Domnívám se, že právě vznik intersubjektivity je v popředí zájmu mnoha pacientů: Jak nastolit takovou atmosféru ve vztahu, ve které je možno hovořit o velmi osobních problémech bez nebezpečí devalvace? Jak vzniká respekt mezi lidmi, který se mi nedaří dosáhnout? Jak vzniká důvěra, přátelství, stojím si sám nějak k tomu v cestě? Psychoterapeut pak zkoumá, jak se tyto situace opakují ve vzájemném vztahu i jak se na nich sám podílí. To je někdy pro obě strany velmi náročné., I suppose, most of our patients are interested about how to create the intersubjectivity like to establish such a atmosphere in the relationship, which allows to speak about very personal problems without the danger of humilitation. How to obtain the respect, how arises trust and friendship, why do I fail to achieve it ? Psychotherapist examines the repetition of such situations in the mutual correlation and first of all what is his own part, how he participates on it., and Poněšický J.
Assaultive acts committed by people with a mental illness is a major public health issue that affects patients with their families, law enforcement authorities, and the public at large. Failure to provide treatment is in fact a major predictor of assaultive acts in patients with schizophrenia living in the community. Considering that the indigenous ethnic groups of Central Asia have similar sociocultural characteristics, these factors may be reflected in individuals with schizophrenia who have committed serious assaultive acts in Uzbekistan. Objectives: The aim of the work was to identify the sociocultural and clinical characteristics of schizophrenic representatives of indigenous ethnic groups of Central Asia who have committed violent crimes in Uzbekistan and have been found insane in regard to their offence, and to compare these subjects to ones belonging to the other ethnic groups. Material and methods: The data were collected in 2010–2013 in the Tashkent High Security Psychiatric Hospital via face-to-face interviews and also from the patients’ charts and from forensic psychiatric examination statements. Results: The sample consisted of 201 individuals. The sample was 90.1 percent (n = 181) male, with a predominance of the paranoid schizophrenia subtype according to the ICD-10 criteria. Of the subjects, 174 ones (86.6%) were representatives of the indigenous ethnic groups of Central Asia, and 27 ones (13.4%) were representatives of other ethnic groups. The duration of illness among the subjects belonging to the indigenous ethnic groups of Central Asia was less than in the other group; the individuals were rarely referred to psychiatric care because of the popularity of alternative medicine and the stigma attached to mental illness. A positive correlation between violence and various psychotic symptoms, such as delusions, hallucinations, and thought disorder, has also been demonstrated in this group. European Medical, Health and Pharmaceutical Journal ISSN 1804-5804 Conclusions: Sociocultural characteristics, such as delayed referral for psychiatric care because of the popularity of alternative medicine and the stigma attached to mental illness among the indigenous ethnic groups of Central Asia, frequently factor into committing serious acts of assault because of developing psychotic symptoms at the early stages of disease despite their sufficient socioenvironmental adaptation., Saida Yеshimbetova, Bulat Chembaev, and Literatura
In this paper a longitudinal study is presented of age-dependent speech acoustic characteristics from the utterances of Czech actresses, acquired from movie databases recorded in the years from 1985 to 2014. The age dependence of phonation is analyzed using the parameters fundame ntal frequency, jitter, and shimmer. For assessment of articulation, the formant-based voice area index of vocals and the length of the burst from apalatal stop consonant isused. For prosody, no characteristics were found that were applicable to the analysis of film archives. The results of age dependencies described by the phonetic categories are consistent with the assumptions and conclusions presented in the literature. This pilot project also confirms the possibility of creating valuable studies from publicly available sources., Roman Čmejla, Jarmila Behenská, Tereza Tykalová, Jan Rusz, and Literatura
Aldosterone blocker Spironolactone has antiinflammatory, antiproliferative and antioxidative effects, that is why pathogenetically it is expedient to use it in complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis. Material and methods: 46 patients with RA took 2550 mg/day of Spironolactone during 12 months as an addition to standard therapy, the comparison group consisted of 47 patients that got only standard therapy, all the patients were fully examined prior and post the treatment. Results: complex RA therapy leads to improved VAS, HAQ, the antioxidative potential index F; decreased blood concentrations of TNFα, ICAM1, FGF and VEGF in contrast to standard therapy. Complex therapy made reduced the DAS 28 more > 0.6. Conclusions: applying of Spironolactone in complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis contributes to more pronounced improvement in indices of articular syndrome and patients life quality, reduce of antiinflammatory, antiproliferative and angiogenic cytokines, and more effectively reduces the activity of the disease comparing to standard therapy., Elena Komarova, Borys Rebrov, and Literatura
The significance of ABO blood system groups antigens in development of some malignant tumors is already established. The alteration of hormonal homeostasis must also be taken into account. Hence the aim of the investigation was to study ABO and Rh blood system antigens and hormonal status among reproductive age women with benign and malignant breast tumors. Methods: The determination of hormones was made by the enzymatic analysis method (ELAIZA), provided by proper ELAIZA kits. For the study of ABO and RhHr system antigens, internationally recognized immunoserology methods were used. Results: High index of the breast gland tumors were revealed in patients with A(II) phenotypic group, according to the ABO system. The frequency distribution of O(I) phenotypic group was low among women with breast tumors. Among D, C, E, c and e antigens of the Rh system, the frequency of D and E antigens were increased in benign and malignant breast tumors patients. The study of hormonal balance revealed thyroid gland hypofunction and increased level of estradiol on the background of increased testosterone and decreased progesterone levels. Such hormonal imbalance and excess production of estradiol creates conditions for malignant tumor formation in reproductive age women. Conclusion: The highest frequency of breast cancer in reproductive age was revealed in A(II) group patients. The wide spectrum of hormonal disorders were revealed in breast tumor patients of the reproductive age, which was especially clear in cases of malignant tumor., Irina Nakashidze, Nanuli Kotrikadze, Anzor Diasamidze, Marina Nagervadze, Manana Alibegashvili, Liana Ramishvili, Manana Gordeziani, and Literatura
The purpose of this study was to investigate the content neurospecific markers protein S-100 and neuroenolaza in blood serum and tear fluid of patients with ocular ischemic syndrome. Material and methods. We observed 43 patients aged 57 to 79 years, mean age 67.3 ± 2.7 years. Control group consisted of 11 volunteers without ophthalmic symptoms. The main group consisted of 32 patients with OIS. The neurospecific proteins S100 and NSE were investigated in blood serum and tear fluid. Results. The study found that in patients of the control group the content of protein were within the normal range: S -100 in the tear fluid – 0,0662 ± 0,00335 mkg/l, in the blood serum 0,0508 ± 0,00241 mkg/l. In patients of the main group the indicators of protein in the tear fluid were elevated in all patients - 3,12 ± 0,246 mkg/l ( p<0.005). The normal evels in blood serum of marker S-100 was in 30 patients - 0,0589 ± 0,00303 mkg/l, while, in 2 patients protein S-100 were raised and averaged 0,2175±0,00725 mkg/l. It was found that in patients of the control group content of protein NSE in the tear fluid and blood serum were within normal values - 15,86 ± 0,148 Ng/ml, 15,60 ± 0,202 Ng/ml respectively. In the main group the amount of protein NSE tended to increase in the tear fluid in 23 patients and averaged 33,012 ± 3,2626 Ng/ml (p<0.005), a significant decrease the quantity of protein was observed in 9 patients, which amounted to 5,166 ± 0,8301 Ng/ml. At normal levels in the blood serum protein NSE detected in 30 patients and averaged 14,48 ± 0,263 Ng/ml, whereas, in 2 patients there was a significant increase of content of protein NSE and was 27,47 ± 3,068 Ng/ml. Conclusions. Thus, changes in the concentration of S100 and neuroenolaza in the tear fluid in patients with ocular ischemic European Medical, Health and Pharmaceutical Journal ISSN 1804-5804 syndrome allow to identify as marker of nerve cells damage of the eye, contributing to the definition in conjunction with other signs of stage and etiology of the disease., Halidjan Kamilov, Munirahon Kasimova, Dilbar Makhkamova, and Literatura
Autoři předkládají kazuistiku „antibiomanie“ u 55leté pacientky s emočně nestabilní poruchou osobnosti a mentální anorexií v anamnéze, nyní dlouhodobě ambulantně léčenou pro úzkostnou a depresivní symptomatologii, související se závažnou somatickou nemocí manžela. Přesmyk do mánie nastal po druhé 500mg dávce klarithromycinu. Nicméně ten byl již třetím podaným antibiotikem v intervalu posledních čtyř měsíců. Manické symptomy dosáhly takové intenzity, že byla nutná nedobrovolná hospitalizace v psychiatrické nemocnici. Zde příznaky odezněly do týdne. Autoři nabízejí hypotézu patogeneze manického zvratu. Předpokládají, že přesmyk mohl nastat primárně v důsledku alterace střevního mikrobiomu antibiotiky. Další patogenetická cesta může vést buď přes přímé vagové dráždění, nebo přes zvýšenou propustnost střevní bariéry pro falešné neurotransmitery., The authors present a case of antibiomania in 55years woman with borderline personality, anorexia nervosa in personal history, and long lasting anxious and depressive symptomatology associated with husband´s serious illness. Switch to mania occured after two 500mg doses of clarithromycin. However, clarithromycin was the third antibiotic administered in the last four months. Manic symptoms were so severe that involuntary hospitalization was required. Signs of mania disappeared within a week on psychiatric ward. The authors submit the hypothesis that the pathogenetic pathway of sudden reversal into mania may be triggered by intestinal dysmicrobia after clarithromycine administration and then proceeded to CNS through either a leaky gut or direct stimulation of the nervus vagus., Honzák R., Strunzová V., Janoušková L., Moravcová M., and Literatura
We studied 52 patients with epilepsy with the average age of 36.2±14.7 years old. Of them, 38 patients had idiopathic epilepsy, 14 patients had symptomatic epilepsy. Our study has shown that epilepsy is accompanied with increased levels of autoantibodies to NF-200, GFAP, S100, MBP, DNA, GABA and dopamine receptors, testifying to the important role of autoimmune disturbances in the pathogenesis of epilepsy. More severe attacks are accompanied by worsening of neuroimmune dysregulation. The degree and duration of autoimmune process can serve additional diagnostic and prognostic criteria for epilepsies., Rano Bahodirovna Azizova, and Literatura
The study deals with expectations of patients - future consumers of health care services provided in hospitals. Authors of this study propose about how the fulfilled or unfilled expectations can influence the patient’s satisfaction with provided health care. There is also suggested to what categories those expectations most often belong and to what extent is possible in common conditions of Czech hospitals the patient’s expectations comply, Kalábová L., Křečková Tůmová N., Zlámal J., and Literatura
Pancreatic schwannoma is a rare neoplasm. By 2012, there were only 47 cases reported on pancreatic schwannoma the English literature to the best of our knowledge. Hereby, we report a 37-year-old Caucasian male with a cystic schwannoma in the head of the pancreas. The patient, complaining of vague abdominal pain and pruritus underwent a computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen. The CT scan of the abdomen revealed a cystic lesion in the head of the pancreas. Initially, a cystic mucinous tumor of the pancreas was suspected. Whipple’s procedure was undertaken. The histopathologic evaluation of the specimen revealed a pancreatic schwannoma. The patient did well postoperatively. Even rarely seen, pancreatic schwannoma should be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic lesions., Bulent Aytac, Ahmet Karamercan, Mehmet Eren Yuksel, Gamze Kulduk, and Literatura