Irradiance data software developed by the NREL Solar Radiation Laboratory (Simple Model of Atmospheric Radiative Transfer of Sunshine, SMARTS) has been used for modelling photosynthesis. Spectra and total irradiance were expressed in terms of quanta [mol m-2 s-1, photosynthetic photon flux density, PPFD (400-700 nm)]. Using the SMARTS software it is possible to (1) calculate the solar spectrum for a planar surface for any given solar elevation angle, allowing for the attenuating effects of the atmosphere on extraterrestrial irradiance at each wavelength in the 400-700 nm range and for the thickness of atmosphere the light must pass through during the course of a day, (2) calculate PPFD vs. solar time for any latitude and date and (3) estimate total daily irradiance for any latitude and date and hence calculate the total photon irradiance for a whole year or for a growing season. Models of photosynthetic activity vs. PPFD are discussed. Gross photosynthesis (Pg) vs. photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) (Pg vs. I) characteristics of single leaves compared to that of a canopy of leaves are different. It is shown that that the optimum irradiance for a leaf (Iopt) is the half-saturation irradiance for a battery of leaves in series. A C3 plant, with leaves having an optimum photosynthetic rate at 700 μmol m-2 s-1 PPFD, was used as a realistic worked example. The model gives good estimates of gross photosynthesis (Pg) for a given date and latitude. Seasonal and annual estimates of Pg can be made. Taking cloudiness into account, the model predicts maximum Pg rates of about 10 g(C) m-2 d-1, which is close to the maximum reported Pg experimental measurements. and R. J. Ritchie.
The study presented herein investigates the impact of simulated changes in land cover on rainfall-runoff conditions for the transboundary basin of the upper Lužnice. The HEC-HMS hydrological model was chosen for these simulations. Scenario models were used to simulate the impact of modifications in basin land cover with individual scenarios reflecting ground cover changes. The years 1990 and 2000, which are available in the CORINE Landcover database, were chosen as variants of river basin land cover. In addition, two theoretical versions of possible extreme variants in fundamental land cover changes - the conversion from agricultural land to grassland and the forestation of the river basin, with the exception of roads and bodies of water - were also included. Single day rainfall totals with a recurrence period of 10, 20, 50 and 100 years were selected to calculate the volume of runoff and culmination discharge. These results demonstrate a clear decrease in the degree of impact of land cover structure on runoff conditions, increasing with the magnitude of precipitation. and Článek představuje výsledky simulace vlivu změn krajinného krytu na srážko-odtokové poměry v přeshraničním povodí horní Lužnice. Pro modelování byl vybrán hydrologický model HEC-HMS. K modelování vlivu změn krajinného pokryvu povodí byla použita metoda scénářového modelování, kde se v jednotlivých scénářích mění krajinný pokryv. Jako varianty krajinného pokryvu povodí byly zvoleny roky 1990 a 2000, pro které je k dispozici databáze CORINE Landcover, a dále dvě teoretické krajní varianty možných variant změn struktury krajinného krytu - zatravnění zemědělské půdy a zalesnění povodí kromě intravilánů, komunikací a vodních ploch. Pro výpočet objemů odtoků a kulminačních průtoků byly vybrány jednodenní návrhové srážkové úhrny s pravděpodobností opakování 10, 20, 50 a 100 let. Z výsledků simulace je zřejmý pokles vlivu struktury krajinného pokryvu na odtokové poměry se vzrůstající extremitou srážky.
The paper deals with applicability of the program SNAP on drive systems analyses. That program should be utilized especially in education of electric and mechatronic drive experts. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The aim of this article is to present partial results of more extensive research which is focused on using different methods for runoff computation in areas differing in land use. With the help of the deterministic lumped model HEC-HMS (Hydrologic Engineering Center - Hydrologic Modelling System) several simulations of runoff changes by different basin conditions were carried out. The Blanice River basin in the Šumava Mts. was chosen as an experimental catchment in its closure profile in Podedvory (gauge station, area 209.6 km2 ). For assessment of land cover changes impact on hydrological regime four scenarios were carried out - 10, 20, 50 and 100-year 1-day probability precipitation in combination with different initial conditions (soil saturation). These scenarios were applied to the stage of the land cover in the year 1992 and 2000 (based on the CORINE Landcover database). The method SCS CN (Soil Conservation Service Curve Number) was applied as the main model technique. and Cílem příspěvku je prezentovat dílčí výsledky rozsáhlejšího výzkumu zaměřeného na změny srážkoodtokového procesu vlivem změn charakteru vegetace a půdního pokryvu. Pomocí matematického modelu HEC-HMS (Hydrologic Engineering Center - Hydrologic Modelling System) byly uskutečněny simulace odtokové odezvy na příčinnou srážku ve dvou časových horizontech, které charakterizují dva odlišné stavy krajinného pokryvu. Modelovou oblastí bylo povodí Blanice po závěrový profil Podedvory (nad VD Husinec, 209,6 km2 ). Reakce povodí na srážkovou událost při změnách vegetačního pokryvu byla zhodnocena ve dvou časových horizontech - 1992 a 2000. K hodnocení změn vegetace byla použita databáze CORINE Landcover. Modelování změny odtokového režimu v daných časových horizontech proběhlo pro čtyři srážkové události. První z nich byl 1-denní úhrn srážek s pravděpodobností překročení 0,1, tedy s dobou opakování 10 let a další s dobami opakování 20, 50 a 100 let. Jako hlavní modelovací technika byla použita metoda SCS CN (Soil Conservation Service Curve Number).
Foliar gas exchange characteristics, understorey microclimate, and crown irradiation were assessed for saplings of eight canopy tree species in two plots of neotropical rain forest with different degrees of canopy opening. Species studied belonged to different putative guilds: shade intolerants (both short-lived--pioneers--and long-lived), intermediates, and shade-tolerants. A considerable overlap was recorded between species in values of the photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area (PN). The highest median PN (1.26 µmol m-2 s-1) was recorded in the pioneer Croton killipianus, while slightly lower median values were recorded in Simarouba amara and Pentaclethra macroloba, and markedly lower values in two species of Vochysiaceae (Qualea paraense and Vochysia ferruginea), both putative intolerants. Highest median stomatal conductance (gs) was also shown by C. killipianus, while S. amara, P. macroloba, and L. procera exhibited intermediate values, and the lowest gs was shown by V. ferruginea and Q. paraense. Overall irradiance and crown irradiation, PN, and gs of saplings were higher in the plot which had previously received a silvicultural treatment. Most values of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) were <100 µmol m-2 s-1 in both plots, with shortlived peaks of up to 2000 µmol m-2 s-1 in the treated plot. When the relationship between PN and irradiance (I) was examined by fitting PN/I curves, the degree of fit varied markedly between species, values of the regression coefficient r2 were between 0.09 and 0.51. No significant differences between species were recorded in Pmax and species also demonstrated little variation in the predicted values of dark respiration (RD), values varying between -0.51 and -1.46 µmol m-2 s-1 in Q. paraense and Minquartia guianensis, respectively. Fitted values of apparent quantum efficiency were also fairly uniform, generally falling within the range 0.02-0.03 mol(CO2) mol-1(photon). and N. E. Vera, B. Finegan, A. C. Newton.
The purpose of the paper is to present existing and discuss modified optimization models and solution techniques which are suitable for engineering decision-making problems containing random elements with emphasis on two decision stages. The developed aproach is called two-stage stochastic programming and the paper links motivation, applicability, theoretical remarks, transformations, input data generation techniques, and selected decomposition algorithms for generalized class of engineering problems. The considered techniques have been found applicable by the experience of the authors in various areas of engineering problems. They have been applied to engineering design problems involving constraints based on differential equations to achieve reliable solutions. They have served for technological process control e.g. in melting, casting, and sustainable energy production. They have been used for industrial production technologies involving related logistics, as e.g. fixed interval scheduling under uncertainty. The paper originally introduces several recent improvements in the linked parts and it focuses on the unified two-stage stochastic programming approach to engineering problems in general. It utilizes authentic experience and ideas obtained in certain application areas and advises their fruitful utilization for other cases. The paper follows the paper published in 2000 which deals with the applicability of static stochastic programs to engineering design problems. Therefore, it refers to the basic concepts and notation introduced there and reviews only the principal ideas in the beginning. Then. it focuses on motivation of recourse concepts and two decision stages from engineering point of view. The principal models are introduced and selected theoretical features are reviewed. They are also accompanied by the discussion about difficulties caused by real-world cases. Scenario-based approach is detailed as the important one for the solution of engineering problems, discussion in data input generation is added together with model transformation remarks. Robust algorithms suitable for engineering problems involving nonlinearities and integer variable are selected and scenario-based decomposition is preferred. An original experience with using heuristics is shared. Several postprocessing remarks are added at the end of the paper, which is followed by an extensive literature review. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Knowledge on soil moisture is indispensable for a range of hydrological models, since it exerts a considerable influence on runoff conditions. Proper tools are nowadays applied in order to gain in-sight into soil moisture status, especially of uppermost soil layers, which are prone to weather changes and land use practices. In order to establish relationships between meteorological conditions and topsoil moisture, a simple model would be required, characterized by low computational effort, simple structure and low number of identified and calibrated parameters. We demonstrated, that existing model for shallow soils, considering mass exchange between two layers ( the upper and the lower), as well as with the atmosphere and subsoil, worked well for sandy loam with deep ground water table in Warsaw conurbation. GLUE (Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation) linked with GSA (Global Sensitivity Analysis) provided for final determination of parameter values and model confidence ranges. Including the uncertainty in a model structure, caused that the median soil moisture solution of the GLUE was shifted from the one optimal in deterministic sense. From the point of view of practical model application, the main shortcoming were the underestimated water exchange rates between the lower soil layer (ranging from the depth of 0.1 to 0.2 m below ground level) and subsoil. General model quality was found to be satisfactory and promising for its utilization for establishing measures to regain retention in urbanized conditions.
This paper describes results of investigation of the stream-aquifer interaction on the south part of Hron basin area near sites Turá and Šárovce. The main goal of the study was to designe hydraulic model of the area and with help of modelling tools to find out interaction of stream flow and groundwater flow, and also influence of riverbed dropdown on groundwater and Článok obsahuje výsledky výskumu interakcie povrchových a podzemných vôd v južnej časti čiastkového povodia Hrona v blízkosti obcí Turá a Šárovce. Hlavným cieľom štúdie bolo vytvoriť hydraulický model územia a následne pomocou modelovacích nástrojov určiť veľkosť interakcie pri rôznych prietokoch, určiť dosah vplyvu prechodu povodňovej vlny na úroveň hladiny podzemnej vody v čase a priestore a stanoviť vplyv poklesu kóty dna rieky na hladinu podzemnej vody.
Weighing lysimeters can be used for studying the soil water balance and to analyse evapotranspiration (ET). However, not clear was the impact of the bottom boundary condition on lysimeter results and soil water movement. The objective was to analyse bottom boundary effects on the soil water balance. This analysis was carried out for lysimeters filled with fine- and coarse-textured soil monoliths by comparing simulated and measured data for lysimeters with a higher and a lower water table. The eight weighable lysimeters had a 1 m2 grass-covered surface and a depth of 1.5 m. The lysimeters contained four intact monoliths extracted from a sandy soil and four from a soil with a silty-clay texture. For two lysimeters of each soil, constant water tables were imposed at 135 cm and 210 cm depths. Evapotranspiration, change in soil water storage, and groundwater recharge were simulated for a 3-year period (1996 to 1998) using the Hydrus-1D software. Input data consisted of measured weather data and crop model-based simulated evaporation and transpiration. Snow cover and heat transport were simulated based on measured soil temperatures. Soil hydraulic parameter sets were estimated (i) from soil core data and (ii) based on texture data using ROSETTA pedotransfer approach. Simulated and measured outflow rates from the sandy soil matched for both parameter sets. For the sand lysimeters with the higher water table, only fast peak flow events observed on May 4, 1996 were not simulated adequately mainly because of differences between simulated and measured soil water storage caused by ET-induced soil water storage depletion. For the silty-clay soil, the simulations using the soil hydraulic parameters from retention data (i) were matching the lysimeter data except for the observed peak flows on May, 4, 1996, which here probably resulted from preferential flow. The higher water table at the lysimeter bottom resulted in higher drainage in comparison with the lysimeters with the lower water table. This increase was smaller for the finer-textured soil as compared to the coarser soil.