This paper argues that English quantifier phrases of the form ''every F'' admit of a literal referential interpretation, contrary to the standard semantic account of this expression, according to which it denotes a set and a second-order relation. Various arguments are offered in favor of the referential interpretation, and two likely objections to it are forestalled., Tento článek argumentuje, že anglické kvantifikační fráze formy ,,každý F'' přiznávají doslovný referenční výklad, na rozdíl od standardního sémantického účtu tohoto výrazu, podle kterého označuje množinu a vztah druhého řádu. Různé argumenty jsou nabídnuty ve prospěch referenčního výkladu, a dvě pravděpodobné námitky k tomu jsou zalesněny., and Pierre Baumann
7-day soil drought followed by 7-day rehydration was applied to potted German chamomile (Chamomilla recutita) plants at the beginning of their generative stage. Plants of a wild type (WT), plus two diploid (2n) and two tetraploid (4n) genotypes were studied, in order to examine the alterations in chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoids (Car) contents, and chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) parameters during water shortage and rehydration. The fresh mass of the anthodia after the recovery was also studied.
WT plants adjust better to water stress than modern breeding genotypes, because drought resulted in the low fall in leaf water content of WT, the lowest decrease in the fresh mass of its anthodia (a 41% decrease from the control), and the most elastic response of the photosynthetic apparatus. 4n C11/2 strain plants suffered from the highest reduction in anthodia yield (87%), and had the lowest constitutive pigment contents. It was also the only genotype which revealed nontypical alterations in various CF parameters obtained on a dark- and light-adapted leaf. During drought, a big increase was noticed in minimal, maximal, and variable fluorescence of PSII reaction centres in the dark- adapted (F0, Fm and Fv, respectively), and in the light-adapted state (F0', Fm' and Fv')., It was accompanied by the biggest decline in linear electron transport rate (ETR), quantum efficiency of PSII electron transport (ΦPSII) and photochemical quenching coefficient (qP). These alterations were prolonged to the stage when the normal leaf water content was retained. On the contrary, C6/2 strain plants had the highest constitutive Chl and Car contents, which additionally increased after rehydration, similarly to the values of F0, Fm and Fv, which reflects the high photosynthetic potential of this genotype. It was accompanied by the relatively high yield of its anthodia after drought. Considering the drop in the yield triggered by drought, it seems to be the only parameter which may be linked with the ploidy level.
Although the yield formation of chamomile strains cannot simply be estimated by CF assay, this technique may serve as an additional tool in the selection of plants to drought. The following circumstances should be submitted; namely: measurement at the proper developmental stage of plants, in different water regimes, and an analysis of various CF parameters. The increase in F0 and F0', and the reduction in ETR, Fv'/Fm', ΦPSII and qP values in response to water deficit should be an indicator of the impairment of the photosynthetic apparatus through drought., and R. Bączek-Kwinta ... [et al.].
In order to study a possible effect of mini-invasive heart intervention on a response of hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal stress axis, we analyzed four stress markers (cortisol, cortisone, DHEA and DHEAS) in 25 sows using minimally invasive heart catheterisation as the stress factor. The marker levels were assessed in four periods of the experiment, (1) the baseline level on the day before intervention, (2) after the introduction of anesthesia, (3) after conducting tissue stimulation or ablation, and (4) after the end of the catheterisation. For statistical analyses we used the non-parametric Friedman test for four dependent samples (including all four stages of the operation) or three dependent samples (influence of operation only, baseline level was excluded). Statistically significant differences in both Friedman tests were found for cortisol and for cortisone. Significant differences for DHEA as well as for DHEAS were found for all tested stages but not for the effect of operation itself. We have concluded that cortisol levels are blunted by the influence of anesthesia after its administration, and therefore decrease back to the baseline at the end of the operation. The other markers (cortisone, DHEA and DHEAS) acted as balanced systems against the injurious stress effect., H. Skarlandtová, M. Bičíková, P. Neužil, M. Mlček, V. Hrachovina, T. Svoboda, E. Medová, J. Kudlička, A. Dohnalová, Š. Havránek, H. Kazihnítková, L. Máčová, E. Vařejková, O. Kittnar., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Does a coherentist version of rationality issue requirements on states? Or does it issue requirements on processes? This paper evaluates the possibility of process-requirements. It argues that there are two possible definitions of state- and process-requirements: a satisfaction-based definition and a content-based definition. I demonstrate that the satisfaction-based definition is inappropriate. It does not allow us to uphold a clear-cut distinction between state- and process-requirements. We should therefore use a content-based definition of state- and process-requirements. However, a content-based definition entails that rationality does not issue process-requirements. Content-based process-requirements violate the principle that ''rationality requires'' implies ''can satisfy''. The conclusion of this paper therefore amounts to a radical rejection of process-requirements of rationality., Vyžaduje koherentní verze racionálních požadavků požadavky na státy? Nebo vydává požadavky na procesy? Tento článek hodnotí možnost procesních požadavků. Tvrdí, že existují dvě možné definice požadavků na stav a proces: definice založená na spokojenosti a definice založená na obsahu. Prokazuji, že definice založená na spokojenosti je nevhodná. To nám neumožňuje prosazovat jednoznačný rozdíl mezi požadavky na stav a proces. Měli bychom proto použít obsahovou definici požadavků na stav a proces. Definice založená na obsahu však znamená, že racionalita nevyžaduje procesní požadavky. Požadavky na obsah založené na obsahu porušují zásadu, že ,,racionalita vyžaduje'' znamená ,,uspokojit''., and Julian Fink
Ceremonial inauguration of Tokamak Compass-D that Czech Republic obtained as gift from Great Britain took place in April 1 2008 by participation e.g. chairman of AS CR Václav Pačes, ambasador of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Linda Joy Duffield, director of Association EUROATOM-IPP.CR Hardo Bruns and director of UKAEA Fusion Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith. A Tokamak Compass-D is a machine producing a toroidal magnetic field for confining a plasma. It is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices and the most researched candidate for producing fusion energy. and Marina Hužvárová.
Altogether 445 bats, representing nine species, caught during swarming in the Lodowa Cave in Mount Ciemniak, Western Tatra Mountains, southern Poland, were examined for ectoparasitic mites. In total, 259 spinturnicid (Spinturnix mystacina, S. andegavinus, S. kolenatii, S. plecotinus and S. myoti) and 95 argasid (Carios vespertilionis) mites were collected from seven bat species, Myotis myotis, M. mystacinus, M. brandtii, M. daubentonii, Eptesicus nilssonii, Plecotus auritus, and Vespertilio murinus. There were sex-based differences in the prevalence of mites in some hosts but no differences in their mean intensity and there was no observed relationship between the number of mites and the condition of the bats. The prevalence of mites differed significantly between years in E. nilssonii. The results suggested a very low mite load on swarming bats that had no impact on the body condition of bats.