We report the case of a 52year old man with severe acute pancreatitis. In this case report we discuss the undesirable effects of parenteral nutrition and the importance of nutritional support at patients with severe necrotizing pancreatitis. Severe acute pancreatitis is usually accompanied by systemic inflammatory response syndrome, which results in hypermetabolism with prominent protein catabolism. Providing nutrition to these patients is of paramount importance. An adequate nutritional support is crucial in patients with severe and complicated pancreatitis. A negative energy balance has a negative impact on the nutritional status and the disease progression., Shpata Vjollca, Kuneshka Loreta, Kurti Floreta, Ohri Ilir, and Literatura
To study efficiency of the combined treatment of advanced gastric cancer with inclusion Trastuzumab. Material: We present the intermediate analysis of the use of target therapy with Trastuzumab in patients with a HER2positive gastric cancer. Up to 01.10.2009y 118 patients have been tested for HER2 expression, and in 24 gastric cancer patients it is revealed HER2positive status of tumor. It is lead chemotherapy to all patients by the PLF regimen and Herceptin in doze 6 mg/kg once in 3 weeks (6 cycles). In control group in 26 patients it is lead only chemotherapy by the PLF regimen once in 3 weeks without addition Trastuzumab (6 cycles). Results: At the moment of the analysis of preliminary data, the median remission duration in compared groups has made 8.3 months, and 5.2 months, accordingly. Conclusion: At advanced gastric cancer with high level HER2 expression Trastuzumab increases frequency of objective effect and the median remission duration., M. D. Juraev, D. M. Egamberdiev, S. S. Khudayorov, H. N. Tuyev, and Literatura
This research paper presents the results of ovarian reserve estimation for 125 women with the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) who have undergone various methods of surgical treatment resection of the ovaries, thermokauterisation and drilling by laser (HoYag). Ovarian reserve was estimated according to the amount of antral follicles, level of follitropin and Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS), also named antiMüllerian hormone (AMH). Blood flow in ovarian tissue was also examined after various methods of surgical treatment. The study has shown that the gentlest method of surgical treatment is drilling by HoYag laser, which is least likely to injure the tissue of ovaries, and also this method is most effective in enhancing and preserving ovarian reserve., Vasiliy Simrok, Daria Simrok-Starcheva, and Literatura
Informovaný souhlas na gerontopsychiatrických odděleních je ke škodě pacientů opomíjené téma. Obsahem článku je komentovaný výčet vybraných důležitých problémů, které se váží především k informovanému souhlasu. Je upozorněno na to, že potíže souvisí s přetrvávající stigmatizací psychiatrie a s faktem, že psychiatričtí pacienti z řad seniorů očekávají paternalistický přístup ze strany lékařů. Redukci souvisejících komplikací lze také očekávat od funkčního systému opatrovnictví., The informed consent at geriatric psychiatric wards is – to the detriment of patients – a neglected topic. This article contains a commented enumeration of selected important issues that bind primarily to the informed consent. It points out that the problems are related to the continuing stigmatization of psychiatry and at the same time, to the fact that psychiatric patients among the seniors expect a paternalistic attitude of the physicians. Reduction of associated complications can be also expected from the functional system of guardianship., Alice Holečková, and Literatura
V tomto článku se zabýváme koncepčním zakotvením institutu „dříve projevených přání pacienta“. Institut vychází ze tří konceptů, z práva na sebeurčení, práva na ochranu lidské důstojnosti a právo na nedotknutelnost osoby. Člověk je kontextuální bytí. Z faktu kontextuality pak vyplývá požadavek kontextuální interpretace pacientova textu., In this article we reflect upon human rights principles of advance directives. Advance directives come from three concepts: right of self-determination, respect for human dignity and respect to human dignity. Human person is a contextual being. From the fact of contextuality comes demand for contextual interpretation of the patient’s text., Jaromír Matějek, and Literatura
Surgical treatment of inflammatory diseases of intestine remains actual problem, despite the progress of conservative therapy. In our research it was etablished, applying low and ultralow ileorectal anastomosis with circular stapling apparatus allows to reach reliability of the generated anastomoses, it is essential reduce operation time, reduce number of postoperative complications and reduce duration of patients stay in hospital., Navruzov B. S., Abdujabbarov S. B., Rahmonov S. T., and Literatura
The benefits of implementing interprofessional and teambased programs are well recognized. However, for interprofessional education to be effective and broadly implemented, the health professions, policymakers, insurers, academic institutions, health care providers, and regulatory bodies should embrace and adopt a new, interprofessional education framework. These stakeholders should create a shared value and vision for interprofessional health professions education, research, and practice. This vision should be patientoriented and contain a measurable component across the entire educational continuum, from admission into a health professional program through retirement. Such a framework would maximize and value the strengths of individual professions in the integrated delivery of high quality care. Finally, in creating a successful model, a series of questions should be considered: how best can team competence be measured, how should individual behavioral changes be documented when we think of individual rather than teamlevel changes, how do we create and measure performance criteria based on shared understanding and experience in the practice setting? Within academic settings, there are more specific barriers including a lack of administrative support, financial and human resources for interprofessional education, conflicts in schedules and health professions curricula, and limitations to the time required to plan and implement faculty development for interprofessional learning. Finally, despite progress, there remain regulatory and professional barriers to achieving full and meaningful implementation of effective models. Recommendations which are given emphasize that investing in research to evaluate the efficacy of continuing education and its impact on patient outcomes and the healthcare delivery system is inherent in this process., Biljana Gjorgjeska, and Literatura
Inversion of uterus is very rare and serious complication of childbirth. It is a situation with very high maternal morbidity and mortality, whitch can lead to developement of very serious periparthal bleeding, DIC, neurogenic and haematologic shock. In 50% without any risk factor. This case report demonstrates this acute case which was caused by then physiologic partus until then and it shoud demonstrate some eventuality to solve this emergent situation including the method used in this case - partially successful reposition attempt of uterus using vaginal path and resulting laparotomia., Inverze dělohy je velmi závažnou a naštěstí poměrně vzácnou komplikací III. doby porodní. Jedná se o stav s vysokou mateřskou morbiditou i mortalitou, při němž může velmi snadno dojít ke vzniku život ohrožujícího krvácení, diseminované intravaskulární koagulopatie a rozvoji hemoragického a neurogenního šoku. V 50 % případů vzniká bez jakéhokoli rizikového faktoru. Tato kazuistika demonstruje tento akutní stav vzniklý při, do té doby, fyziologicky probíhajícím porodu a nastiňuje několik možností k řešení této urgentní situace včetně toho námi zvoleného – částečně úspěšný pokus o repozici dělohy vaginální cestou a následnou laparotomii., Iva Pešková, and Literatura