The present study describes the history of the natality in parish of Libeany in the years 1785-1914 from the perspective of historical demography and cultural history. This parish was formed by eleven villages located in East Bohemia near to the town Hradec Králové in the fertile region. Their inhabitants worked mostly in agriculture and handicraft industry. The aim of this study is to give a summary of the development of natality. The dates are based on records from parish registers of births. By processing was used the method of anonymous aggregative excerption. Results were compared with situation in the Czech lands., Alexandra Šikulová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article draws attention to the actual situation of the Russian orthography. In 1980ies-1990ies the orthographic commission headed by professor V. V. Lopatin elaborated a new project of Russian orthography reform. The reform concentrated especially on correction of the "gaps" in the old orthographic system (dated back to 1956), concerned several rules of writing new expressions etc. Theses of the reform were published in 2000 (the new orthographic dictionary of Russian in 1999), but were never officially sanctioned. As a result, the old orthographic rules from 1956 are still valid for contemporary Russian.
The present study describes the history of the parish of Libčany in the years 1785-1914 from the perspective of historical demography and cultural history. Eleven villages located in East Bohemia near to the town Hradec Králové in the fertile region formed this parish. Their inhabitants worked mostly in agriculture and handicraft industry. The aim of this study is to give a summary of the development of nuptiality. The dates are based on records from parish registers of wedding. By processing was used the method of anonymous aggregative excerption. Results were compared with situation in the Czech Lands., Alexandra Šikulová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The present study describes the history of the mortality in parish of Libčany in the years 1785-1914 from the perspective of historical demography and cultural history. Eleven villages located in Eastern Bohemia near to the town Hradec Králové in the fertile region formed this parish. Their inhabitants worked mostly in agriculture and handicraft industry. The aim of this study is to give a summary of the development of mortality. The dates are based on records from parish registers of deaths. by processing was used the method of anonymous aggregative excerption. Results were compared with situation in the Czech lands., Alexandra Šikulová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Studie analyzuje současný výzkum na poli vývojové dysfázie. Výzkum v posledních desetiletích ukázal, že vedle poruchy fonologických procesů se na vzniku dysfázie podílejí i specificky gramatické deficity a patrně i další rizikové faktory. Studie rozebírá navržené diagnostické markery vývojové dysfázie a jejich úlohu při odhalování etiologie poruchy. Dále rozebírá výzkum genetických vlivů na vznik vývojové dysfázie a úlohu tohoto výzkumu při odhalování funkčních mechanismů vývojových poruch učení. Studie rovněž věnuje pozornost současným pohledům na vztah mezi vývojovou dysfázií a dyslexií.
After a break of several years, during which she published two other novels —Perunův den (1994) and Ztracené děti (1997) — Daniela Hodrová has inKomedie (2003) again taken up the themes of the “Olšany Trilogy” (Podobojí,Kukly and Théta, all first published in 1991–1992). With its narrative stylebordering on fiction and autobiography and with its loose composition Komedieis most like Théta. In the conception of its narrated stories and also the functionof the narrator whose speech continuously mixes and overlaps with speechsnippets of many characters, however, it employs even more daringly than theother novels a high degree of intentional and unintentional disorderliness,which stems from the use of fragments to tell the story. In a polyphonic stream,with many layers of intertextual references (often made both to Hodrová’s ownworks and to those of other authors), the article seeks to highlight a certainintegrating semantic action, which branches out and intensifies despite allthe fragmentation of the story line. The dense network of repeating andinterconnected motifs, whose parallelism and contrasts, as well as the climaticdynamism of the sentences giving the impression of continuous action, createstheir own world in Komedie, which maintains its equilibrium while “on theverge of chaos.” So, for example, two opposite yet mutually complementarycodes of the human lot emerge: the barren plain, into which our lives descend,and the auguring little hand of the Libuše doll found among the graves, whichpoints to the darkness while at the same time lighting the way. and Po několikaletém odstupu a po dalších dvou románech (Perunův den, 1994; Ztracené děti, 1997) navázala Daniela Hodrová v Komedii (2003) znovu na motivy „olšanské trilogie“ (Podobojí – Kukly – Théta, souborně 1999). Stylem vyprávění rozvíjeného na hranici fikce a autobiografie i svou uvolněnou kompozicí má Komedie nejblíže k Thétě, využívá však ještě odvážněji – v pojetí vyprávěných příběhů i samotné funkce vypravěče, jehož řeč se ustavičně mísí a prolíná s úryvky řečí mnoha postav – vyšší míry záměrné i nezáměrné, z povahy fragmentárního podání plynoucí „neuspořádanosti“. Studie Vyvolání z nebytí se zaměřila k tomu, aby v mnohohlasém a navíc množství intertextových odkazů zvrstveném proudu (odvolávajícím se co chvíli k vlastnímu dílu i k textům jiných autorů) vyzdvihla jisté sjednocující významové dění, jež se rozrůstá a sílí navzdory vší rozdrobenosti fabulační linie. Hustá síť opakování a propojování motivů, jejich paralelismy a kontrasty a zároveň vystupňovaná dynamičnost vět, navozující dojem neustávajícího dění. vytvářejí v Komedii vlastní svět, který udržuje svou rovnovánu „na okraji chaosu“. Tak se zde například vynořují dvě protikladné a navzájem se doplňující šifry lidského existenciálního údělu: pustá pláň, do níž se svažují naše životy a věštící ručička mezi hroby nalezené panenky Libuše, která ukazuje do tmy – a přece svítí cestu.
The missal of Načeradec is a modest codex from an artistic point of view. Its decoration is limited to one figural illumination only – a canon depiction of the Crucifixion; besides this, the manuscript contains only filigree initials and clerical capitals. The quality of its figural decoration is comparatively high. Its style is post-classical Gothic; linear pleats of the draperies imply a date in the beginning of the 14th century. Only a few analogies can be found in simultaneous book painting, e.g. in the decoration of the manuscripts of Eliška (Elisabeth) Rejčka, but these analogies are not immediate. Some correspondence, however, can be found in monumental art, more precisely in mural painting.
The missal of Načeradec is a modest codex from an artistic point of view. Its decoration is limited to one figural illumination only – a canon depiction of the Crucifixion; besides this, the manuscript contains only filigree initials and clerical capitals. The quality of its figural decoration is comparatively high. Its style is post-classical Gothic; linear pleats of the draperies imply a date in the beginning of the 14th century. Only a few analogies can be found in simultaneous book painting, e.g. in the decoration of the manuscripts of Eliška (Elisabeth) Rejčka, but these analogies are not immediate. Some correspondence, however, can be found in monumental art, more precisely in mural painting.