Recently water resources reanalysis (WRR) global streamflow products are emerging from high- resolution global models as a means to provide long and consistent global streamflow products for assessment of global challenge such as climate change. Like any other products, the newly developed global streamflow products have limitations accurately represent the dynamics of local streamflow hydrographs. There is a need to locally evaluate and apply correction factors for better representation and make use of the data. This research focuses on the evaluation and correction of the bias embedded in the global streamflow product (WRR, 0.25°) developed by WaterGAP3 hydrological model in the upper Blue Nile basin part of Ethiopia. Three spatiotemporal dynamical bias correction schemes (temporalspatial variable, temporal-spatial constant and spatial variable) tested in twelve watersheds of the basin. The temporalspatial variable dynamical bias correction scheme significantly improves the streamflow estimation. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (NSCE) improves by 30% and bias decreases by 19% for the twelve streamflow gauging stations applying leave one out cross-validation approach in turn. Therefore, the temporal-spatial variable scheme is applicable and can use as one method for the bias correction to use the global data for local applications in the upper Blue Nile basin.
This review introduces dynamic assessment and its state of the art in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Mainstream static diagnostics focus on the current state of abilities. Current test performance can be misleading if an individual’s potential is not fully developed. It also does not provide information about the possibilities of effective intervention. The dynamic assessment focuses on the potential for further development. This text describes the essential characteristics of dynamic assessment and its types of use. Provided is a brief historical context of L. S. Vygotsky, who is, with R. Feuerstein, considered to be the founder of the field of dynamic assessment. The survey of the academic texts in the Czech and Slovak language is included. A substantial section introduces methods available in the Czech Republic and Slovakia: Feuerstein’s Learning Propensity Assessment Device (LPAD), Tzuriel’s methods, Lidz’s Application of Cognitive Functioning Scale (ACFS), Fabio’s Test of Intellectual Potential (TIP), and Džuka’s Dynamic Test of Latent Learning Abilities in 6-8-Year-Old Children (DTLUS 6-8). Dynamic assessment is an evolving and perspective field. Nevertheless, its potential is not entirely fulfilled, and it remains at the periphery of practice. and Prehľadový text predstavuje dynamickú diagnostiku a jej situáciu v Čechách a na Slovensku. Používaná diagnostika sa zväčša zameriava na zisťovanie aktuálneho stavu. Ak potenciál jedinca nie je plne rozvinutý, súčasný testový výkon môže byť skreslený. Zároveň nevypovedá o možnostiach efektívnej intervencie. Dynamická diagnostika sa zameriava práve na zisťovanie potenciálu pre ďalší rozvoj. Text predstavuje základné charakteristiky dynamickej diagnostiky a typy jej využitia. Stručne uvádza historický kontext a prácu L. S. Vygotského, ktorý je spolu s R. Feuersteinom pokladaný za zakladateľa tohto prístupu. Obsahuje prehľad odborných textov publikovaných v českom a slovenskom jazyku. Výrazná časť textu sa venuje predstaveniu metód, ktoré sú dostupné v Čechách a na Slovensku: Feuersteinovo Learning Propensity Assessment Device (LPAD), nástroje D. Tzuriela, Lidzovej Application of Cognitive Functions Scale (ACFS), Fabiovej Test intelektového potenciálu (TIP) a Džukov Dynamický test latentných učebných schopností 6–8 ročných detí (DTLUS 6-8). Dynamická diagnostika je rozvíjaná a perspektívna oblasť. Jej potenciál však nie je plne využitý a v praxi sa používa málo.
Studie představuje výsledky výzkumu zaměřeného na psychologické dopady spojené s epidemií covid-19 v České republice v průběhu měsíců březen–květen 2020. Cílem studie je sledovat a popsat dynamiku psychologických ukazatelů v čase, s ohledem na vývoj situace v ČR – od prvního nárůstu počtu nakažených a výrazných restrikcí, přes kulminaci a ústup první vlny epidemie, až k pomalému návratu do stavu uvolněných restrikcí. Výzkum pracuje se souborem 2716 respondentů ve věku 18–89 let, kteří se zúčastnili on-line dotazníkového šetření, případně byli dotazováni trénovanými výzkumnými asistenty (zejm. v případě seniorů a dalších osob, kteří neměli přístup k internetu). Výzkumná data zahrnovala deskriptivy účastníků a výsledky psychologických testů zaměřených na emoční stavy respondentů, jejich psychický nepokoj (distres) a přítomnost úzkosti a deprese. Tyto psychologické ukazatele byly sledovány jak v celém souboru, tak ve skupinách podle pohlaví a věku. Výsledky dokládají, že nastalá epidemická situace souvisela s výrazným nárůstem negativního emočního prožívání, se symptomatikou psychického nepokoje, úzkostí a depresí, a to až do období kulminace. Poté bylo zaznamenáno postupné zlepšování psychického stavu dotazovaných osob. Negativní dopady byly výraznější v populaci mladších dospělých a v populaci žen. Výsledky poukazují také na rozdílnosti v míře reportovaného stresu u izolovaných osob, které byly dotazovány zprostředkovaně (asistenty), oproti osobám, které reportovaly svůj stav přímo do dotazníku. V případě nezprostředkovaného dotazování byly hodnoty negativních psychických ukazatelů vyšší, oproti osobám, které byly dotazovány asistenty. and The study presents the results of a screening focused on the psychological impact associated with the outbreak and further development of COVID-19 pandemic in the Czech population during March – May 2020. The aim of the study was to investigate temporal dynamics of psychological impact covering the first wave of the epidemic, i.e., first phases of the epidemic growth, culmination, decrease, and slow return to a normal lifestyle. The sample of 2716 respondents aged between 18 and 89 years participated in an online survey from March 18th to May 25th, 2020; part of them (typically seniors and others, who had not access to the internet) were assisted in entering the data by trained interviewers. The survey comprised questionnaires capturing emotional states, psychological disturbance, anxiety, and depression. The changes in the scores by pandemic phase (time frame) were studied for the whole sample and for gender and age groups. The results show that the threat of COVID-19 caused a significant increase in negative emotional experience and in the symptoms of psychological disturbance, anxiety, and depression in the Czech population in time of infection culmination, even when the spread of the pandemic was well controlled, and then a gradual decline over time. The data indicated that the pandemic situation had a more pronounced impact on women and younger adults. The study also showed that in situations of pandemic stress associated with isolation, when isolated people are interviewed about their mental state, their reports on negative experiencing might be significantly reduced compared to direct anonymous selfreports data entry.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is characterized by diffuse lung damage, inflammation, oedema formation, and surfactant dysfunction leading to hypoxemia. Severe ARDS can accelerate the injury of other organs, worsening the patient´s status. There is an evidence that the lung tissue injury affects the right heart function causing cor pulmonale. However, heart tissue changes associated with ARDS are still poorly known. Therefore, this study evaluated oxidative and inflammatory modifications of the heart tissue in two experimental models of ARDS induced in New Zealand rabbits by intratracheal instillation of neonatal meconium (100 mg/kg) or by repetitive lung lavages with saline (30 ml/kg). Since induction of the respiratory insufficiency, all animals were oxygen-ventilated for next 5 h. Total and differential counts of leukocytes were measured in the arterial blood, markers of myocardial injury [(troponin, creatine kinase - myocardial band (CK-MB), lactate dehydrogenase (LD)] in the plasma, and markers of inflammation [tumour necrosis factor (TNF)α, interleukin (IL)-6], cardiovascular risk [galectin-3 (Gal-3)], oxidative changes [thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), 3-nitrotyrosine (3NT)], and vascular damage [receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE)] in the heart tissue. Apoptosis of heart cells was investigated immunohistochemically. In both ARDS models, counts of total leukocytes and neutrophils in the blood, markers of myocardial injury, inflammation, oxidative and vascular damage in the plasma and heart tissue, and heart cell apoptosis increased compared to controls. This study indicates that changes associated with ARDS may contribute to early heart damage what can potentially deteriorate the cardiac function and contribute to its failure.
Translocations of individuals for re-introductions and population reinforcements have been increasingly used in carnivore conservation. Movement is the first behavioural response of reintroduced animals to “forced dispersal” in a new habitat. Our study investigated space use and movement patterns of six male Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) translocated from the Carpathian to the Dinaric Mountains and released at four different sites in Croatia and Slovenia. Data were collected during their early post-release period (i.e. three months after the release) to investigate the first behavioural response following the translocation. Released lynx were monitored with GPS-GSM-VHF telemetry collars set to collect GPS locations in intervals between 4 and 24 h. All animals settled during the study period, on average 23 days (SD = 16.5) after the release. Although outside of the monitoring period that was the focus of this study, two lynx left their first territory 102 and 92 days after their release and went on a second exploratory movement. The main movement direction of the released animals was to the NW-SE, corresponding to the orientation of the predominant ridgelines of the Dinaric Mountain range. Furthermore, by comparing the use and availability of the terrain aspect, we concluded that the lynx chose to move along the mountain range and not perpendicular to the mountain, i.e. they avoided moving uphill and downhill. First kill sites of all animals were detected on average 3.4 days (SD = 1.7) after the release. This study brought valuable theoretical and practical knowledge on the early movement behaviour of translocated lynx that should be considered when planning translocations.
Hypoxia is one of the major pathological factors affecting brain function. The aim of the present study was to describe the effect of neonatal hypobaric hypoxia on the behavior of rats and to analyze its effect on hippocampal neurodegeneration. Hypobaric hypoxia at a simulated altitude of 9000 m was induced for one hour in neonatal rat pups (PND7 and PND9) of both sexes. Subsequently, the rats underwent behavioral testing on PND25 and PND35 using a LABORAS apparatus to assess spontaneous behavior. Hypoxia did not cause any morphological damage in the hippocampus of rats. However, hypoxia on PND7 led to less horizontal locomotor activity both in males (on PND25) and females (on PND35). Hypoxia on PND9 led to higher rearing in females on PND25. Hypoxic males exhibited higher grooming activity, while females lower grooming activity on PND35 following hypoxia induced on PND7. In females, hypoxia on PND9 resulted in higher grooming activity on PND25. Sex differences in the effect of hypoxia were observed on PND35, when hypoxic males compared to hypoxic females displayed more locomotor, rearing and grooming activity. Our data suggest that hypoxia on PND7 versus PND9 differently affects locomotion and grooming later in adolescence and these effects are sex-dependent.
Uterus transplantation (UTx) is a promising treatment option for women who wish to give birth but suffer from absolute uterine factor infertility. This paper presents an interim analysis of a trial focusing on the causes, prevention, diagnosis, and management of graft thrombosis. Our team analyzed 10 cases of UTx (recipients numbered 1 to 10). Early thrombosis developed in 2 of 10 (20 %) recipients, and thrombectomy and temporary viability preservation were achieved in both cases. However, re-thrombosis developed in both cases, and a graft hysterectomy was carried out. In recipient number 2, vascular changes might have contributed to graft thrombosis. The histopathological finding of the explant revealed subintimal excentric fibrosis with focal sclerotic changes. In recipient number 8, thrombosis was facilitated by external compression of the vascular pedicles by the hematoma as well as production of de novo donor-specific antibodies. Thrombosis led to graft loss in both cases despite an attempt at a thrombectomy. Therefore, the focus must be on the prevention including a thorough evaluation of the donor candidate. In the postoperative course, perfusion is closely followed-up with an ultrasound, Doppler flow monitoring, and macroscopic evaluation of the cervix. In the case that findings are unclear, a relaparotomy should be promptly indicated. If thrombosis is revealed, a thrombectomy and an attempt to salvage of the graft are indicated; however, the role of this strategy is questionable due to the low chance of long-term success. The indication of upfront graft removal and early retransplantation in the treatment of uterine graft remains debatable.
Based on light and electron microscopical studies, a new nematode parasite, Echinocephalus inserratus sp. n. (Spirurida: Gnathostomatidae), is described from the spiral valve of the broad cowtail stingray Pastinachus ater (Macleay) (Dasyatidae, Myliobatiformes) from off New Caledonia. The new species is morphologically and biometrically most similar to Echinocephalus overstreeti Deardorff et Ko, 1983, differing from it mainly in the absence of serrations on the posterior parts of pseudolabia and on interlabia, and in having a longer gubernaculum (150-299 µm long). Morphologically unidentifiable, mostly encapsulated larvae of Echinocephalus spp. were recorded from the following six species of teleost fishes collected in New Caledonian waters, serving as paratenic hosts: Perciformes: Acanthopagrus berda (Forsskål) (Sparidae) and Nemipterus furcosus (Valenciennes) (Nemipteridae); Tetraodontiformes: Abalistes stellatus (Anonymous), Pseudobalistes fuscus (Bloch et Schneider) (both Balistidae), Lagocephalus sceleratus (Gmelin) (Tetraodontidae) and Aluterus monoceros (Linnaeus) (Monacanthidae). Co-parasitising larvae of Ascarophis sp. and Hysterothylacium sp. were also collected from P. fuscus. All these findings represent new host and geographical records. A key to valid species of Echinocephalus Molin, 1858 is provided.
Alveolar echinococcosis is a severe chronic helminthic disease that mimics slow-growing liver cancer. The immune evasion strategy of Echinococcus multilocularis Leuckart, 1863 remains poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate in vitro the impact of E. multilocularis vesicular fluid (Em-VF) on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and on natural killer (NK) cells. PBMC and NK cells were exposed to Em-VF (1 µg/ml) during six days. The effect of Em-VF was assessed on CD69, viability and proliferation, and on and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), interferon γ (IFN-γ), interleukin 17 (IL-17) and interleukin 10, using flow cytometry and ELISA, respectively. Exposure to Em-VF had no bearing on PBMC's viability, proliferation and expression of CD69. In contrast, higher levels of IL-17 at day three and of TGF-β at day six were observed in PBMC supernatant after exposure to Em-VF (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon signed-rank test). Exposure to Em-VF induced a significant decrease of CD69 expression of NK cells at day three and a significant decrease of proliferation of NK cells at day six (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon signed-rank test). In contrast, NK cells viability and levels of cytokines did not vary significantly over Em-VF stimulation. Exposure to Em-VF had a significant bearing on activation and proliferation of NK cells. NK cells may play an important role in the immune response of the host against E. multilocularis., Anne-Pauline Bellanger, Valentine Mougey, Jean-René Pallandre, Houssein Gbaguidi-Haore, Yann Godet, Laurence Millon., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Rove beetles (Staphylinidae) are used to explore the forces that shaped the terrestrial fauna on Læsø, a young ca. 3000 year old Danish oceanic island located in the Kattegat strait between mainland Denmark and Sweden. We compile a detailed list of species of rove beetles for Læsø (328 species) and the surrounding Danish and Swedish regions (altogether 1075 species), which includes a standardized inventory of their body sizes, and the habitat and microhabitat preference of each species. The composition of the fauna on Læsø and adjacent mainland regions points to North-Eastern Jutland as the main source of the rove beetles on Læsø. Although large beetles are more active and likely to disperse than small beetles, there is no bias towards large species on the island indicating that the sea separating Læsø from the mainland has not been a barrier for rove beetle dispersal. The statistical analysis of the habitat and microhabitat preferences of the species of the entire system studied has shown that Læsø, compared to the mainland areas, is distinctly more dominated by ecological generalists, especially by species adapted to ephemeral, temporary humid microhabitats. Presumably, the mosaic of mostly dry open habitats available on Læsø filters for species, that are able to populate these suboptimal habitats via patches of humid but ephemeral microhabitats. A comprehensive eco-faunistic dataset for the Staphylinidae compiled for this study is the first modern account of the rove beetle fauna on the Danish island of Læsø., Aslak K. Hansen, Mathias J. Justesen, Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas, David B. Byriel, Jan Pedersen, Alexey Solodovnikov., and Obsahuje bibliografii