One of the most difficult problems of celestial mechanics was the interpretation of irregularities of motion of Jupiter and Saturn. Kepler observed a decreasing mean motion for Saturn and an increasing one for Jupiter. Newton's first treatment of this phenomenon was fundamentally qualitative. Euler derived, from the inverse-square law of gravitation, differential equations for the perturbations. Subsequently, he introduced an analytical method known as the variation of orbital elements., Vladimír Štefl., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Český národní program "Zdraví 21", zahájený v roce 2002, zcela selhal v oblasti primární prevence. V první dekádě jeho plnění se zdravotně významné komponenty životního stylu (kuřáctví, stravovací zvyklosti, nadváha, pohybová aktivita, alkohol, drogy) v české populaci nezlepšily, ale naopak, v některých směrech dále upadaly. Incidence hromadných neinfekčních onemocnění narůstala. V připravovaném programu na léta 2015–2020 by bylo třeba v uvedených směrech dosáhnout obratu. Jsou diskutovány předpoklady k naplnění tohoto cíle., The Czech national programme "Health 21", launched in 2002, completely failed in the field of primary prevention. The health determinants of life style (smoking, diet, overweight, physical activity, alcohol, drugs) did not improve in the 2002–2011 period. On the contrary, they got worse in some aspects. The incidence of mass non-infectious diseases increased. In the new programme in preparation for the period 2015–2020, a turn for the better should be reached. Prerequisites to it are discussed., Jaroslav Kotulán, and Literatura
K+-p-nitrophenylphosphatase (K+pNPPase) is the enzyme, which is considered to be involved in K+-dependent hydrolysis of the phosphoenzyme in the reaction cycle of Na+, K+-ATPase. The aim of our present study was to characterize some features of K+pNPPase in homogenates of the rat brain and liver. We determined p-nitrophenylphosphatase (pNPPase) activity in the presence of various ion combinations (Mg 2++K+, Mg2+, K+). We found a higher total pNPPase activity in the brain (0.8±0.079 nkat/mg protein) than in the liver (0.08±0.01 nkat/mg protein). Contrary to the liver, the main part of the total brain activity was K+-dependent. The activity of K+pNPPase was significantly higher in cerebral cortex homogenates (0.86±0.073 nkat/mg protein) in comparison to those of the whole brain (0.57±0.075 nkat/mg protein). The specific K+pNPPase activity was two times higher in the isolated pellet fraction (0.911±0.07 nkat/mg protein), rich in synaptosomes, compared to the whole brain homogenate (0.57±0.075 nkat/mg protein). Our results demonstrate the high activity of K+pNPPase in the brain tissue and its distribution mainly into the pellet fraction, what might indicate a possible role of K+pNPPase in specific structures of the brain, e.g. in synaptosomes., M. Ďurfinová, M. Brechtlová, B. Líška, Ž. Barošková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The K13 propeller domain mutation and pfmdr1 amplification have been proposed as useful molecular markers for detection and monitoring of artemisinin resistant Plasmodium falciparum Welch, 1897. Genomic DNA isolates of P. falciparum was extracted from 235 dried blood spot or whole blood samples collected from patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria residing in areas along the Thai-Myanmar border during 2006-2010. Nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing were performed to detect mutations in K13 propeller domain of P. falciparum at codon 427-709. Pfmdr1 gene copy number was determined by SYBR Green I real-time PCR. High prevalence of pfmdr1 multiple copies was observed (42.5% of isolates). The presence of K13 mutations was low (40/235, 17.2%). Seventeen mutations had previously been reported and six mutations were newly detected. The C580Y was found in two isolates (0.9%). The F446I, N458Y and P574L mutations were commonly detected. Seven isolates had both K13 mutation and pfmdr1 multiple copies. It needs to be confirmed whether parasites harbouring both K13 mutation and pfmdr1 multiple copies and/or the observed new mutations of K13 propeller domain are associated with clinical artemisinin resistance., Papichaya Phompradit, Wanna Chaijaroenkul, Phunuch Muhamad, Kesara Na-Bangchang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We have tested the hypothesis that neurons of both the ventral reticular nucleus and the adjacent parts of the lateral tegmental field (LTF) may be important for the production of motor programs associated with cough, expiration and aspiration reflexes. Our studies were conducted on non-decerebrate, spontaneously breathing cats under pentobarbitone anesthesia. Dysfunction of the medullary LTF region above the obex, produced by uni- or bilateral injections of kainic acid (a neurotoxin), regularly abolished the cough reflex evoked by mechanical stimulation of both the tracheobronchial and laryngeal regions and in most cases also the expiration reflex induced from the glottal area. However, some electrical activity still occurred in the neurogram of the recurrent laryngeal nerve during probing the laryngeal and glottal regions. Interestingly, the aspiration reflex elicited from the nasopharynx regularly persisted, although with lower intensity after the LTF lesion. Nevertheless, successive midcollicular decerebration performed in four cats also abolished the aspiration reflex. These experiments demonstrate the importance of medullary LTF neurons for the normal occurrence of cough and expiration reflexes. One possible explanation for the elimination of these expulsive processes is that the blockade of the LTF neurons may remove an important source of a facilitatory input to the brainstem circuitries that mediate cough and expiration reflexes. In addition, the potential importance of the mesencephalic reticular formation for the occurrence of the aspiration reflex and the role of the LTF in modulating both the eupnoeic breathing and the blood pressure are also discussed., J. Jakuš, A. Stránsky, I. Poliaček, H. Baráni, Ľ. Bošeľová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
On March 12, 1781, the lodge "Zur wahren Eintracht" ("True Concord"), which was originally a secession of the lodge "Zur gekrönten Hoffnung" ("Crowned Hope"), was initiated - a lodge that would show itself to be paramount for the further development of Freemasonry in Austria. It supported the establishment of new masons’ guilds in the provinces of the Habsburg monarchy and actively contributed there. The deputized Grand Master and ducal Saxe‐Weimar resident at the Viennese Court, Christian Bernhard von Isenflamm, envisaged the construction of an elite lodge, which could indeed be built. While at first, aulic surgeon Ignaz Fisher assumed the titular administration of the lodge - Isenflamm had refused a function due to his public status - later privy councilor Ignaz Edler von Born, who as Master of the Chair would soon advance the lodge to an elite association with a literary‐scientific inclination, joined with his circle. Born did not publicly support the establishment of an imperial academy in Vienna, because he wanted to realize the academic thought within Freemasonry. The lodge "Zur wahren Eintracht" especially lent itself to the achievement of this goal, because it had been headed from the beginning by men of the sciences. Under Joseph II, the Freemasons used the press well in order to gain a broader base of influence. However, because the Freemasons were not willing to be politically instrumented by Joseph II, Joseph II issued an imperial hand billet which reduced the number of lodges and with which the emperor hoped to bring the Freemasons under his control. The imperial hand billet resulted in a veritable flood of brochures which had already started in 1781 and now received fresh impetus. The disappointment of the Freemasons was immense and the imperial decree led to the demise of the lodges in Austria., Helmut Reinalter., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Práce pojednává stručně o nových názorech na fyziologii, patofyziologii a praktické aspekty kalcia a vitaminu D. Zdrojem kalcia jsou živiny, zejména mléko a mléčné výrobky, a dále farmaceutické preparáty. Jsou zmíněny názory na jejich užitečnost i občas uváděné nežádoucí účinky. V celém světě je velmi aktuální nedostatečná saturace obyvatelstva vitaminem D. Je poukázáno na důležitost sledování jaterního metabolitu 25(OH)D3, který je markerem stavu vitaminu D, a jeho roli při fyziologických i patofyziologických pochodech. Klíčová slova: fyziologické a patofyziologické účinky – kalcium – vitamin D, The authors describe briefly recent views on physiological, pathological and practical aspects of calcium and vitamin D. The sources of calcium are the nutrients, mammal milk and milk products as well as pharmaceutical products. Their beneficial and potentially hazardous effects are discussed. The insufficiency of vitamin D [25(OH)D3] is a global health problem and the necessity of monitoring of this hepatic metabolite (as a marker) is emphasized due to its role in physiological and pathological processes. Key words: calcium – physiological and pathophysiological effects – vitamin D, and Jaroslav Blahoš, Václav Vyskočil