Trofoblastická nemoc představuje velmi heterogenní skupinu benigních i vysoce maligních stavů. Hlavní společnou charakteristikou je nízká incidence onemocnění v populaci, která může vést k diagnostickým rozpakům a závažným terapeutickým chybám. Současným cílem specializovaných center v Evropě i ve zbytku světa je stanovit jasná kritéria, která budou zárukou adekvátní léčby a porovnatelných výsledků. Článek přináší aktuální pohled na postavení chemoterapie a dalších léčebných modalit v léčbě trofoblastické nemoci., Trophoblastic disease is a very heterogeneous group of benign and also highly malignant entities. All forms of tro - phoblastic disease are characterized by rare incidence. This explains a potential risk of diagnostic and therapeutic errors which can lead to very serious consequences. The contemporary trend across different countries is to establish definite criteria for adequate management of patients with this specific disease which also allow the comparison of treatment results. The article shows actual view on status of chemotherapy and other therapeutic modalities in treatment of trophoblastic disease., F. Hron, J. Feyereisl, M. Korbel, P. Šafář, and Literatura
Článek sleduje problematiku stydlivosti jako emocion álního osobnostního rysu, pro který je typický strach z negativního hodnocení doprováze ný emoční nepohodou. Nejvýznamnější emocí uplatňující se při zaměření pozo rnosti na vlastní selhání a je stud. Stydlivost, která se stane negativní součá stí sebepojetí, působí negativně na životní spokojenost člověka a má rovněž úzký vztah k psychickým poruchám. K posouzení míry stydlivosti lze využít čes ký překlad „Dotazníku stydlivosti“ (2002). Dále sledujeme vztah stydlivosti k rysům pětifaktorového modelu. Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 51 osob se smíšenou úzkostně depresivní poruchou a 50 osob se z ávislostí na alkoholu., Our paper analyses the issues of shyness as emotiona l personality trait for which the fear of negative judgement is typical, accompanied by emo tional discomfort. The most significant emotion when focusing on our own failure s and functioning is shame. The shyness which becomes part of negative self-image has adverse impact on individual’s life satisfaction and also has close relationship t o mental disorders. To assess the degree of shyness the Czech translation of "Questionnaire of shyness" by Lynne Henderson and Philip Zimbardo (2002) may be used. Furthermore, we study the relationship between shyness and personality traits using the five-facto r model. The research sample consisted of 51 people with mixed anxiety and depressive diso rders and 50 people with alcohol dependence., Juračková P., and Literatura
Neurovědy, které se stále častěji zabývají vztahem mezi psychickou a mozkovou činností, vedly v posledních letech ke vzniku nových oborů: neuroe pigenetiky , neuropsychologi , neuropsychoanalýz y, a dokonce i neurofilosofie. V této stati diskutuji koncept neuropsychosomatiky., Neurosciences, which have been increasingly concern ed with and brain activity, in recent years have led to the emergence of new disciplines: neuroepigenetics, neuropsychology, neuoropsychother apy, neurop neurophilosophy. In this paper I am discussing the concept of neuropsychosomatics., and Poněšický J.
The condition of the protective barrier of the stomach in patients with duodenal ulcer associated and non-associated with H. pylori infection has been studied. The state of gastric mucosal barrier was studied in 72 patients with peptic ulcer disease association with H. pylori and 26 patients without H. pylori by determining the content of insoluble glycoproteins and its fractions in the basal portion of the gastric juice. In a comparative perspective the state of these indicators were studied depending on the association with H. pylori and the severity of the disease. In patients with H. pylori, damages of protective mucus barrier are characterized by the significant shortage of fucose, which is considered to be the main component of the insoluble glycoproteins. In patients without H. pylori, status of mucosal barrier is characterized by uniform and less significant reduction in the content of fractions of insoluble glycoproteins. In this patients the reduction of insoluble glycoproteins is not dependent on the frequency of exacerbation. The content of fucose in the mucous gel of gastric juice is a diagnostic criterion for determining the frequency of recurrence of the disease in patients with H. pylori infection., Abdujalol Vahabovich Yakubov, Nargiza Ihsanovna Pulatova, and Literatura
In this article, the results of the morphological study of the cerebral arteries in the patients with the hemorrhagic ischemic stroke on the background of metabolic syndrome were submitted. We established that under hemorrhagic stroke on the background of metabolic syndrome one could observe the atherosclerotic damages in the form of plaques, hyalinosis of vessels walls, destructive and necrotic changes of the middle coat of vessel wall, which are, in our opinion, the main reason in morphogenesis of hemorrhagic stroke. The atherosclerotic affection of the cerebral vessels with the lipidosis and fibrotic plaques in the vessel wall, which caused in disorganization of the vessel wall in the form intimae proliferation, structural reconstruction of the internal elastic membrane which resulted in narrowing of the vessel lumen and development of ischemia is the morphological basis for the ischemic stroke with the metabolic syndrome. Also diabetic microangiopathy with the development of the hyalinosis, vessels walls sclerosis, which provoked the microcirculatory and metabolism processes injury in the cerebral substance that complicate the disease course is the important factor of cerebral blood circulation damage., Natalia Chuiko, and Literatura
Aims: This is the first study carried out to describe the role of fetal microchimerism (FM) in the pathogenesis of uterine cancer. The prevalence and concentration of male fetal microchimeric cells (FMCs) were examined in endometrial tissues in relation to subtypes of uterine cancer, and the histological grade and stage of the tumor. FM occurrence was analyzed in relation to risk factors including hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, age at cancer diagnosis and patient pregnancy history. The prevalence and concentration of FMCs were examined in endometrial tissues using real-time polymerase chain reaction, SRY and b-globin sequences as markers for male fetal FMCs and total DNA. The studied group involved 47 type 1 endometrial cancers, 28 type 2 endometrial cancers and 41 benign uterine diseases. Results: While the prevalence of FM was decreased only in type 1 endometrial cancer, compared to benign uterine disorders (38.3% vs.70.7%; OR = 0.257, 95% CI: 0.105 to 0.628, p = 0.003), FMC concentrations did not differ within examined groups. The lower FM prevalence was detected in low grade (grade 1 and grade 2) endometrioid cancer (38.3% vs. 70.7%, OR = 0.256, 95% CI: 0.105 to 0.627, p = 0.003) and in FIGO 1 tumors (40.7% vs. 70.7%, OR= 0.285, 95% CI: 0.120 to 0.675, p = 0.004). No correlation between FM prevalence or FMC concentrations and risk factors was demonstrated. Conclusions: A lower prevalence of male FM seemed to be associated with better prognoses in uterine cancer based on tumor subtype, histological grade and stage of the tumor. and Ilona Hromadnikova, Katerina Kotlabova, Petra Pirkova, Pavla Libalova, Zdenka Vernerova, Bohuslav Svoboda, Eduard Kucera
The Purpose of this study is to demonstrate the effectiveness of combined treatment for III AB stage of nonsmallcell lung cancer. Nonsmallcell lung cancer spread form treatment is disputable. Operation is not final solution. The combined treatment is being tested (in clinical trials) in this study. This article argues that a combination of treatment is a better option than that of a specific treatment. However, there is a need to find new effective options for combined treatment., Akhat Bukenov, Elena Gizbrekht, Ergaly Shauenov, Bekzhan Orazbayev, Kalmurat Razzakov, and Literatura
Objective: to analyze main clinical-statistical indices of spine and spinal cord injuries (SCI) and system of organization of medical aid to the victims. We conducted a cohort retrospective study of materials of medical institutions of Tashkent city. Medical records of patients and records of forensic examinations were analyzed. 242 cases of spinal cord injuries were studied. Over the last 10 years in Tashkent the frequency of SCI have been tend to increase, males and working-age people are dominated. In 60.9% of cases the injury was associated, in 36.2% - isolated, and in 2.9% - combined. Fallings from height and road traffic accidents were the main reasons for getting SCI. Lesions at cervical level registered in 45% of cases, thoracic level - 27.3%, at lumbar level - 27.7%, respectively. According to ASIA/IMSOP, full injuries were noted in 40.1% of cases, incomplete injures were in 59.9%. Overall mortality from SCI was 68.6%. study allowed to get in detail the clinical and statistical indicators of SCI in the region., Rukhulla Zabikhullaevich Khikmatullaev, Alisher Iskandarovich Iskandarov, Dildora Zabikhullaevna Khakimova, and Literatura
We aimed to investigate in detail the structural mutations after influence of actellic insecticide at different doses and different temperature conditions. We tested effects of single introduction of different doses of actellic: 48, 96, 192, and 384 mg/kg. Cytogenetic effect of actellic in bone marrow cells at different temperature regimens was studied. Following actellic administration, animals were being in two temperature regimes: normal (18-20°C) and high (37-38°C). After treatment with actellic, animals were kept within 1, 2, 4 and 8 hours at high temperature (37-38°C), i.e. in a thermostat (TV-80) with access of air. In experiments, the animals were divided into seven groups. The animals of the 1st group were administered actellic at a dose 384 mg/kg and kept under normal temperature until slaughtering. The animals of the 2nd group after administration of actellic were immediately placed in an environment with a temperature of 37-38°C. Animals of the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th groups after treatment with actellic were transferred to conditions with high temperature, respectively, for 1, 2, 4 and 8 hours. The 7th group of mice was under normal temperature conditions without treatment with actellic. Our results have shown that in normal temperature conditions single exposure of actellic (384 mg/kg) did not affect the genetic apparatus of somatic cell, evidenced by the frequency of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells that were within the control levels. However, at high temperatures (37-38°C) the pesticide caused 6-fold larger number of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells, in comparison with normal conditions., Anvarjon Rakhmankulovich Shermuratov, and Literatura