth organization that would carry out a coup d’état. According to the author of the article this was probably an operation provoked by the Czechoslovak secret police. Dolejší was sentenced to twenty-three years in prison, of which he served nine before being released in the presidential amnesty of 1960. Afterwards he showed his exceptional abilities: though he had not finished secondary school, he became an expert in the field of systems engineering and automated systems of control and a member of several academic societies. During the ‘Prague Spring’ he was active in K 231 (or Klub 231, Klub bývalých politických vězňů, the Association of Former Political Prisoners). In the mid-1970s, with the help of the former journalist Eugen Vrba (1918–2004), who was under secret-police surveillance, Dolejší attempted to send academic articles about Czechoslovakia to the West, for which he would receive payment. In 1976 both men were arrested. Although the official dossiers did not state clearly whether Dolejší’s and Vrba’s reports contained sensitive intelligence, the two men were accused of spying and Vrba was sentenced to ten years in prison, Dolejší to eleven. Dolejší was released in 1985, twenty months before his sentence would have ended. The author claims that Dolejší’s analysis, which seeks to explain the events of November 1989 as a conspiracy of dissidents, Communists, and foreign secret services, was psychologically determined by the tragic fate of its author and that it is fair to see it as a particular way of seeking satisfaction for wrongs done. For men imprisoned in the 1950s, and who had thus been robbed of their futures, it was painful to see former Communists, albeit signatories of Charter 77, who had in several cases been involved in their persecution, taking up senior posts in public life. For Dolejší one such person was Vladimír Kolmistr (born 1930), a member of Obroda (Rebirth), the club of dissident reform-Communists, and then a member of the Czech Parliament (Czech National Council) in the 1990s. In 1950, as, Chairman of the Kladno District Committee of the Czech Youth Association (Český svaz mládeže), Kolmistr had instigated Dolejší’s expulsion from secondary school. Evidence of this is provided by the minutes of the meeting about the expulsion, which are also published here with an introduction by the historian Jaroslav Cuhra, putting them in the broader context., and Materiály
- Rights:
- and policy:public
39070. Tragický smysl Levinasovy etiky
- Creator:
- Cools, Arthur
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- ethics, justice, action, Ricœur, and tragic
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This article examines the dimension of the tragic experience in Levinas’s ethics. This dimension seems at odds with this ethics’ claim to define justice in a new way – no longer as a relation of reciprocity between members of a community, but newly according to the individual and asymmetrical relation to the Other. On several occa-sions, Levinas expresses the intention to overcome the fatality of being and to break with the totalitarian effects of the State logic by revealing the ethical meaning beyond being. His philosophy has therefore been interpreted as an ethics of transcendence, based upon the reference to the idea of the Good, but which is unable to account for the tragic dimension of conflicting values and for the finitude of the subjectivity’s capabilities for doing good. In this article, however, I argue that Levinas does not ignore a dimension of the tragic in the ethical relation to the other. Reconsidering the notion of the “there is” (the il y a) within the relation to the other, I show in the first part of this paper how Levinas’s ethics of transcendence enables us to consider a new sense of the tragic experience, given with the responsibility for the other. In the second part, I examine how this sense of the tragic experience relates to Levinas’s understanding of justice. Confronting Levinas with Ricœur’s approach to tragic action in One-self as another, I point to a gap between Levinas’s ethical concept of justice and the political realisation of justice, the articulation of which also reveals several major problems in Levinas’s understanding of justice.
- Rights:
- and policy:public