This paper addresses the poorly understood patterning in the presence vs. absence of the accusative resumptive pronoun in the Czech relative clauses (RC) introduced by the absolutive relativizer co. Using both qualitative and frequency-based quantitative analysis, I investigate the distribution of the resumptive pronoun in authentic usage as attested in the Czech National Corpus. The study leads to the conclusion that the criteria that determine the distribution of the accusative resumptive pronoun go well beyond the traditionally invoked need for expressing agreement categories (gender, number) and grammatical relations (accusative object) or that the presence vs. absence of the pronoun should depend exclusively on the animacy of the relativized noun. Instead, the distribution appears to depend on the semantic compatibility between the relativized noun and the proposition expressed by the RC, reflecting a functional distinction between a determinative and non-determinative (explicative) interpretation of the RC; the former is unambiguously signaled by the bare relativizer co, the latter is available with the analytic co + resumptive pronounACC pattern as one of the interpretive options. and Článek se zabýv| problémem akuzativního z|jmena ve vztažných větách uvozených nesklonným co v češtině a hled| odpověď na dosud nezodpovězenou otázku, čím je v těchto větách přítomnost či nepřítomnost anaforického akuzativu podmíněna. Na základě kvalitativní i frekvenční analýzy korpusového materiálu docházíme k závěru, že korpus nijak nepotvrzuje tradičně postulovaná kritéria pro používání akuzativního zájmena, jimiž má být nutnost vyj|dřit gramatickou shodu s řídícím substantivem (v rodu a čísle) a gramatickou funkci ve vztažné větě (předmět) či role, kterou m| hr|t životnost řídícího substantiva (preferenční souvýskyt akuzativního z|jmena a neživotných substantiv). Rozbor autentického materi|lu naopak nasvědčuje tomu, že distribuce akuzativního z|jmena ve vztažných vět|ch s co je podmíněna sémantickou kompatibilitou mezi řídícím substantivem a propozičním obsahem vztažné věty, což se promítá do funkčního rozlišení mezi determinační a nedeterminační (explikativní) platností dané věty. Nepřítomnost anaforického akuzativu jednoznačně signalizuje funkci determinační, zatímco použití anaforického zájmena umožňuje obojí interpretaci.
Considering the effects of alcohol on cardiac electrical behavior as well as the important role of the inward rectifier potassium current I K1 in arrhythmogenesis, this study was aimed at the effect of acetaldehyd e, the primary metabolite of ethanol, on I K1 in rat ventricular myocytes. Acetaldehyde induced a reversible inhibition of I K1 with IC 50 = 53.7± 7.7 μM at -110 mV; a significant inhibition was documented even at clinically -relevant concentrations (at 3 μM by 13.1 ±3.0 % ). The inhibition was voltage -independent at physiological voltages above - 90 mV. The I K1 changes under acetaldehyde may contribute to alcohol - induced alterations of cardiac electrophysiology, especially in individuals with a genetic defect of a ldehyde dehydrogenase where the acetaldehyde level may be elevated., M. Bébarová, P. Matejovič, M. Šimurdová, J. Šimurda., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The achromatic number of a graph $G$ is the maximum number of colours in a proper vertex colouring of $G$ such that for any two distinct colours there is an edge of $G$ incident with vertices of those two colours. We determine the achromatic number of the Cartesian product of $K_5$ and $K_n$ for all $n \le 24$.
An acid pH in the lumen of chloroplast thylakoids is necessary in order to derive the required amount of CO2 to account for the observed rates of carbon fixation. We point out that the endosymbiotic derivation of the chloroplast from a cyanobacterium would have resulted in the lumen of the thylakoid having an acid pH. The thylakoids of cyanobacteria are continuous with the plasma membrane, resulting in the lumen of the thylakoid being open to the outside of the cell. Endosymbiosis resulted in the cyanobacterium being taken up into a food vacuole of a protozoan. The vacuole would have had an acid pH, probably around pH 5, so the endosymbiotic bacterium would have been surrounded by an environment with an acidic pH. The lumen of the thylakoids would have been at an acid pH since they were open to the exterior of the cell, and to the contents of the vacuole. and R. E. Lee, P. Kugrens.